10,000 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2024
    1. effectively giving it its own namespac

      own namespace

    2. import each module's features inside a module object.

      import each module's features inside of a module object -

    1. Communica - Template


    2. This template is mainly based on Communica an open-source knowledge graph querying framework
    1. 🍼 A plugin driven framework to build WYSIWYG Markdown editor.

      plugin driven framework

    2. The WYSIWYG Markdown Editor Framework


    1. Slash & Tooltip - Write fast for everyone, driven by plugin

      slash and tooltip

    2. Milkdown is a WYSIWYG markdown editor framework.

      found a way to annotate playground function scrub () { x = document.getElementsByTagName("main")[0] document.body.innerHTML=x.innerHTML document.head.innerHTML = document.head.innerHTML + '<link rel="canonical" href="' + location.href + '">' }

    1. perfect except not annotatable?

      Getting Started | Milkdown


    2. When shown in Playground annotations are not shown in the document pane

      prepare for annotations

      • switch to developer mode
      • copy paste the function bellow
      • invoke

      now document content can be annotated


      the location of the page is set as the canonical address of the content so that even when a version of this is saved on IPFS annotations created on the original page will show up

      then we can use the existing Indy.Ann0 tool

      currently hosted at pinata custom gateway


      This scrubbibg mechanism can be used to exfiltrate content manipulated with existing

      milkdown play ground

      ``` function scrub () { x = document.getElementsByTagName("main")[0] document.body.innerHTML=x.innerHTML document.head.innerHTML = document.head.innerHTML + '<link rel="canonical" href="' + location.href + '">'

      } ```

    3. reate your own plugin

      to support your awesome idea.

    4. enable or disable
      • custom syntax and
      • feature you like,

      such as - table, - latex and - tooltip

    5. additional plugins

      provide - syntax, - commands and - components

      // Indy.Pad - structure - interpretation - transform - transmorph - morphic presentation

    6. tiny core

      provides a - plugin loader and - all kinds of internal plugins.

    1. 🍼 Milkdown is a WYSIWYG markdown editor framework. It aims to provide you the ability to build WSIWYG markdown editor that fit your imagine. The project is created by Mirone in 2021 and actively maintained.


    1. Understanding Headless Slash Plugin

      This is exactly what is needed for HPMIX

    1. Today, we're going to settle the question once and for all – which is superior? Documentation in a plain-text editor using Markdown, or creating content in ...
    2. Trix - A rich text editor for everyday writing. Tui Editor - Markdown WYSIWYG Editor. GFM Standard + Chart & UML Extensible.; UEditor - UEditor is a WYSIWYG ...
    3. Nov 22, 2019 — A minimal rich text editor, with on'y bold, italic, underline, bullets and font colors would be fantastic! david November 22, 2019, 5:18pm 4.

      Rich text editor for rich text field

    4. Jun 10, 2019 — The rich text editor producing markdown would be perfect, as it's WYSIWYG and pretty straightforward . I think a html to markdown converter ...
    1. (https://unpkg.com/turndown/dist/turndown.js 77) here:


    2. extending that same rich text editor to also produce markdown output

      extend rich text editor to produce moarkdown

    3. https://github.com/leeoniya/reMarked.js 87, and produce markdown from the rich text editor

      remarked producing markdown

    4. Works great! I never realised you could add libraries. Cheers!

      add libraries to retool

      html to markdown conversion


    1. A project similar to Markdownify but executed on the client.

      produce markdown output

    1. here are currently no WYSIWYG editors for markdown, only WYSIWYM, which still require knowledge of markdown syntax and its many quirky flavors.

      no WYSIWYG editor for markdown only WYSIWM

    1. Today, we're going to settle the question once and for all – which is superior? Documentation in a plain-text editor using Markdown, or creating content in ...

      Markdown vs fitch formatting

    1. never dream of “linking” their bank accounts to anything?

      linking bankaccounts to anything

    2. task of designing a personalized experience to people who are very much used to giving their data away fell to us

      giving their data away

    3. Designing for Privacy

    1. break down when it comes to handling the messy markup

      third-party WYSIWYG implementations tend to - break down

      when it comes to - handling the messy markup - that those editors emit

    2. How to set up this bad boy

      trying to annotate

    3. Engineered for modern modules

      That is the way to go

    4. performing complex formatting and cleanup operations under the hood

      We can annotate it too

      not reallt

    1. Typester is a robust editor that is flexible, powerful, and— above all— simple. We have designed it to do what it's meant to do, do it well, and then stay out of the way.

      Designed it what it meant to do

    1. working on big documents and we need to be able to send links to certain parts.

      link to specific section

    2. Anchors don't work

      in Crypt.Pad

    1. Steps to Run

      snarf - !!-👀❓✔️-.❌📡 todo-checkout - HTMX Offline

    2. htmx-offline

      <svg height="32" aria-hidden="true" viewBox="0 0 16 16" version="1.1" width="32" data-view-component="true" class="octicon octicon-mark-github v-align-middle color-fg-default"> <path d="M8 0c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8a8.013 8.013 0 0 1-5.45 7.59c-.4.08-.55-.17-.55-.38 0-.27.01-1.13.01-2.2 0-.75-.25-1.23-.54-1.48 1.78-.2 3.65-.88 3.65-3.95 0-.88-.31-1.59-.82-2.15.08-.2.36-1.02-.08-2.12 0 0-.67-.22-2.2.82-.64-.18-1.32-.27-2-.27-.68 0-1.36.09-2 .27-1.53-1.03-2.2-.82-2.2-.82-.44 1.1-.16 1.92-.08 2.12-.51.56-.82 1.28-.82 2.15 0 3.06 1.86 3.75 3.64 3.95-.23.2-.44.55-.51 1.07-.46.21-1.61.55-2.33-.66-.15-.24-.6-.83-1.23-.82-.67.01-. 1.31 2.69.94 0 .67.01 1.3.01 1.49 0 .21-.15.45-.55.38A7.995 7.995 0 0 1 0 8c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8Z"></path> </svg>

    3. apps that require offline functionality

      It is a widely held belief that - htmx cannot be used for apps that require offline functionality.

      This is a reasonable assumption given that htmx is all about - sending HTTP requests.

      However, a service worker can - intercept HTTP requests and - process them.

      The processing could include - interacting with an IndexedDB database.

      For some web applications, this enables all the functionality to work offline.

    1. HTMX Playground


    2. About A simple code sandbox for playing around with HTMX. No setup needed!

      📖✍️- 🎮| 🅈 ann0te - HTMX Playground

      from - 📖✍️- 🎮| 🅈 ann0te - HTMX Playground |  🅈

    1. Github repo: https://github.com/lassebomh/htmx-playground


    2. ​📖✍️- 🎮| 🅈 ann0te - HTMX Playground | ​ 🅈

    3. htmx is laser focused on
      • generalizing hypermedia controls in HTML
      • (anchors & forms)
    4. makes htmx more work, in general, to accomplish things but also less opaque

      more work less opaque

      todo-checkout - phoenix liveview

    5. "avoid writing javascript,

      not executing!

    6. multi-swap extension

      todo - dig - multi-swap extension

    7. Unpoly https://unpoly.com/ excels

      todo-dig - unipoly

    8. I made a HTMX Playground 100% in the browser (lassebomh.github.io)

      HTMX Playground

    1. Why Use Virtual Machines for Privacy and Security? Not Obvious! Top 6 List!

      Some may already know that there are cybersecurity benefits to using a virtual machine. But less known are the privacy benefits. There are threats that can't be solved unless you use a virtual machine for example, it may be the only solution against Facebook

    1. Google's Playstore offers millions of apps, but due to censorship, Google's anti-competitiveness, and platform restrictions, not every good app can be found in the store. So the only way to get such apps is by sideloading or manually installing them on your Android device.

      Google's Playstore offers millions of apps, but due to - censorship, - Google's anti-competitiveness, and - platform restrictions,

      not every good app can be found in the store.

      So the only way to get such apps is by - sideloading or - manually installing them on your Android device.

      for - APK

    2. How to manually install or sideload apps on Android as APKs

      concept : sideload

    1. Description <svg width="24px" height="23px" viewBox="0 0 24 23" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"> <title>android</title> <g id="Icons-2021" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"> <g id="Artboard" transform="translate(-20.000000, -25.000000)" fill="#000000" fill-rule="nonzero"> <g id="android" transform="translate(20.000000, 25.000000)"> <g transform="translate(1.000000, 0.000000)"> <path d="M2.104,7.831 C1.33,7.831 0.534,8.464 0.534,9.239 L0.534,14.871 C0.534,15.644 1.33,16.277 2.104,16.277 C2.877,16.277 3.674,15.644 3.674,14.871 L3.674,9.239 C3.674,8.464 2.877,7.831 2.104,7.831 Z" id="Path"></path> <path d="M4.721,16.944 C4.721,18.11 5.648,19.343 6.814,19.343 L6.814,21.871 C6.814,22.643 7.086,22.482 7.86,22.482 C8.634,22.482 9.953,22.643 9.953,21.871 L9.953,19.343 L12.046,19.343 L12.046,21.871 C12.046,22.643 13.364,22.482 14.139,22.482 C14.914,22.482 15.186,22.643 15.186,21.871 L15.186,19.343 C16.351,19.343 17.279,18.11 17.279,16.944 L17.279,8.878 L4.721,8.878 L4.721,16.944 Z" id="Path"></path> <path d="M13.609,2.743 L14.499,1.022 C14.544,0.936 14.512,0.825 14.426,0.78 C14.338,0.735 14.232,0.766 14.188,0.851 L13.284,2.587 C12.575,2.315 11.806,2.164 11,2.164 C10.195,2.164 9.426,2.315 8.717,2.587 L7.813,0.85 C7.769,0.765 7.662,0.73 7.576,0.775 C7.49,0.82 7.455,0.927 7.5,1.013 L8.392,2.743 C6.398,3.645 4.955,5.738 4.704,7.831 L17.296,7.831 C17.044,5.738 15.602,3.645 13.609,2.743 Z M8.907,6.785 L7.86,6.785 L7.86,5.738 L8.906,5.738 L8.906,6.785 L8.907,6.785 Z M14.14,6.785 L13.093,6.785 L13.093,5.738 L14.14,5.738 L14.14,6.785 Z" id="Shape"></path> <path d="M19.896,7.831 C19.122,7.831 18.327,8.464 18.327,9.239 L18.327,14.871 C18.327,15.644 19.122,16.277 19.896,16.277 C20.671,16.277 21.466,15.644 21.466,14.871 L21.466,9.239 C21.466,8.464 20.671,7.831 19.896,7.831 Z" id="Path"></path> </g> </g> </g> </g> </svg>

    2. Brave Browser 1.64.113 A browser that incorporates AdBlock

      brave apk

      alternative to playstore

    1. APKPure is a totally free APK downloader for Android phone and tablet. Download apk directly from Android market even without Google play store account.


      for - APK

    2. The Best Google Play Store AlternativesTop App Stores and other similar apps like Google Play Store

      for - alternative.to - Google Play Store - indy0@cryptpad.fr

      for - apk

    3. no mandatory account creation or subscriptions,

      for - no account - manadaatory account creation - autonomous longtail software

    1. Search Result: google play store

      for - alternative.to - Google Play Store - indy0@cryptpad.fr

    1. low latencies

      To make the demo instance available - with low latencies in as many countries as possible,

      we use Cloudflare.

      One of the downsides is that Cloudflare intercepts all TLS traffic between your browser and the demo instance, which makes the demo unsuitable for private notes.

      ⚖️-🦔📏📝 evaluate - HedgeDoc | indy0

    2. Demo instance

    1. Features
      • real-time,
      • multi-platform
      • collaborative

      markdown note editor

    1. open-source, web-based, self-hosted, collaborative markdown editor.

      collaborative markdown editor

    2. HedgeDocIdeas grow better together.

      Self-hosted Stay in control of your data. Keep it on your server.

      from https://hyp.is/mq9c3vIQEe6ajGMqnH78jw/github.com/Peergos/Peergos/projects/2

    1. Privacy protections Leo is free to use and no user login or account is required. Leo does not collect identifiers such as your IP Address that can be linked to you. No personal data is retained by the AI model or any 3rd-party model providers.

      Brave Leo is a private AI smart assistant that enhances your use of the Internet.

      no user login

      or account -

    2. Brave Leo is a private AI smart assistant that enhances your use of the Internet.

      Ask Leo to summarize a webpage you’re viewing. Or ask questions about the page, and get answers, clarifications, and other viewpoints. Brave Leo can also create content, translate between different languages, and transcribe audio and video. It can even have back-and-forth conversations.

      Leo is free to use with limited access. Brave Leo Premium offers more models, higher limits and gives subscribers early access to new features.

    1. We have finally finished the LiaScript documentation
    2. See the video here, to get an impression:
    3. We made also some a screen-recording for every chapter

      Here is the introduction to hashtag#JavaScript in LiaScript, where we had re-imagined the usage and the capabilities of JavaScript. In our case JavaScript is used as a component, that serve multiple purposes:

      • In can simply perform a calculation and directly output the result as part of the text.

      • It can also output HTML or LiaScript

      • Users can interact with scripts, since they can be combined with different input elements

      • Users can inspect every calculation by double-clicking onto the result

      • Users can modify and rerun this code

      • Scripts can be combined with animations

      • Scripts can be combined with other scripts to form an execution graph, when on script finished, its result can trigger the execution of another script

      • Scripts can be combined with the Internationalization API for optimized formatting

      • And much more ;-)

    1. Potential App Ports From Potential App Ports Copy card link HedgeDoc - https://hedgedoc.org Added by ianopolous


    1. Visualization

      Processing.js - is the sister project of the popular Processing visual programming language, designed for the web. Processing.js makes your data visualizations, digital art, interactive animations, educational graphs, video games, etc. work using web standards

      VTK.js is a JavaScript library available for scientific visualization in your browser.

    2. Index of LiaScript Templates
      • Algebrite is a Javascript library for symbolic mathematics (technically, CoffeeScript) designed to be comprehensible and easily extensible.
      • a high-level grammar of interactive graphics. It provides a concise JSON syntax for rapidly generating visualizations to support analysis plantUML diagrams
      • Sequence Usecase Class Activity Component, State Object Deployment Timing ...

      MermaidJS - generating charts from text

      rextester - Support for 45 different programming languages

      Tau-Prolog - functional Prolog-Interpreter for JavaScript

      Curiosity-Prolog - Prolog-Interpreter implemented in 160 lines of JavaScript code.

      Skulpt: - Skulpt is an entirely in-browser implementation of Python. No preprocessing, plugins, or server-side support required, just write Python and reload.

      Pyodide: - The Python scientific stack, compiled to WebAssembly. It provides transparent conversion of objects between Javascript and Python. When inside a browser, this means Python has full access to the Web APIs.

      BiwaScheme: - a Scheme interpreter written in JavaScript.

      AlaSQL - is a lightweight client-side in-memory SQL database designed to work in browser and Node.js.

      Turtle - A port of tiny-turtle.js to LiaScript,

      Web Development - A general template that can be used to create online curses on web development including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

    3. Turtle A port of tiny-turtle.js to LiaScript,

      Must check out

    1. Template for including mermaidJS graphs into LiaScript

    2. Template for integrating aframe into LiaScript courses

    3. LiaScript template for interactive SPARQL-queries and playing around with the semantic web technologies

    4. 41 public repositories

    1. Languages and paradigms ... OER enthusiast ... creator of LiaScript, the first open Markup language for open online course development ...

    1. Custom DomainsFor $9 per month (billed annually) a Custom Domain subscription enables a stable domain for your tunnel with a priority share of the bandwidth on the localhost.run system.

      custom domains

    1. localhost.run<3 local dev

      localhost.run logo localhost.run


    1. serveoHow it worksManualAlternativesSelf-hosttrevor@serveo.net




    1. Learners can use the system in an exploratory way and in a constructive way. When using the system in an exploratory way, learners navigate through the public knowledge graph compiled by public elements of each personal knowledge graph led by their aims and interests. In constructive use, learners create a personal knowledge graph by interlinking and arranging different knowledge resources, either from the web or other learners’ knowledge graphs.

    2. unable to annotate

      A Collaborative Linked Learning Space

      Current learning systems typically do not allow students to combine learning materials with additional content, for example materials found on the web. We present a system that enables both educators and students to augment learning resources by creating meaningful links between them. In this way, both students and educators can benefit from the augmentations of others, and relate them to personal knowledge.

    1. PeerServer: A server for PeerJS PeerServer helps establishing connections between PeerJS clients. Data is not proxied through the server. Run your own server on Gitpod!
    1. Selfhosted server as an option. e.g: https://github.com/peers/peerjs-server. I am not sure if this is compatible with trystero. If it "just works", this can be offered as an alternative to the default config.

      run your on server trystero peerjs

    2. The IPFS strategy is also usually the slowest to connect.


    3. WebRTC connection takes 5~10 seconds and multiple ICE TURN servers fail



    1. andre-dietrich commented

      What a beautiful piece of art and

      I am sad, that I did not discover it earlier ...

      All the examples/connections work like charm, but I could not create a working IPFS connection.

      Maybe this needs some additional configuration that I am not aware of?

      I would like to embed your work into our OER

      (Open Educational Resource) - Project,

      which is called LiaScript. =

      It is an extension to markdown, that is directly interpreted within the browser.

      Here is a little demo of how we create classrooms, that sync the states (quizzes, survey, collaborative editors, chats...) between browsers ...


      and I would like to have a running IPFS solution 🙈

      Thank you anyways for this great project ...

    1. [Question]: Detecting incorrect passwords enhancement New feature or request. #53 opened on Nov 4, 2023 by brother-bill.

      background = 🌐🔎 web.research - "open learning commons"

    1. Share your knowledge and build online courses with simple Markdown!


    2. LiaScript, as a
      • simple and
      • extendable


      that allows sharing knowledge by - creating interactive courses - in an Open-Source manner,

      where anyone can - participate and - contribute.


    3. Share your knowledge and build online courses with simple Markdown!

    1. source

      • simple and
      • extendable


      that allows sharing knowledge by - creating interactive courses - in an Open-Source manner,

      where anyone can - participate and - contribute.

    1. LiaScript, as a
      • simple and
      • extendable


      that allows sharing knowledge by - creating interactive courses - in an Open-Source manner,

      where anyone can - participate and - contribute.

    1. About https://serveo.net is an alternative for ngrok. taichunmin/serveo can let you secure URL to your localhost server through any NAT or firewall in Docker. And taichunmin/serveo-server can let you host your own serveo.


    1. Cyble VisionSee Cyble in ActionAward-winning cyber threat intelligence platform, designed to provide enhanced security through real-time intelligence and threat detection.



    1. Cyble is a global threat intelligence SaaS provider that helps enterprises protect themselves from cybercrimes

      to cyble

    2. People concerned about their exposure to the Dark web can register at AmiBreached.com to ascertain their exposure.
    3. Ngrok Platform Abused by Hackers to Deliver a New Wave of Phishing Attacks

      ngrok fishing attacts

    1. don't use ngrok or similar tools blog.cyble.com/2021/02/15/…

      don't use ngrok ? serveo.net?

    2. Recently learned about tunnelin.co


    3. Access localhost from the internet [closed]


    4. serveo.net – Emre Jun 11, 2019 at 20:45
    1. google.search: allow+unsecure+ws+connections

      possible.answer - thisisunsafe bypassing chrome security


    2. Sep 20, 2017 — However, my page is loaded over HTTPS, which means the browser won't allow an unsecure WS connection, instead it will require a secure WSS ...
    1. If you have admin privileges on the POS terminals, how about adding a line to the HOSTS file like: localhost.mycompany.com


    2. How can I establish a secure connection to a websocket on localhost?

      secure ws websocket connection to localhost

    1. You would need a WebSocket proxy

      to - HTML5 Web sockets Proxy Server

    2. I can't downgrade my site to http

      cannot downgrade my site

    3. "the browser won't allow it"

      so no

    4. Connect to an unsecured WebSocket over https

      I am trying to establish a connection to a unsecured WebSocket.

    1. Sep 20, 2017 — However, my page is loaded over HTTPS, which means the browser won't allow an unsecure WS connection, instead it will require a secure WSS .
    1. How HTML5 Web Sockets Interact With Proxy Servers $("#translated_"+InfoQConstants.userDetectedCountryCode.toLowerCase()).show(); Like Print Bookmarks if(loggedIn){ $('#showBookmarks').show(); } function performBookmark() { Bookmarks.toggleBookmark('articles', 'Web-Sockets-Proxy-Servers'); } infoq.event.on('bookmarkRequested', function(e) { Bookmarks.toggleBookmark('articles', 'Web-Sockets-Proxy-Servers'); }); infoq.event.on("loaded", function(){ if(loggedIn){ var href = window.location.href; if(href.indexOf("#bookmarkPage") != -1){ $('#bookmarkBtn').click(); } } }); $(document).ready(function() { if(Bookmarks.isContentBookmarked == 'true'){ $('#bookmarkBtn').addClass('button__green'); $('#bookmarkBtn').removeClass('button__gray'); }else{ $('#bookmarkBtn').removeClass('button__green'); $('#bookmarkBtn').addClass('button__gray'); } });


  2. Mar 2024
    1. This is a free equivalent to ngrok and it only uses SSH - https://serveo.net/ - and it accepts custom subdomains.


    1. Expose local servers to the internetNo installation, no signup

      ssh -R 80:localhost:3000 serveo.net



    1. here are a couple of good free services that let you do the same. Ideal for showing something quickly during development/testing: http://localtunnel.me/

      fist one is the best

    2. http://localtunnel.me/

    1. you have a web server running on your machine. To access it from Internet,
    2. google.search: access server running on local machine from the internet

    1. Localtunnel allows you to easily share a web service on your local development machine without messing with DNS and firewall settings.

      <svg class="dib header__logo__text" role="img" title="Localtunnel"><use xlink:href="#logo-text"></use></svg>

      <svg class="dib header__logo__monogram" role="presentation" aria-hidden="true"><use xlink:href="#monogram"></use></svg>

    1. expose yourself localtunnel.me


    2. localtunnel localtunnel exposes your localhost to the world for easy testing and sharing! No need to mess with DNS or deploy just to have others test out your changes. Great for working with browser testing tools like browserling or external api callback services like twilio which require a public url for callbacks.


  3. bafybeidwoxkwqq4643rd3q7bapfsz4ymgmgjxzb2x5wg6v7jsb5t4wzhki.ipfs.dweb.link bafybeidwoxkwqq4643rd3q7bapfsz4ymgmgjxzb2x5wg6v7jsb5t4wzhki.ipfs.dweb.link
    1. Application Protocol | System Design - GeeksforGeeksGeeksforGeeks


    2. y R Sharp · 2008 — We shall see examples of applications which illustrate all these architectures. Keywords. User Agent · Application Protocol · File Transfer Protocol · Origin ...


    1. achieve

      This allows us to achieve - cross-platform reproducible builds and - future proof our build system

      (we should be able to build - any commit - any number of years into the future

      with only a JVM).


      npm even with nvm is broken need pnpm to make your projects tree copyable */ -

    2. We avoid JS based build tools and managers like npm, webpack etc. to maintain greater control over the build process.

      control over the uild process

      future proof

      our build

      all u need is a JVM

      /* perfect

      npm even with nvm is broken
