3,788 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2022
    1. configure the issuers for EMI options based

      configure the issuers based on...

    2. limited set of issuers for EMI options:

      To show a limited set of issuers:

    3. orts a list of issuers for EM

      supports these issuers

    4. By default all EMI options which are marked visible on the checkout for that amount will appear on the widget.

      I think this can be explained better with an example.

      All EMI options applicable for the payment amount will appear on the widget by default. For example, if the payment amount is ₹4000, the widget displays the suitable EMI options.

    5. t methods🔗

      Payment Methods

    6. 00, "target": "documen

      parameter table to be added below

    7. play": {

      parameter table to be added below

    8. "features": {

      please add the relevant parameters immediately below the sample code. otherwise developers will have to scroll to the bottom of the page. and some might not even do that and raise tickets

    9. During the offer creation, a list of offers are marked visible by default that appear on product listing and checkout pages. The remaining offers are not marked as visible. To display additional offers not marked as visible by default:

      By default, all those offers which had the 'Show Offer on Checkout' option enabled during creation will appear on the widget.

      You can display a particular offer that did not have the 'Show Offer on Checkout' option enabled using the following code:

  2. Jan 2022
    1. nt Access. 1.2 Existing Razorpay user without Payment Access. 1.3 New Razorpay user.

      I think this can be a bulleted list instead of a numbered list.

    2. Once you complete your KYC, Razorpay will send a confirmation on Whatsapp, SMS or Email, after which you can install the Razorpay-Shopify plugin.

      I went through the Concept Note. I think we should split this into three sections. first for existing user with payments access, second for existing user without payments access and third for new user.


    3. Razorpay

      Click Connect.

    4. or the the Razorpay-

      Search and select Razorpay Payments in the list of alternate payment providers.

    5. upon the following categories:

      integration differs:

    6. Prestashop

      Follow the steps below to integrate Razorpay Payment Gateway with your Shopify website.

    7. Make sure you deactivate Shopify v1 plugin once you activate the Shopify v2 plugin.

      Ensure you deactivate the Shopify v1 plugin after activating the Shopify v2 plugin.

    8. Click on Activate button.

      Click Activate.

    9. n Install button.

      In the previous step we have mentioned that they should install the plugin. there is some disconnect

    10. complete

      Install the Razorpay Shopify plugin after Razorpay sends a KYC confirmation on WhatsApp, SMS or email.

      The Shopify Oauth Screen is displayed after you complete the above steps.

    11. login

      log into

    12. complete your KYC.

      Log into the Razorpay Dashboard and complete your KYC.

    13. Razorpay Dashboard.

      give link to Dashboard

    14. Look

      Search for the the Razorpay-Shopify application in the list of alternative payment providers.

    15. Installation and Configuration🔗

      remove this heading

    1. Generate API Keys in Test Mode. Once you are done with the integration, you can generate Live Mode API keys and replace the Test Mode keys.

      I think we can remove this one now. since merchant does not have to manually enter the keys anymore

    2. Shopify V2

      Integrate with Shopify Plugin (v2)

    3. Next S

      Please add next steps

      Maybe we can add a line that 'Follow these steps to proceed with the integration' and then add the links for build, test and go-live

    4. ur Payment Flow document before proceedin

      You can remove this point.

    5. Sign up for a

      Add a point as mentioned by Vikram.

      • Sign up for a Shopify account and set up your site.
    6. Handy Tips

      Watch Out!

      Due to recent Shopify platform changes, we are deprecating the older plugin version on 31 March 2022. This is a breaking change and will cause payment failures. To avoid this, integrate with the new Shopify plugin.

    7. Shopify

      add link to the official Shopify site

    1. Offers. Payment methods. Theme.

      We can add a one-liner on what kind of configuring options we have for each.

      For example, for Offers, you can add something on displaying a specific offer or disabling offers.

    2. Once you successfully integrate the widget on your website/app, you can configure the following options:

      After you successfully integrate the widget on your website/app, you can configure the following options:

    1. on

      and so on.

    2. offers, etc.,

      replace etc with so on

    3. conveying


    4. Contact our Support team to integrate the Widget with your website or app

      Contact our Support team to integrate the Widget with your website or app. I think the convey pricing detail should be part of step 2. when merchant contacts support team he/she should provide all these info

    5. rkflow:

      The icons dont seem to be in a straight line

    6. Whether you operate in e-commerce, education, healthcare, F&B, travel, hospitality, IT, or any other vertical, you can influence the power of Razorpay Affordability Widget.

      Whether you operate in e-commerce, education, healthcare, food and beverage, travel, hospitality, IT, or any other vertical, you can influence customers' purchasing decisions using the Affordability Widget.

      However, I am not sure how emi works in food and beverages

    7. Attract customers and improve your sales by providing affordable offers on your website or app. Use Razorpay Affordability Widget to spread awareness about the affordability-based payment options available early on, leading to lesser cart abandonment. Embed affordability-based payment options on product listing pages, checkout pages, and relevant screens to educate the customers about EMIs via Credit Card/Debit Card, Cardless EMIs & Pay Later.


      Use our Affordability Widget to spread awareness about the affordability-based payment options (such as EMI, Cardless EMI, and pay later) available to your customers even before they reach checkout.

      You can embed these payment options on product listing pages, checkout pages, and other relevant screens to educate the customers and reduce cart abandonment.

    1. Customer selects UPI as the payment method in your iOS app. A list of UPI apps supporting the intent flow is displayed. For example, PhonePe, Google Pay and Paytm. Customer selects their preferred app. The UPI app opens with pre-populated payment details. Customer enters their UPI PIN to complete their transactions. Once the payment is successful, the customer is redirected to your app or website.

      this should be a numbered list and not bulleted since these are flow steps

    2. ) -

      use : instead of -

    3. -

      use : instead of -

    1. What are the standard credit card interest rates charged by the banks for EMI?

      Can we create a separate section for EMI and add this question under that?

    1. Create Payment Link Button

      Create link using Create Payment Link Button.

    2. Create Payment Link Button.

      Create link using Create Payment Link Button.

    3. Create Payment Link Button.

      Create link using Create Payment Link Button.

    4. Create Payment Link Button

      Create link using Create Payment Link Button.

    5. Create Payment Link Button.

      Create link using Create Payment Link Button.

    6. Create Payment Link B

      Create link using Create Payment Link Button.

    7. View and share Payment H

      View, edit and share?

    8. Create

      Create link using Create Payment Link Button.

    9. if he/she has

      if they have

    1. If


      If the store is open while the module is not fully configured, deactivate it by clicking the green check. Reactivate the store by clicking the red X after the module configuration.

    2. :

      Please remove the colon

    3. ut!:

      Please remove the :

    4. into


    1. nsaction.

      You can list the advantages section below this as it is similar for both custom and s2s. need not repeat on two pages

    2. DCC S2S Payment Flow

      this is opening the custom doc. please recheck

    3. e on both Stan

      remove both

  3. betasite.razorpay.com betasite.razorpay.com
    1. start chatting with our support team.

      can we add a couple of screenshots here?

    2. Chat with a member of the Support Team using the Chat with us option between 10 a.m. and 10 p.m. on all working days to resolve your queries instantly.

      Chat with a member of the Support Team using the Chat with us option (between 10 a.m. and 10 p.m. on all working days) to resolve your queries instantly.

    3. To receive support faster, reply to the relevant existing ticket instead of creating a new ticket.

      For a faster support experience, reply to the relevant existing ticket instead of creating a new ticket.

    4. To know track the previously raised tickets check Your Support Tick

      To track the status of existing tickets, check Your Support Tickets.

    5. e request.

      image looks slightly blurred.

    6. Log into t

      Add an intro line...

      To raise a new ticket:

    7. To understand and explore the options on your dashboard check the Razorpay Dashboard.

      Understand the various features available on the Dashboard with our Razorpay Dashboard guide.

    8. lp in understand

      to understand

    1. the request.

      this image looks slightly blurred to me. Can we replace this?

    2. ry?.

      If you have an open ticket and would like to receive an update on the same, click the ticket and request a follow-up. Instead, if you have a different query, click +Raise New Query.

    3. To raise new tickets:

      You can create a new support ticket from the Razorpay Dashboard. To raise a new ticket:

  4. Dec 2021
    1. Check out the existing FAQs before raising the ticket. If your concern is not addressed then explain your issue and attach relevant documents or screenshots if possible and click Submit.

      Check out the existing FAQs before raising the ticket. If you do not find relevant information, please explain your issue and attach relevant documents or screenshots if possible, and click Submit.

    2. d Support pop-up.

      Can we add an image before this too? People might not notice the headphone icon immediately. Good to show it on an image.

    3. Reply.

      Can you check once on the Dashboard if the image is still relevant or needs any changes?

    4. To trac

      Can we add the You can view only those tickets that were raised using the Razorpay Dashboard. line here.

    1. To start using any of the Razorpay products, you need to sign up with Razorpay. Know more about creating your Razorpay account.

      Looks like for ThirdWatch there is a separate sign up on https://dashboard.thirdwatch.ai/register. Should we add a note that the merchant should register here for Thirdwatch and on Razorpay for the other payments products?

    2. RazorpayX Banking Hub

      RazorpayX is a ...

    3. Is.Razo

      spacing issue

    1. Webhook IP's.


    2. Razorpay provides various methods for you to verify events are securely coming from Razorpay.

      Razorpay provides various methods to verify that events are securely coming from us.

    3. x-razorpay-event-id

      it should be within ``

    4. Deactivation🔗 All webhook responses must return a status code in the range 2XX within a window of 5 seconds. If we receive response codes other than this or the request times out, it is considered a failure.

      Replace this with:

      You can also manually disable webhooks from the Razorpay and RazorpayX Dashboards.

      Give the links

    5. Wheneve

      Please add a space before that paragraph

    1. Go to Configuration → Content authoring → Text formats and editors → Configure (Basic or Full HTML) → Enable or uncheck (Limit allowed HTML tags and correct faulty HTML) → Save Configuration.

      can we write this in sub-points? too many arrows at the moment

    2. "Limit allowed HTML tags and correct faulty HTML" fi

      should be in bold as it is UI text

    3. Uncheck

      Use select and clear with check boxes,

    4. Dependencies🔗

      dependencies should appear before the actual steps

    5. What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) toolbar to include the button.

      we need a video or image to explain these steps.

    6. Drupal admin.

      Drupal admin menu?

    7. rupal admin menu.

      I am not sure how it works but is there a drupal dashboard similar to the wordpress dashboard?

    8. Plugin


    9. Razorpay Payment Button Plugin

      should be in bold

    10. Extend

      should be in bold

    11. Prerequisites:

      can you add this at the beginning of the page? this is valid for all plugins and not just Drupal

    1. the

      Navigate to Transactions.

    2. tab

      this need not be in bold

    3. details


    4. Watch this video to set up the Manual Capture option. To set up the manual capture option: Log into the Razorpay Dashboard. Navigate to the Settings option and scroll to the Payments Capture option. Click the Change button next to Automatic Capture. Select the Manual Capture option. Set the manual capture timeout to 3 days and click Next. Select Normal Refund as the Refund Speed. Click Save. You can manually capture payments in the authorized state using our Capture API or from the Dashboard. All payments that are not captured within the manual timeout period will be auto-refunded.

      lets remove this also.

    5. Manual Capture Timeout🔗 Let us say you only want to manually capture payments that are authorized within 3 days from creation. To do this, you should set the manual capture timeout as 3 days. Capture Settings ● Select Manual Capture ● Manual capture timeout = 3 days. Payments auto-refunded if ● Payments not captured by you within 3 days.● Payments are authorized after 3 days.

      lets remove this entire section. we will not show the settings bit on this page.

    1. Watch this video to capture payments manually. To manually capture payments: Log into the Razorpay Dashboard. Navigate to the Transactions. Under the Payments tab, identify the authorized payment you want to capture. Click the relevant Payment Id. In the Payment details pane, click Capture Payment. A dialog box is displayed. Click Yes, Capture.

      lets delete this section

    1. "authenti

      please remove the comma from the end of this parameter. since this is the last parameter within the curly brackets, we do not need to add the comma

    2. "authent

      remove the comma from the end of this parameter. since this is the last parameter within the curly brackets, we do not need to add the comma

    3. authentication_reference_number

      mark this as conditionally mandatory. Please change the description to this:

      A unique reference number generated when authentication is initiated. The maximum length supported is 26 characters. This field is mandatory for RuPay cards.

  5. Nov 2021
    1. t of APIs:

      a third section will be IIN API

    2. saved with Razorpay.

      club 2,4 and 5 as payment APIs

    3. Tokenise cards.

      club 1 and 3 - lower priority

    4. 3. Process a Payment on another PA/PG with Token Created on Razorpay🔗

      remove API

    5. 2. Initiate Payment using Token saved with Razorpay🔗

      add link to s2s json v2 doc for complete payment flow reference

    1. { "id": "spt_1234abcd", "entity": "service_provider_token", "provider_type": "aggregator", "provider_name": "razorpay", "interoperable": false, "status": "activated", "provider_data": { "expired_at": 1748716199 } }

      remove the second one along with comma

    2. Webhooks

      remove api layout and make it two pane view

    3. ken.initiated

      fix typo

    1. If you are using Razorpay to process the first payment from a new card, do not call the tokenisation API.

      Add a link to the existing s2s json v2 doc. for the complete payment flow

    2. 3. Process a Payment on another PA/PG with Token C
    3. { "id": "spt_1234abcd", "entity": "service_provider_token", "provider_type": "aggregator", "provider_name": "razorpay", "interoperable": false, "status": "active", "status_reason": null, "provider_data": { "expired_at": 1748716199 }, "error": { "code": "BAD_REQUEST_ERROR", "description": "Authentication failed due to incorrect CVV", "field": null, "source": "bank", "step": "token_creation", "reason": "invalid_cvv", "metadata": {} } } ],

      remove one of the responses, along with comma

    4. Razorpay

      razorpay. small case.

    5. eted.

      add error code

    1. To get a test trigger, you need to have at least one success captured payment from the recent 1000 payments.

      this should be a callout and not an integration step.

    2. Click on Continue to get a sample test trigger. Note that, test trigger is a sample payment that Zapier will pull from your account so that you can continue with the rest of your workflow.

      Click Continue to get a sample test trigger. The test trigger is a sample payment that Zapier will pull from your account so that you can continue with the rest of your workflow.

    3. authorized


    4. You will see this screen if yo

      Not clear which screen is being mentioned here. Are we planning to add screenshots?

    5. Click on the Sign in to Razorpay button to be able to connect your Razorpay account through OAuth.

      Click the Sign in to Razorpay button to connect your Razorpay account through OAuth.

    6. Click on the Create

      Click the Create Zap button...

    7. Click on Continue.

      Click Continue...

    8. nt depending on the use case that y

      Select an event depending on your use case.

    9. or the Razorpay option

      Search for Razorpay in the list of triggers.

    10. Name your Zap with whatever you prefer.

      Provide a name for your newly created Zap.

    11. Razorpay Payment Gateway with your Zapier app.

      Is it the payment gateway that is being integrated? Video is not available to verify

    12. Use Cases🔗

      I think use cases section should be moved up. Before video tutorial.

    13. egration

      Needs a left navigation.

  6. Oct 2021
  7. rzp-1018-nonprod-betasite.razorpay.com.s3-website.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com rzp-1018-nonprod-betasite.razorpay.com.s3-website.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com
    1. Given below is a sample code for integrating Razorpay SDK for Android 12 and above.

      Add the code given below in your Android Manifest.xml file:

    2. 1. I am trying to integrate Razorpay SDK for androi
      1. I am trying to integrate Razorpay SDK for Android 12. However, the following error message is displayed,...
    1. Rate of Interest

      Rate of Interest (p.a.)

    2. Month


    3. OneCard is a neo-bank that provides metal Credit Cards to users. You can accept EMI payments from cardholders who have OneCard Credit Card. Payment Gateways supporting Credit Card as a method, support OneCard Credit Card EMI as well. You must enable EMI on OneCard BINs on your system to use this. If you have updated this using our BIN API, then you need not make any changes.


      OneCard is a neo-bank that provides metal credit cards to users. You can accept EMI payments from cardholders who have OneCard credit card.


      • Enable EMI on OneCard BINs on your system to use this. If you have updated this using our BIN API, then you need not make any changes.
      • Use methods API to get the EMI plan information.
    4. OneCard Credit Card

      OneCard Credit Card EMI

    1. Add receiver to an existing virtual account🔗

      Add Receiver to an Existing Virtual Account🔗

    2. Refund payments made to a virtual account🔗

      Refund Payments made to a Virtual Account

    3. Fetch payment details using id and transfer method🔗

      Fetch Payment Details using ID and Transfer Method

    4. Fetch payments for a virtual accou

      Fetch Payments for a Virtual Account

    1. Path Par

      Please edit the Response labels. Instead of bank_account_type. just write bank_account and so on for vpa and qr_code

    2. rameter🔗

      the php sample code here is for vpa. can you please move it after curl-vpa and rename it to PHP-vpa?

    1. For example, an additional convenience fee of INR xx.xx will be charged for this credit card payment towards the charges levied by your credit card issuing bank. To make the payment without any additional charges, please use UPI, netbanking or any debit card.

      An alternative line will be shared by Deepshri

    2. The business wants to add extra convenience fees on top of transaction c

      remove this one

    1. ayout details as part of the response.

      place php before normal response

    2. emand settlements. Use the expand[]=ondemand_payouts query parameter to fetch payout details as part of the response.

      can you place php before the normal response?

    3. d response, we are fetching the settlement report for 11/09/2019.

      in the php code, for the month, make it 02 instead of 2. apparently, the format to be followed is mm

    4. ements

      Unrelated. but this is breaking. can you please fix this?

    1. Failure Analysis

      Payment Failure Analysis

    2. The issuing bank was facing technical problems at the moment t

      At the moment the payment was attempted, the Issuer Bank faced technical issues. This usually occurs when the Core Banking System encounters a technical error while processing the payment.

    3. to Razorpay.

      support link

    4. razorpay


    5. ch out to Razorpay

      support page link

    6. Failures due to non-activation of payment methods, international payments and so on are some of the reasons that can be attributed to business failures.

      Business failures are payment failures that occur due to the non-activation of payment methods and international payments.

    7. Customer must

      The customer

    1. In case a payment fails, know more about Failure Analysis to understand why the payment has failed.

      Payments can failure due to various reasons. Know more about Payment Failure Analysis.