63 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. After graduation Fadiman engaged in various book-related ven-tures. He served as “top editor” for Simon and Schuster’s fledglingpublishing house until 1933, and then as The New Yorker’s book edi-tor for the next ten years. He acquired his greatest name recognition,however, by hosting the Information, Please! radio program, whichbegan in 1938. Fadiman’s work with the Book-of-the-Month Club hasbeen ably traced by historians. Beginning with his appointment toits board in 1944, Fadiman would serve as a senior judge for over 50years. At Adler’s behest his relationship with Britannica began in the1940s, deepened in the 1950s, and lasted through the 1990s. 20
  2. May 2024
    1. Untersuchungen zeigen, dass die COP28 mit dem Emissions Peak für Treibhausgase zusammenfallen könnte. Um das 1,5°-Ziel zu erreichen, müssten allerdings die Emissionen bis 2030 um die Hälfte sinken. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/ng-interactive/2023/nov/29/cop28-what-could-climate-conference-achieve

  3. Mar 2024
    1. Die Position der deutschen Umweltverbände zu Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) ist nicht einheitlich. Es wird von WWF und Nabu wie von vielen Fachleuten als in bestimmten Fällen unvermeidlich angesehen. In der europäischen Bevölkerung sind die Haltungen sehr unterschiedlich. Hinter der CCS-Strategie der deutschen Regierung könnte auch das Bestreben stehen, die Überkapazitäten beim Ausbau der LNG-Infrastruktur zu legitemieren. https://taz.de/CO-Speicherung-unter-der-Nordsee/!5993226/

  4. Feb 2024
  5. Jan 2024
    1. Die vorläufigen Zahlen zu den stark gesunkenen CO2-Emissionen in Deutschland 2023 zeigen einerseits, dass der Anteil der erneuerbaren Energien tatsächlich schnell wächst, und andererseits, dass die Industrie bei der Umstellung zu langsam ist. Der deutsche Wirtschaftsminister harbeck geht davon aus, dass das Gebäude Energie-Gesetz in den kommenden Jahren kommenden Jahren deutliche Einsparungen bringen wird. https://taz.de/Deutschland-2023-weniger-klimaschaedlich/!5980054/

    1. Laut Agora Energiewende ist der CO2-Ausstoß in Deutschland 2023 um 73 Millionen Tonnen auf insgesamt 673 Millionen Tonnen gesunken, den niedrigsten Stand seit den 50er Jahren. Allerdings gehen nur 15% dieses Rückgangs auf dauerhafte Einsparungen zurück. Der Ausbau der Solarenergie entspricht den Zielen der Bundesregierung und der EU, der Ausbau der Windenergie bleibt weiterhin dahinter zurück. Gebäude und Verkehr imitieren weiterhin deutlich mehr, als sie es laut bisherigem Klimaschutzgesetz dürfen. https://taz.de/Studie-zu-CO-Emissionen/!5983584/

      Studie: https://www.agora-energiewende.de/publikationen/die-energiewende-in-deutschland-stand-der-dinge-2023

  6. Dec 2023
      • for: critique - of Simon Michaux

      • comment

      • summary
        • Simon Michaux has been writing about the shortage of Lithium, copper and other metals required to build the technologies for a rapid energy system transition.
        • Based on Michaux's analysis, there will be a large shortage of such minerals. However, Michael Barnard disputes Michaux's claims as detailed in the article. Michaux's arguments have been used to advocate for degrowth. While degrowth may still be a viable futures trajectory, shortage of minerals may not be one of the reason. Lack of circular economy processes or continued exploitation practices that sustain inequality and rampant consumerism and economic growth may still be valid reasons to consider for degrowth however.
  7. Nov 2023
    1. In einem Brief wollen mehr als 100 britische Energieunternehmen Premierminister Rishi Sunak warnen von der aktuellen Dekarbonisierungspolitik abzugehen. Gerade erst hat ein Gutachten gezeigt, mit welchen Gefahren die zu große Abhängigkeit Großbritanniens von gaslieferungen verbunden ist. Für das net sirocil sind diesen Bericht zufolge 327 Milliarden Pfund Investitionen nötig Punkt bisher haben sich die Regierung aber nur zu gut 22,5 Milliarden Pfund verpflichtet. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jul/16/top-uk-energy-firms-to-warn-rishi-sunak-dont-back-off-green-agenda

      Net Zero-Bericht von Chris Skidmore: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/review-of-net-zero

      Report des Office for Budget Stability: https://obr.uk/frs/fiscal-risks-and-sustainability-july-2023/#:~:text=In%20this%2C%20our%20second%20FRS,on%20the%20UK's%20public%20debt.

  8. Oct 2023
    1. Durch die Überschreitung von 6 der 9 planetaren Grenzen wurde der „safe operating space for humanity“ verlassen. Die neue Studie analysiert auf Basis von 2000 Studien erstmals die Situation bei allen planetaren Grenzen. Als besonders bedrohlich schätzen die Forschenden ein, dass 4 direkt auf das Leben bezogene Grenzen überschritten wurden. Die dadurch mangelnde Resilienz könnte es auch unabhängig von Emissions-Senkungen unmöglich machen, das 1,5°-Ziel zu erreichen. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/sep/13/earth-well-outside-safe-operating-space-for-humanity-scientists-find

  9. Sep 2023
    1. Die Meeresoberfläche ist im globalen Durchschnitt 0,5 Grad wärmer als zwischen. 1991 und 2000. Die zusätlich Erhitzung hat im April begonnen und ist unabhängig von jahreszeitlichen Schwankungen. Interview mit der italienischen Ozeanografin Sabrina Speich, in Paris forscht und unterrichtet und gerade beim Festival della Mente einen Vortrag über Ozeanografie und Klimaveränderungen gehalten hat.


      Vortrag von Sabrina Speich: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-pHe7v_1v1I

  10. Aug 2023
    1. Periods of normal science are interrupted when anomalies between observations and the expectations suggested by the paradigm begin to demonstrate the paradigm’s weakness.

      Lego theory of science.

      Individual bricks are facts which can be assembled in a variety of ways, each of which is a particular paradigm. Ultimately, the optimal structure is one which dovetails with the neighborhoods of structures around them while each having the best minimized structure of it's own.

      With only handfuls of individual facts, it can be difficult to build them up into an interesting or useful structure to start. Doing this may help to discover other facts. As these are added, one may reshape the overall structure of the theory as the puzzle begins to reveal itself and allow the theorist the ability to best structure an overall theory which minimizes itself and allows dovetailing with other external theories. All the theories then eventually form their own pieces which can then be pieced together for the next structural level up.

      See also Simon Singh, Thomas Kuhn, topology.

  11. Jul 2023
    1. Langer Artikel über Recherchen zu den katastrophalen sozialen und ökologischen Folgen des Bergbaus für erneuerbare Energien (thx @gerrymcgovern@mastodon.green, https://mastodon.green/@gerrymcgovern/110230800231430245). Wenn diese Recherchen stimmen, gibt es keine ethisch und politisch vertretbare und wohl auch keine wirtschaftlich realistische Möglichkeit, fossile Energien durch erneuerbare zu ersetzen. #degrowth ist dann nicht nur eine Option, sondern zwingend erforderlich. https://thetyee.ca/Analysis/2023/04/07/Rising-Chorus-Renewable-Energy-Skeptics/

  12. Jun 2023
    1. Interview mit dem Protestforscher Simon Teune über die staatlichen Reaktionen auf die Letzte Generation in Deutschland. Teune sieht ein großes Risiko dafür, dass viele in der Klimabewegung das Vertrauen in die demokratischen Institutionen verlieren. Er stellt fest, dass es kein Rezept für den politischen Erfolg einer sozialen Bewegung gibt.


  13. Apr 2023
    1. In case some haven't been watching, I'll mention that Simon Winchester's new book Knowing What We Know on knowledge to transmission was published by Harper on April 25th in North America. For zettelkasten fans, you'll note that it has some familiar references and suggested readings including by our friends Markus Krajewski, Ann Blair, Iaian McGilchrist, Alex Wright, Anthony Grafton, Dennis Duncan, and Mortimer J. Adler to name but a few.

      Many are certain to know his award winning 1998 book The Professor and the Madman which was also transformed into the eponymous 2019 film starring Sean Penn. Though he didn't use the German word zettelkasten in the book, he tells the story of philologist James Murray's late 1800s collaborative 6 million+ slip box collection of words and sentences which when edited into a text is better known today as the Oxford English Dictionary.

      If you need some additional motivation to check out his book, I'll use the fact that Winchester, as a writer, is one of the most talented non-linear storytellers I've ever come across, something which many who focus on zettelkasten output may have a keen interest in studying.

      Knowing What We Know

      Syndication Link: https://forum.zettelkasten.de/discussion/2558/knowing-what-we-know-the-transmission-of-knowledge-from-ancient-wisdom-to-modern-magic/p1?new=1

  14. Feb 2023
  15. Jan 2023
    1. the concept of the network is merely a renewal of a certain positivist philosophy of Saint-Simon from the dawn of the industrial era, when the followers of Saint-Simon imagined that a vast network would unite all of humanity, abolishing archaic national and religious boundaries via the proliferation of new industrial interconnections in the forms of canals and railways.

      Saint-Simon, positivist utopian, saw world-changing networks in channels and railways (and he wasn't mistaken). A slow internet.

  16. Dec 2022
    1. Please welcome a return to this show my Australian colleague Simon Michaux. Simon currently works for the government of Finland in their mining geology division called GTK. Simon and I previously had a conversation called Minerals Blindness, which complimented the term often used on this podcast, energy blindness. 00:00:26 Simon Returns today to give an overview on given the biophysical constraints that we face, how do we think about solutions? And what would be a preliminary framework for research and societal interventions for what we face?

      Simon Michaux on Mineral Blindness

  17. Nov 2022
    1. Your observations here ring true to me. They're also supported by similar observations by Malcolm Gladwell in chapters 8 and 9 (I believe) of Miracle and Wonder. There he's got stories of Wilt Chamberlain and Paul Simon which provide additional examples though he's also attributing some of the success to memory and the idea of situational awareness. He quotes his own researcher there who makes some comments on short versus long artistic careers and how they relate to creativity and longevity. See also this "zettel": https://hypothes.is/a/Kd7X4lvPEe250Gvn57Pbdg

      Gladwell, Malcolm, Bruce Hedlam, and Paul Simon. Miracle and Wonder: Conversations with Paul Simon. Audiobook. Pushkin Industries, 2021. https://amzn.to/3ENU32D

    1. Rachel Bromwich and Simon Evans have recently re-edited Culwch ac Olswen, this time including the text in Welsh and the notes in English, and a glossary.
    1. “People always say of great athletes that they have a sixth sense,” Malcolm Gladwell says in Miracle and Wonder: Conversations with Paul Simon. “But it’s not a sixth sense. It’s memory.” Gladwell then analogizes James’ exacting memory to Simon’s. In the way James has precise recall of basketball game situations, Simon has it of sounds and songs. “Simon’s memory is prodigious,” Gladwell says. “There were thousands of songs in his head. And thousands more bits of songs—components—which appeared to have been broken down and stacked like cordwood in his imagination.”

      In Miracle and Wonder: Conversations with Paul Simon, Malcolm Gladwell comments on the prodigious memories of both Paul Simon with respect to sounds and Lebron James with respect to basketball game play.

      Where these sorts of situational memories built and exercised over time or were they natural gifts? Or perhaps natural gifts that were also finely tuned over time?

  18. Sep 2022
    1. assessment of extra capacity required of alternative energy electrical power systems to completely replace fossil fuels

      Title: Assessment of extra capacity required of alternative energy electrical power systems to completely replace fossil fuels Author: Prof. Simon Michaux, Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) Year: 2022

  19. Aug 2022
    1. Baut keine Straßen mehr, wenn Ihr wollt, dass unsere Kinder eine Zukunft haben, forderte der Meteorologe Simon Tschannet kürzlich bei der Energielounge im vorarlberg Museum in Bregenz. Nach wie vor werde nur geredet, statt gehandelt.
  20. Jul 2022
    1. Non-uniform tropical forest responses to the ‘Columbian Exchange’ in the Neotropics and Asia-Pacific

      Title: Non-uniform tropical forest responses to the ‘Columbian Exchange’ in the Neotropics and Asia-Pacific

    1. Lewis and Maslin argue that humanity has gone through four major transitions since we left 200,000 years of hunting and gathering. Each transition has been marked by a dramatic access to energy and an equally dramatic increase in information.

      Four major transitions beginning from 200,000 years ago.

    2. The debate might seem too trivial to care about, but as authors Simon Lewis and Mark A. Maslin demonstrate, the stakes are very high indeed. They show that scientists since the 18th century have recognized human influence on the face of the earth. What we have learned since then, and especially in the past 50 years, shows our influence has grown only greater; we just don’t want to admit it, because then we’d have to try to clean up the mess we’ve made.

      Ever since Limits to Growth was released, incumbent power has been in a continuous state of denial.

    3. Can Humanity Get Out of Its Latest ‘Progress Trap’? A review of ‘The Human Planet: How We Created the Anthropocene.’

      Title: Can Humanity Get Out of Its Latest ‘Progress Trap’? A review of ‘The Human Planet: How We Created the Anthropocene.’

  21. May 2022
    1. Between 1930 to 1980,Labrousse, Daumard, and Kuznets carried out their research almostexclusively by hand, on file cards.

      Piketty indicates that Ernest Labrousse, Adeline Daumard, and Simon Kuznets carried out their economic and historical research almost exclusively by hand using file cards.

      Are their notes still extant? What did their systems look like? From whom did they learn them?

    1. I am working now on some way forward.

      Indeed. May we all be doing the same, in our own ways ...

    2. Some way back…

      I like this -- three words that can go a few different ways -- memory, artistic journey, circular reflection ...

  22. Sep 2021
  23. Jun 2021
    1. The Internet, an immeasurably powerful computing system, is subsuming most of our other intellectual technologies. It’s becoming our map and our clock, our printing press and our typewriter, our calculator and our telephone, and our radio and TV.

      An example of technological progress subsuming broader things and abstracting them into something larger.

      Most good mathematical and physical theories exhibit this sort of behaviour. Cross reference Simon Singh's The Big Bang.

  24. Mar 2021
  25. Feb 2021
    1. And if you read what the business schools in the late 19th century taught like Simon Patten at the Wharton School, it’s very much like socialism. In fact, it’s very much like what China is doing.

      Interesting statement!

  26. Jun 2020
  27. May 2020
  28. Apr 2020
  29. Feb 2020
    1. socially-recognized standards of measure

      See Simon Schaffer, "Ceremonies of Measurement: Rethinking the World History of Science," Annales HSS, 70, no. 2 (April-June 2015): 335-360. [PDF].

      Schaffer: "No doubt all this explains why some historians have identified the advent of European modernity with the rise of the quantitative spirit, and, simultaneously, with the capacity of these Europeans to travel, loot, accumulate, and dominate beyond the limits of their own world and, in principle, everywhere."

  30. Jun 2018
    1. nothingness haunts the text

      In Re-writing Freud by Simon Morris, words are randomly selected from Interpretation of Dreams, although "flashes of meaning persist, haunting the text."

  31. Jul 2016
  32. Dec 2014
    1. “do they care?”.

      Simon Ensor and I have been having 'picnic' conversations on this over the last couple of months. I have even had Hangouts of One (yes, I am a lonely dude) that are in part about this. In our picnics the question has taken another form: is it fun?