62 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2020
    1. The boy's name is Rhys, 10 years old, outside of Austin, TX.

    2. *Game star mechanic

      • Creativity is expressed via making video games online
      • problem solving skills increase
      • comments-feedback
      • constructive criticism needed
      • teachers need to be constructive in terms of feedback How does this change as school has become more online?
    1. Student interests i.e HP Alliance, influence how to participate and change society.

      • students change moby dick
      • guess Sound of Thunder ending (9th grade)
    2. Peoples interactions and interests outside of school heavily influence their ideas

      • Founders took copyright inspiration from statute of Anne
      • Copyright laws have been extended
      • With this, how can new ideas and existing material be made
      • Does copyright stall creativity?
    1. Lessig (2005) claims that at a very general level all of culture can be understood in terms of remix, where someone creates a cultural product by mixing meaningful elements together (e.g., ideas from different people with ideas of one’s own), and then someone else comes along and remixes this cultural artefact with others to create yet another artefact

      Throughout history, ideas found within cultures were influenced from other cultures. eg. Greece-Rome, Tesla-Edison

    2. associated with activism contesting copyright and intellectual property legislation

      What does this say about copyright and patent laws?

    3. Digital Remix: The Art and Craft of Endless HybridizationColin Lankshear and Michele Knobel Keynote presented to the International Reading Association Pre-Conference Institute “Using Technology to Develop and Extend the Boundaries of Literacy”, Toronto, 13 May 2007 IntroductionBy “remix” we mean the practice of taking cultural artefacts and combining and manipulating them into a new kind of creative blend. Until recently this concept was associated almost entirely with recorded music. It referred to using audio editing techniques to produce “an alternative mix of a recorded song that differed from the original, and involved taking apart the various instruments and components that make up a recording and remixing them into something that sounds completely different” (ethnomus.ucr.edu/remix_culture/remix_history.ht

      Everything that is created is influenced by something else

      • friendship driven participation-hanging with friends online
      • messing around-creative, geeky, interest driven, develop sophisticated forms of media literacy
      • think critically about privacy and identity
      • generational gap in online use and activities How will this be addressed in our technologically influenced world? How can teachers reach out to the friendship and messing around groups of students? What does it mean to participate in society?
    1. In creating online content, creativity is often influenced from other sources. Then the question is not only what is creativity but also what is originality? What does this say about copyright infringement in terms of digital property? What does this say about patent law?

    1. I like how the technology and collaborative aspects are being used to relate the issue of homelessness not only to the past events but also the issues facing their community on both a local and personal level.

    1. Learners are encouraged to be creative as they build and revise content. They should look to see if it meets their needs and how representative it is to other elements of online information. But, most importantly, they are to use the expertise of other students and the teacher in the classroom. I would also suggest including elements of abstracted replay, or viewing the work of experts as they revise and edit their own work process and produ

      Work collaboratively and smart not hard

    2. Construction is equal parts inspiration and perspiration. Construction calls on creativity as well as persistence, flexibility, and revision. Construction asks our students and teachers to focus on the power and patience employed during work process…and not just the final resultant work product

      Nothing is ever finished on the internet

    3. our understanding of construction and creation needs to be broad enough to allow for change in the future.

      the internet is constantly changing everyday as more information is uploaded daily. Nothing is ever finished being constructed

    4. The ideas and concepts in all of this work does overlap sometimes…and students and teachers should feel empowered to move in, out, and between all of the concepts. Working online is a fluid experience which calls for flexible learners.

      This is very true as flexibility is needed in the classroom.

    5. . In order to fill the void I would see concerning the creativity, composition, and design skills students need…we have been developing online content construction (OCC)

      This is especially important as technology integration in the classroom has become critical under our current situation.

  2. Jul 2020
    1. In the video, lyft founder John Zimmer explains how the importance of purpose is used in lyft's model for success. The employee's use of their own cars for the ride as well as the personalized experiences between the lyft driver and the customers illustrates the purpose behind lyft's sucess. .

    1. understanding approaches to successful technology integration requires educators to develop new ways of comprehending and accommodating this complexity.

      teachers must be up to date on the new tech trends as well as student interests.

    2. As a matter of practical significance, however, most of the technologies under consideration in current literature are newer and digital and have some inherent properties that make applying them in straightforward ways difficult

      that's why it is important for teachers to always be up to date on new technologies in the classroom.

    1. a supportive community on Wattpad, an online publishing app. She begins writing her own fanfiction on there, gaining a following and confidence.

      Common interests motivated her to want to build relationships with others in order to gain opportunities later on.

    1. the most resilient, adaptive, and effective learning involves individual interest as well as social support to overcome adversity and provide recognition.

      Interest in the subject provides purpose to want to succeed.

    2. Connected learning is realized when a young person is able to pursue a personal interest or passion with the support of friends and caring adults, and is in turn able to link this learning and interest to academic achievement, career success or civic engagement

      this is greatly connected to the RSA Animate video on what motivates us. Working together can help us find the purpose in what we are doing in the class.

    1. The SAMR model truly covers the entire spectrum of tech integration. Every lesson, activity and designer has an entry point and those at the highest levels can be continually challenged to redefine learning.

      As teachers gain knowledge, their experiences with tech integration will improve.

    1. Purpose incentive-ride sharing, zoom, google etc.

    2. Autonomy, mastery, and purpose are key indicators of motivation. This seems important to me as a future middle grades educator because teenagers are about finding themselves.

    1. edmodo is a good example of TPACK-I have used it before. As well as movie maker.

    1. Carr is arguing that the use of the internet has greatly changed the way that we read with a greater focus on skimming through information over the deep reading seen in traditional texts.

    1. It is important to use critical and creative thinking, even if you can pass classes without it.

    1. web-biggest misinformation engine as well as the greatest fact-checking resource

    2. reading laterally rather than deep reading a website

    3. Never ending array of content. No previous knowledge of sources.

    4. Participatory Propaganda-doing our part to get our own message out there

  3. www.literacyworldwide.org www.literacyworldwide.org
    1. Digital literacy is not about the skills of using technologies, but how we use our judgment to maintain awareness of what we are reading and writing, why we are doing it, and whom we are addressing.

      Very thoughtful post about the importance of data literacy.

    2. After students have the skill to use multiple platforms, I allow them the choice of which platform to use for the support they need, but I make sure they ask questions. When is it best to do a Google search versus ask a question on Twitter? Why would students tweet to a particular hashtag or person versus another? When they tweet to people from another country in another time zone, what kind of context do they need to consider? What should they add, remove, or modify in order to communicate better?

      This is crucially important in the teaching of literacy and detecting the biases of a particular source.

    3. Think of the use of social media during the Arab Spring. People used social media in a way that went far beyond knowing how to click and deep into civic uses and navigating ways to communicate with others under the radar of a communication-hindering government. It was a way of both encouraging one another to remain critical and supporting one another through adversity in creative ways.

      This example shows the importance of technology and social media not only within the classroom, but also in the real world in how events are interpreted and analyzed. This is a very crucial skill in teaching humanities related courses such as ELA and Social Studies. In particular, social media can encourage students to be more thoughtful about the origin and biases of a particular source.

    4. Digital skills would focus on which tool to use (e.g., Twitter) and how to use it (e.g., how to tweet, retweet, use TweetDeck), while digital literacy would include in-depth questions: When would you use Twitter instead of a more private forum? Why would you use it for advocacy? Who puts themselves at risk when they do so?

      This is very important as many students today have access instantaneously to social media.

    1. Teachers must have access to high-quality UbD curriculum materials. Weak or flawed examples convey the wrong idea of what UbD curriculum should look like, and teachers who use imperfect resources

      How do we ensure that all schools obtain high-quality UbD curriculum materials?

    2. This, too, is false. Indeed, the data from released national tests show conclusively that the students have the most difficulty with those items that require understanding and transfer, not recall or recognition.

      This can possibly be due to the mentality of "Teaching to the test" where teachers focus on having students memorize rather than analyze information to prepare them for standardized testing.

    3. This perceived incompatibility is based on a flawed assumption that the only way to raise test scores is to cover those things that are tested and practice the test format.

      In what ways can teachers overcome this obstacle in the classroom?

    4. In Stage 3 of backward design, teachers plan the most appropriate lessons and learning activities to address the three different types of goals identified in Stage 1: transfer, meaning making, and acquisition (T, M, and A).

      How can teachers do this while at the same time properly integrating technology into the classroom.

    5. Teaching for understanding requires that students be given numerous opportunities to draw inferences and make generaliza-tions for themselves (with teacher sup-port).

      This is why it is important for teachers to build relationships with students to discover what their individual interests are. This way, teachers can use those interests to infer on crucial points found within the lesson.

    6. Can explain concepts, principles, and processes by putting it their own words, teaching it to others, justifying their answers, and showing their reasoning.• Can interpret by making sense of data, text, and experience through images, analogies, stories, and models.• Can apply by effectively using and adapting what they know in new and complex contexts.• Demonstrate perspective by seeing the big picture and recognizing differ-ent points of view.• Display empathy by perceiving sensitively and walking in someone else’s shoes.• Have self-knowledge by showing meta-cognitive awareness, using productive habits of mind, and reflect-ing on the meaning of the learning and experience.

      These six facets are crucial for students to learn not only the facts related to a subject, but how to properly using analysis when learning and writing about the subject. This is especially crucial as technology has become more integrated into the classroom as well as the real world.

    7. Stage 1 focuses on “transfer of learning.” Essential companion questions are used to engage learners in thoughtful “meaning making” to help them develop and deepen their understanding of important ideas and processes that support such transfer.

      This helps encourage student engagement in the subject that you are teaching.

    8. o recognize that factual knowledge and skills are not taught for their own sake, but as a means to larger ends

      This is very important in helping students find interest not only in the course that you are teaching, but in learning altogether.

    9. Teachers are coaches of understanding, not mere purveyors of content knowl-edge, skill, or activity. They focus on ensuring that learning happens, not just teaching (and assuming that what was taught was learned); they always aim and check for successful meaning making and transfer by the learner.

      It is important for teachers to not only teach the material, but also to make it engaging for the students so that they want to know about the material.

    10. Six facets of under-standing—the capacity to explain, interpret, apply, shift perspective, empa-thize, and self-assess—can serve as indicators of understanding

      How are students abilities to master these indicators change as technology is integrated in the classroom.

    11. Effective curriculum is planned backward from long-term, desired results through a three-stage design process (Desired Results, Evidence, and Learning Plan). This process helps avoid the common problems of treating the textbook as the curriculum rather than a resource, and activity-oriented teaching in which no clear priorities and purposes are apparent.

      This is extremely important as the trend is shifting toward more online learning during this pandemic. Therefore, we as teachers must think even greater as to how to properly integrate technology as a tool for classroom usage over the more traditional usage of materials such as textbook. As well, it will be important to measure how technology as a tool affects how students successfully analyze materials in the classroom

    12. Six facets of under-standing—the capacity to explain, interpret, apply, shift perspective, empa-thize, and self-assess—can serve as indicators of understanding

      How are these indicators put to the test when students are using technological resources or traditional ones such as reading from texts and books versus conducting reseach online.

    13. think purposefully about curricular plan-ning. The UbD framework helps this process without offering a rigid process or prescriptive recipe.

      Very good definition for the term learning. As well, it seems as if UbD focuses on helping students learn in a way that is not just strictly reading and memorizing materials from the book. For me, I experienced the important of this when taking AP Euro in High School which focused heavily on analyzing source documents from history rather than simply regurgitating facts from the text. I wonder how integration of tech affects the ways in which students analyze and write for assignments in many subjects, particularly social studies.

    14. focus on teaching and assessing for understanding and learning transfer, and 2) design curriculum “backward” from those ends

      What does it mean to teach backward?

    1. 21C Skills emerge as skills critical to success in today’s world. They enable individuals to become teachers, advocates, and community leaders to leverage and advance the web as an open and public resource.

      These skills along with proficiency on the web are crucial for finding success in today's society.

    2. xamples of these skills include collaboration, communication, creativity, and problem-solving.

      How has the introduction and synchronization of technology affected students abilities to master these types of skills.

    3. “Read” is how we explore the web. Web literate individuals understand basic web mechanics such as the difference between names and addresses on the web, and how data is linked and moves through the infrastructure of the web. They can evaluate web content, and identify what is useful and trustworthy. “Write” is how we build the web. Web literate individuals can transform a word into a hyperlink and add media to websites. As abilities are honed, one becomes more adept at remixing other users’ content and understanding or writing code.

      How do these definitions compare and contrast to the traditional definitions seen when using print materials such as book. What important skills do students both gain and lose when comparing reading and writing in these two forms?

    4. a rapidly evolving, networked world. Having these skills on the web expands access and opportunity for more people to learn anytime, anywhere, at any pace. Combined with 21C leadership Skills (i.e. critical thinking, collaboration, problem solving, creativity, communication), these digital-age skills help us live and work in today’s world.

      This is especially true now with the Coronavirus pandemic where millions of Americans are working from home. As well it makes me think about how it will affect the economy not only in the near future, but also how we help students prepare for the real world as educators.

    5. To help people become good citizens of the web

      How does one become a good citizen of the web?

    6. to reach and meet the growing number of diverse audiences using the web.

      There are many different ways to define what is a "diverse audience". One way to define it could be related to the varying experiences and backgrounds that a person interacts with on the internet. As well, diversity can be defined as one's own exposure and usage of technology when comparable to others.

  4. Aug 2019
    1. Literacy to me is not just the ability of learning to read but also the importance of how to properly analyze and understand a piece of text.