- Aug 2024
oercollective.caul.edu.au oercollective.caul.edu.au
non-teaching roles
I've always felt that most third space practitioners ARE 'teachers'. Often the roles require explaining or supporting the tools that are used to provide teaching and learning. This is much clearer in the Further Education (FE) or Vocational Education (VET) space where third space practioners have part of their role nominated as 'trainers'.
I hope we are moving towards a 'new' discipline. All third space practitioners are dynamic 'experts' in their field....as in, they are continually moving and adapting to the knowledge-area they work with.
the liminal space they occupy and their identity in the higher education landscape
The liminal space is a great way of describing this third space. As a 3rd space practitioner....we are in this transitional and transformative space.
- Sep 2022
impedagogy.com impedagogy.com
I love the instruction of the seasons. On the surface it doesn't impact my chosen desk-bound-keyboard-driven career but the very subtle signs of the changing leaf, the itchy grub cuddle huddles, a small bloom on native plants....is a joy.
I saw The Shroud of Turin. We had to squeeze down the columns on the left hand side of the church because they were having a marriage practise run or something in the main bit. The cloth was behind glass even though it is most likely a replica of the 'real' thing. I stood and I wondered about holding this rag in such high regard. It might have covered His face or maybe another long forgotten spiritual soldier. It was haunting and even the towering epic building construction could not contain the energy there. Energy fields - they are a nothing that can bring something to naught. (I Corinth 1:28)
In the useless, there is use. In the senseless, the sense. All I know is that I'm enjoying your writing more and more over the last year.
impedagogy.com impedagogy.com
why are we not better than we are?
The thread from Liz Ryan and the Eric Trethewey poem is right on my track. I wrote this poem in a Twitter thread and now I pull this out of the 'leaf litter' to place it in the margins here.................... I know not how / but the river of wind has blown this leaf / to land at my front door / lodged under the mat.
I completed the survey / disc-like indeed / it bounces the harsh light / of my faults back at me / with pretty solutions of / 'what to do' / next time. Why am I not better than I am?
Perhaps I am enough / perhaps we are smart enough / human enough / to play nicely / or be blunt when the knife edge dulls. / Can I promise the rosebud will bloom forever?
- Jul 2022
stoosepp.com stoosepp.com
Yes please! What I love about this marginal space is the ability to add different media to communicate. https://media.giphy.com/media/TdfyKrN7HGTIY/giphy.gif
I love this path of inquiry, playing, doodling and diagramming. This can help the thinking and to see what questions emerge.
impedagogy.com impedagogy.com
- Jun 2022
wentalearn.blogspot.com wentalearn.blogspot.comUnveiled1
Thank you to everyone conversing here, it is rich and rewarding to read and think about. It makes a new visibility, a new light on these words.
- Apr 2022
educationalist.substack.com educationalist.substack.com
The community the ED/LD/LT/ET's in the TELedvisors ASCILITE SIG are annotating this article in May 2022. Look forward to hosting this with @keithheggart
- Mar 2022
impedagogy.com impedagogy.com
I recognise this fuse. Today I was told that I could not work through lunch but was required to have a minimum of 1 hr break. Wtf? What am I doing here I thought.
I love a certain freedom from systems in open scholarship, in marginal writing and poetic responses which seem more raw and real.
I am their paparazzi
I laugh here. If only we could see how ridiculous we are in our selfie world.
tend our own garden
My Garden. A poem response. https://wentalearn.blogspot.com/2022/03/my-garden.html
- Jan 2021
netmirror21.arganee.world netmirror21.arganee.world
class exists
The class exists / in our imagination / a gathering across spaces / creating lines of flight / as birds spread their wings / grazing wind drifts. The class is existential / yet moving and dynamic / coating our cortex lightly / as much as our neurons can handle.
With a video version here https://networkedstories.blogspot.com/2021/01/does-class-exist.html
Go to work, earn the cash, pay the bills Is this the norm?
Go to Uni, study in class, lunch with friends Is this the norm?
Travel the world, see new things, attend a crowded concert Is this the norm?
Hibernate inside, video chat with friends, miss the hugs Is this the norm?
What is subversive?
www.poetryfoundation.org www.poetryfoundation.org
binding with briars
These three simple words are evocative and powerful. I can imagine bindings with lots of things but thorns! Yes, biblical and a poetic protest of the church and what is seen as restrictions.
filled with graves
This is very powerful and evocative. I have felt this when revisiting a place (like a school yard) that has had buildings placed over the area that I remember as a playground. It seems wrong.
used to play
This indicates progress of some sort. The natural world being built upon with a thing that is no longer accessible to all.
Garden of Love
This reminds me of the biblical writings of the Songs of Solomon where the writer uses the garden metaphor for talking about the lover of our soul.
- Mar 2020
impedagogy.com impedagogy.com
tremble at the tsunami
Tsunami and other juggling acts. https://youtu.be/I41CX0RdmPQ
While Blackboard has quite an ugly text editor, I like the use of highlighting to draw attention.
simple screencasts
While screencasts are not simple for the newbies to this way of teaching, I think they are effective and I know I've appreciated them from colleagues in the past.
how to abandon work creatively
This is great advise. It can be a challenge to 'scale down' our ideas of supporting and teaching online. Avoiding the 'insane amount of tech work' is a fine dance that we are all doing.
- Jan 2019
netnarr.arganee.world netnarr.arganee.world
Digital alchemy seems to be the profound mixing of elements until something extraordinary is produced that could not be produced in the non-digital world. That is some of my experience in Network Narratives.
Foxes, foxes and more foxes. I have been following your posts on Google plus (wave goodbye to that) for years and it's always foxes.
impedagogy.com impedagogy.com
I am deep in summer.
White hot summer.
The sun is past the friendly figure you watch rolling over the horizon.
It is a beast you want to forget.
impedagogy.com impedagogy.com
1984 style. A fraction too much friction
- Dec 2018
dogtrax.edublogs.org dogtrax.edublogs.org
our writing might be / fleeting, flexible and fragile.
Moving from space to space / with the faith we place in knowing. https://36qi.app.link/vsw3FJk05S
The larger story is all around us / As we write and think and react
- Aug 2018
docdrop.org docdrop.org
The mask that we hide behind / revealed in the writing / our thinking continues / way faster than our hand.
'So much assonance' https://www.wordnik.com/words/assonance
- May 2018
www.davidtinapple.com www.davidtinapple.com
I want to raise the general question of the mutual definition of man's nature and the nature of modern institutions which characterizes our world view and language.
This seems like the fundamental question for this writing. But what is the 'mutual definition' that is assumed at this point?
- Apr 2018
robinderosa.net robinderosa.net
first and last
Ha! Always willing to accommodate.
level the playing field
This is assuming that the students have the facility (laptops and devices) to access the resource. Is there an offline version available?
This is something that the digital can provide. More people need to experience open to see the benefits of such.
I'm reading this as part of my post-grad study at #OU. It is so important to have this documented for these current examples of OEP.
- Jan 2018
netnarr.arganee.world netnarr.arganee.world
fundamental unit
Each unit is useful but each unit is different. Each unit has the same function but each unit effects the viewer in a different way.
netnarr.arganee.world netnarr.arganee.world
live tweeting
I hope to watch this studio visit, live. It will be a pleasant 7:30am on Wednesday morning in Central Australia and I'll be chomping breakfast (that's the plan of this documentary). I'm thinking about SlowTV (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/norways-slow-tv-fascinating-viewers-for-hours-or-days-at-a-time/) as made for these days of assumed-fast internet streaming capability.
- Dec 2017
tachesdesens.blogspot.com tachesdesens.blogspot.com
Half of them were French
Half of us appear to be of the 'other'.
- Oct 2017
impedagogy.com impedagogy.com
little discovery
https://unsplash.com/photos/UfeENq6PD68 No small discovery.
To be clear: if his argument is a door, the idea of a culture of victimhood is the hinge.
https://unsplash.com/photos/VBs1Cyw2D58 The problem with some doors is that the hinges and even the handles are hardly seen. What is clear is the step. Perhaps teachers that have already made the connections, can only be steps? You can learn about doors, you can learn about hinges or you can learn about buildings, architecture, angles and light. The other trick may be to look into the dark corners, those bits we don't understand. Until you can frame the dark corner you won't know it's dimension or where to start asking the questions and you need the curiosity/care factor to even start asking the questions.
Blindspots! Oh yes, I'm aware of them but have been unable to get around many of them. P.S. don't google that word unless you want to see lots of tattoos!
opencreativity.trubox.ca opencreativity.trubox.ca
We need to understand more of this multi-modality. These 'voices' can be in many different forms.
neglects context
This keeps me in a job. My job is to understand context and then apply the numerous and odious volumes of practice sheets that exist.
- Mar 2017
nuzzel.com nuzzel.com
I better get writing my coffee gene (in the style of https://www.poetryfoundation.org/harriet/2011/04/the-xenotext-works/ Christian Bok). I'm hoping to have an 'Author Event' with Christian as he works at the same Uni. I'll hopefully make it an open event and invite you guys!
- Feb 2017
netnarr.arganee.world netnarr.arganee.world
Also a blog post The Kangaroo - Scene I that explains this a bit more. I really enjoyed the Hangout and the NetProv examples given. I'd love to go to those classes!
- Jan 2017
sandybrownjensen.tumblr.com sandybrownjensen.tumblr.com
So these marginal conversations are networked in a way. But I'm still waiting to see how we can 'network' our stories in #NetNarr. Blogging is a singular activity but as Ray Charles says....'it takes two to tango' to understand the magic of alchemy. https://youtu.be/q4ulNtIYX20
netnarr.arganee.world netnarr.arganee.world
I've made a Group if you want to join....https://hypothes.is/groups/3g3oPBPP/networked-narratives
netnarr.arganee.world netnarr.arganee.world
Out of the One comes Two
Chapter 42, appropriate I guess. Read more here: http://www.mobilewords.pro/Tao/chap42.htm or listen https://youtu.be/zZyuaTUjnUo?list=PLRkVzsVluQXMKl2MEF24JMawLiORsDARo
Has anyone figured out the code?
- Nov 2016
helenbeetham.com helenbeetham.com
cultural problem
And the distance I feel when I read Trump this and Trump that. I'm over here, Oz land, she'll be right mate, no worries-land. Perhaps my ignorance of larger political plays helps me in this fog. Does change.org really change anything or is it attracting drone operators?
Persistance! Resistance! Resilience! I'm thinking about these 3 words like the 3 words in the previous paragraph. I work in an 'outpost' campus and for over 4 years I still persist with the task of asking for Staff development, orations and other activities on the main campus to be shared with other places and even suggesting shock, that they be opened to the public. I meet with resistance many times but somehow this work resilience in my goal.
chinks of light
Chinks of light / Could be hard and brittle / Like broken bottles / Revealed in morning sunlight. //
Chinks of light / Can relieve darkness / Hope given through shards, / Shades and the brilliant / Gift of colour.
30 November
Look forward to being in this space (1st of December for me) with a few other marginal mob.
- Aug 2016
hackpad.com hackpad.com
in flight
The mighty wedgetailed eagle.
This word should be used more!
on the sand
That sand, that red sand,
Coming to this country I am only just beginning to understand the power, the movement, the force of that red sand.
- Jul 2016
tachesdesens.blogspot.com tachesdesens.blogspot.com
one day
Created with Snagit....What is Simon's Summer.
Surfing the outer limits of your posts.
Another wave splashes onto the beach. Mesmerising, constant but variable.
The sound of the water seeping, draining, returning, to the ocean floor.
"What is under the ocean floor" he asks to stop it seeping away, forever.
- Apr 2016
www.futurelearn.com www.futurelearn.com
digital natives
The validity of this term has been questioned in research. Like this article now 8 yrs old http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1467-8535.2007.00793.x/full
- Mar 2016
www.futurelearn.com www.futurelearn.com
would have to be lightweight
Hi Benita, Does the term 'social' suggest light weight? I think that discussions in this area can be serious and lead to a deeper understanding of the text that is written. I have found this interesting article "Web-based scholarship: annotating the digital library". I wonder what you think? http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=379460
www.futurelearn.com www.futurelearn.com
Social reading
I am introducing Hypothes.is here as a form of social reading. this is a collaborative form of reading and discussion.
- Feb 2016
impedagogy.com impedagogy.com
Web 2.0 has become a boundary object
This is a great way of visualising it. I've never thought about that shift into 'mainstream'. I can see parallels with amateur associations and when they decide to go pro.
What I see here is the 'desire to participate' as the human aspect and the 'affordances' is the technological aspect. Apart from the AI argument, it is the humans that push the tech, humans that design the tech and in many cases it is the humans that replicating what existed 'pre-digital' into the digital.
- Jan 2016
www.digitalpedagogylab.com www.digitalpedagogylab.com
Be sure
This is giving structure....it might seem open but it's structure. Yes...let's encourage participation but more than that, a collaboration, a conversation...that we can learn from.
Adding: Join in Here!
help structure
Structure, Not Structure, Foundations, Scaffolds..... What do we stand on? Shifting sands?
tempt subversive acts
And yet, I am tempted by this subversive act. Whether this will help me learn, I'm not sure.
impedagogy.com impedagogy.com
positive deviants
An example of this here
they developed social structures that helped them deal with the risks and the dangers
This article is a perfect example of a social structure created to deal with social media and perceived 'dangers' of the internet. From Vanuatu, a country that has had independence (from Britian and France) for 35 years and internet in only the last 15-20 years.
attention economy.
By being active in a participatory culture I think this can break into the attention economy.
learning “in the wild”
Is this the same as rewilding your education?
I like Terry's idea here to semi-privatise this conversation/annotation exercise by making this chapter available through his blog. While anyone can come here (from the wild) it is more likely to be found via people that follow Terry via other social platforms (semi-wild).
Learning in the wild~An all-seasons activity~For all the brave souls. #haiku
We are each making interventions around education that stress collective rather than individualized, personalized, or privatized modes of learning. For me, a participatory learning environment is one that respects and values the contributions of each participant, whether teacher, student, or someone from the outside community.
I do not see collective learning moving away from personalised learning. I can choose to participate in any learning activity (such as this one)....that's my choice...yet I am also choosing to work collectively (hopefully).
www.cdu.edu.au www.cdu.edu.au
ariety of modes
This sounds like a really flexible way to study.
mandatory entry requirement
Can I get assistance if I need it for the skills required in this course?
vialogues.com vialogues.com
Heat sensors for attention
Ok, so this is very meta....I'm adding annotations to my annotations on using an annotation tool! The question this rasises for me are many: Is this necessary? Why do this? who looks at this? Am I wasting internet bits and bytes?
learning.blogs.nytimes.com learning.blogs.nytimes.com
Make connections
I'm connecting this with Sarah's comment (hopefully) https://hypothes.is/a/AVIyDIYO8sFu_DXLVai1 mmmm, nope, that didn't work. What does the "Link" option do then?
chronicle.com chronicle.com
use in class
I'm wondering if there needs to be some sort of guidance given to students when using this tool for the first time to make it the best use of their time possible.
impedagogy.com impedagogy.com
If we generate then we are obliged to filter.
This is a great answer to "what do we do with it all". As was your question in the first GHO. I really like the follow-on comment which is moving from curation to creation. These words are bits and bytes but they add to the thought processes in my head, hence I'm learning! Thanks.
The whole hangout was interesting (yep, watched nearly all of that)...but the last part was particularly interesting of the reflections people had from the place 'where they stood'. A whole lot of different directions coming out of this working together.
This Hangout was a revelation to me in a number of ways. It brings collaboration to a whole new level. Not only were you conversing together but you were trying a new tool, together and making it visible, sharing and recording it for later use. Wow!