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  1. Last 7 days
  2. Jul 2017
    1. f class relations between owners of property and non-owners of property is essentially the same as in the earlier class-based modes of produc

      This resembles the ancient mode of production where there are only two classes, the ones that own property and the ones that doesn't

    2. The ancient mode of production

      The main structure of ancient modes of production splits people into masters and slaves.

    3. n the ancient, feudal and capitalist modes -there are just two classes that matter. These are the class that owns the means of production -it is their property -and the class that does not own it.

      This defines what separates people in different classes. In the Ancient modes of production, classes are separated by owning property.

    4. theprimitive communist, ancient, feudal, capitalist and communistmodes

      According to Marx, these are the five modes of production. However, Marx believes that there are actually only 2 modes of production, which is communism and non-communism. He believes that all non-communism modes of production are in the process of becoming modes of production.

    5. These different ways of producing goods Marx called modesofproduction.Thefiveare(inchronologicalorder):theprimitive communist, ancient, feudal, capitalist and communistmodes

      successive stages in a society's developmen known as modes of production

    6. t one of five different ways of organiz- ing production. These different ways of producing goods Marx called modesofproduction.Thefiveare(inchronologicalorder):theprimitive communist, ancient, feudal, capitalist and communistmodes

      The way that society is organized to produce goods, categorized based on social relations between consumers, producers and owners of the means of production (machinery, raw material, human labor etc.). Marx imagined early production systems as early versions of communism -- thereby imagined a reversion of society to a previous organization of labor -- while the stages in between are characterized by the exploitation of labor between classes.

    1. Modes of Production

      Socities developmental stages that are successive: Primitive Communism, Slave Society (ancient), Feudalism, Capitalism, Communism

      this a type of economic system, that is about all the different ways humans produce the means of survival (the needs) and enhance socialness. history is then characterized by predominant methods production. there then will be succesive socities in evolving patterns formed

    2. Superstructure

      these are the ideas and culture of a given stage which are derived from the modes of production

    3. Classes, Class Exploitation, Class Struggle

      Marx proposes that history is made of up stages driven by class conflict where there is an ownership class which controls the means of production and a lower class that thus provides labor for production. One class is thus exploiting another class. When these two come into conflict it leads to social change.