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  1. Jul 2017
    1. legitimate the class-based system of production by making it appear right and just, and/orobscure the reality of its consequences for those involved

      Ideologies are ideas and beliefs that everybody can come to an agreement. According to Marxists the ideologies are just something where everybody come to an agreement and make it into a theory

    2. of key institutions -the family and the education system -in capitalistsociety

      Key institutions in Superstructure includes family and the education system. They are considered the two most important component in society.

    3. that economic rela- tionships are also social relationships in that they presuppose a definite social, political, cultural and legal con

      Again, economic relationship is also social relationship in Marx's eyes. Because both relationships co-exist.

      In Marx's idea, superstructure is the base for other infrastructure, all ideas rely on superstructure. Superstructure can be looked at as the foundation.

    4. This surplus value costs the capitalis,t ··nothing, and is a tangible symbol of the exploitation of wage-earners

      Surplus is an excess of production, but in the modes of production, it does not cost property owner anything to have surplus because property owner only pays for a flat rate for the cost of labor.

    5. f class relations between owners of property and non-owners of property is essentially the same as in the earlier class-based modes of produc

      This resembles the ancient mode of production where there are only two classes, the ones that own property and the ones that doesn't

    6. he labour power of a class of landless labourers -the proletariat

      This better defines the division of labors. People are divided by classes based on the number of properties they own.

    7. .Infeudalismthedominantclasscontrolstheland,andcomprisesthe lords. The subordinate class is made up of serfs

      In Feudal modes of production, people are separated by warriors (one's who control territory), nobles (one's who own lands) and serfs (servants who work for warriors and nobles).

    8. The ancient mode of production

      The main structure of ancient modes of production splits people into masters and slaves.

    9. All non-communist modes have in common the production of goods by means of the domination and exploitation of one class by anot

      This establishes the division of labor, since there's always the dominant class and the subordinate class in society. One class force exploitation on another class.

    10. while the non-owning, exploited class which performs the productive work is called the subordinate class.According to Marx, the history of human society is the history of different kinds of productive systems based on class exploit

      From Marx's definition, all human society is based off of exploitation. Often times, labor is always cheaper than the product that labor work on, therefore class always exist since human society was established

    11. In the communist mode there are no classes because private property has been abolished -individuals are not able to own the means of produc

      In communist mode, there are no such thing as private property because everything is owned by the government. Individuals are not allowed to own the means of production. Communism often use the word collectivism to justify for their actions.

    12. n the ancient, feudal and capitalist modes -there are just two classes that matter. These are the class that owns the means of production -it is their property -and the class that does not own it.

      This defines what separates people in different classes. In the Ancient modes of production, classes are separated by owning property.

    13. theprimitive communist, ancient, feudal, capitalist and communistmodes

      According to Marx, these are the five modes of production. However, Marx believes that there are actually only 2 modes of production, which is communism and non-communism. He believes that all non-communism modes of production are in the process of becoming modes of production.

    14. erm Marx refers to all the practical know-how, theoretical knowledge and other socialresources available to any particular historical society or group within

      Marx refers to all Historical Materialism as ways of producing and reproducing the means of human existence. Marx puts value to this theoretical knowledge, according to him this knowledge is passed on from generation to generation, society to society therefore it has great historical value.

    15. 'economic activity' always includes work or labour as a set of social relationship

      In Marx's social relationship of production, Marx always include that social is also a part of economic activity. Marx pointed out what differentiate human from animals are that human feel the need to work together and make the things they need to survive, and as a result of this, social relationship became essential in our lives.