- Sep 2019
www.4lifeinnovations.com www.4lifeinnovations.com
WordPress Development Company India
WordPress Development Company India provides affordable & custom Wordpress website development services including template integration, CMS customization
- Aug 2019
www.theverge.com www.theverge.com
They have more daily active users than WordPress.com has monthly active users.
This is an interesting and somewhat surprising figure!
marcianolegalmedmal.weebly.com marcianolegalmedmal.weebly.com
How can incorporating free eCommerce WordPress theme can help you in impressing your customers?
We all know that “The first impression is the last impression.” Thus, if you want to impress your users with your website design,
hypothes.is hypothes.is
eCommerce Wordpress Theme is absolutely free and it can be installed on your website with ease and give you an impactful online presence. if you are looking to open online eCommerce Store using WooCommerce plugin, we put a list of the Best eCommerce Wordpress Themes.
- Jul 2019
wpbeaches.com wpbeaches.com
WordPress Database Switcheroo First, do a MySQL database export of the old database on the old server, create a new blank database on the new server, import the old data either in PHPMyAdmin or mysql directly in the command line. Make sure you have the new database selected, then run some SQL updates and replacement commands on the tables notably, wp_options, wp_posts, wp_postmeta. Use the code as below and swap in your old and new URLs, no trailing slashes. Also if necessary change the table prefix values where applicable (ie wp_ ) UPDATE wp_options SET option_value = replace(option_value, 'http://www.oldurl', 'http://www.newurl') WHERE option_name = 'home' OR option_name = 'siteurl'; UPDATE wp_posts SET guid = replace(guid, 'http://www.oldurl','http://www.newurl'); UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = replace(post_content, 'http://www.oldurl', 'http://www.newurl'); UPDATE wp_postmeta SET meta_value = replace(meta_value,'http://www.oldurl','http://www.newurl');
This is really helpful when you're manually cloning a WP site. If you have a Domain of One's Own and you want to move a site from one user's account to another or fork a site into another user's account, this is really helpful.
- Apr 2019
quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com
I can reliably predict when features get added and bugs squashed. I may not know that with WordPress.
These pieces definitely happen on WordPress as well, it's just got an order of magnitude larger of people and infrastructure, so it can sometimes be more difficult to follow.
Here's the best place to start for it: https://make.wordpress.org/
You can follow along with most changes at https://core.trac.wordpress.org/
- Oct 2018
schema.press schema.press
- Aug 2018
www.johnastewart.org www.johnastewart.org
Google Sheets Blogging CMS
- Jun 2018
I think there is a need to develop a system to track the draft of a manuscript from the beginning to the end of the process.
If you're drafting in WordPress you can set the number of revisions of your posts to infinite so that you can keep (archive) all of your prior drafts. see: https://codex.wordpress.org/Revisions
- Mar 2018
postieplugin.com postieplugin.com
The solution.
- Jan 2018
Creating simple bookmarklets on your Android phone with URL Forwarder
I’d run across this wonder of an app a couple of years back too. I’ve been using it for a while, but to post to my WordPress and WithKnown based websites. WordPress and some of it’s subsidiary plugins utilize URL parameters in such a way that URL Forwarder can be easily configured for them as well. Details can be found at http://boffosocko.com/2017/01/10/browser-bookmarklets-and-mobile-sharing-with-post-kinds-plugin-for-wordpress/#A%20Post%20Kinds%20%E2%80%9CBookmarklet%E2%80%9D%20for%20Mobile
paul.kinlan.me paul.kinlan.me
small niche sites that only a handful of users might use can also be part of the same ecosystem.
Perhaps this is something that David Shanske could leverage for adding IndieWeb functionality within WordPress?
www.niemanlab.org www.niemanlab.org
So, R.I.P. The Blog, 1997-2013. But this isn’t cause for lament. The Stream might be on the wane but still it dominates. All media on the web and in mobile apps has blog DNA in it and will continue to for a long while. Over the past 16 years, the blog format has evolved, had social grafted onto it, and mutated into Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest and those new species have now taken over. No biggie, that’s how technology and culture work.
I agree. It is not that blog is dead, or that blogging is no longer an activity worth doing outside Facebooking, Instagramming and Tweeting, or that bloggers are no longer exist. I would say that blog, blogging and blogger are expanding. They just exist in different platform (like Facebook and Pinterest), with different method (people who rant on Facebook .. isn't that blogging?) and as different people (Instagrammers, Facebookers, etc).
- Nov 2017
www.educause.edu www.educause.edu
institutional demands for enterprise services such as e-mail, student information systems, and the branded website become mission-critical
In context, these other dimensions of “online presence” in Higher Education take a special meaning. Reminds me of WPcampus. One might have thought that it was about using WordPress to enhance learning. While there are some presentations on leveraging WP as a kind of “Learning Management System”, much of it is about Higher Education as a sector for webwork (-development, -design, etc.).
mfeldstein.com mfeldstein.com
(At the time, Stephen Downes mocked me for thinking that this was an important aspect of LMS design to consider.)
An interesting case where Stephen’s tone might have drowned a useful discussion. FWIW, flexible roles and permissions are among the key things in my own personal “spec list” for a tool to use with learners, but it’s rarely possible to have that flexibility without also getting a very messy administration. This is actually one of the reasons people like WordPress.
wrapping.marthaburtis.net wrapping.marthaburtis.net
The things they learn to do in WordPress are generalizable to other systems and other online spaces
Link suggestions don’t even have to live in a separate meta box.
Years ago, link suggestions were pretty high on my wishlist for WP. Did notice early implementations of this feature but haven’t used the improved version. It does sound like the current version is pretty useful and can lead to something interesting. Might also work well with annotations, come to think of it.
Here at Yoast, we are worried about the use of new technology combined with the introduction of big new concepts.
- Oct 2017
developer.wordpress.org developer.wordpress.org
Page templates are a specific type of template file that can be applied to a specific page or groups of pages.
- Sep 2017
twitter.com twitter.com
- Jul 2017
wordpress.org wordpress.org
Really Simple SSL
Plugin for SSL redirect, got it from wpcrafter
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
How To Install A Free SSL Security Certificate On Your WordPress Website
On why are there different prices for SSL certificates
How To Add AMP To Your WordPress Website - Accelerated Mobile Pages
- Jan 2017
github.com github.com
是的 我非常需要这个插件!!
现在它看起来好多了! 是因为你们刚刚优化了手机端的CSS吗? 非常感谢~
- Oct 2016
h5p.org h5p.org
H5P makes it easy to create interactive content by providing a range of content types for various needs. Preview and explore these content types below.
- Sep 2016
codex.wordpress.org codex.wordpress.org
Post Author A list of all blog authors you can select from to attribute as the post author. This section only shows if you have multiple users with authoring rights in your blog. To view your list of users, see Users tab on the far right.
- Aug 2016
codex.wordpress.org codex.wordpress.org
Upload the files
If you are using WampServer locally, copy the Wordpress directory to the www directory of your WampServer installation. To find out where that is, click on the WampServer icon in the system tray (notification area in Windows 7), and then click on the 'www directory' listing in the menu. Once where you know where that is, you can copy and paste it to that location. There are other options, but this is the most convenient to get up and running with WordPress quickly.
- May 2016
clintlalonde.net clintlalonde.net
A BC HigherEd WordPress Community
- Apr 2016
jeremydean.org jeremydean.org
Jeremy DeanPosted on January 27, 2016January 28, 2016Categories Getting Started
As a side-note (pun intended?), to help beautify your web presence a bit, you might notice that your photo doesn't show up in the author position in your 2016 theme on single posts. To fix this, you can (create and) use your WordPress.com username/password to create an account on their sister site Gravatar.com. Uploading your preferred photo on Gravatar and linking it to an email will help to automatically populate your photo in both your site and other wordpress sites across the web. To make it work on your site, just go to your user profile in your wordpress install and use the same email address in your user profile as your gravatar account and the system will port your picture across automatically. If necessary, you can use multiple photos and multiple linked email addresses in your gravatar account to vary your photos.
- Jan 2016
Welcome to my domain
I'm playing on the Domain of One's Own Movement here. DOOO started at University of Mary Washington when Jim Groom and Tim Owen's decided it would be cool (read: necessary) for students and faculty to have their own domains and thus more control over their online identity.
As usual, I was late on the scene here, but it was a 2016 New Year's resolution of mine to set up my own domain and so here you have it. Jim and Tim now run a start-up of sorts, Reclaim Hosting, helping folks like me get setup with their own domain.
of my own
Love this style of joke. Something about the way the mind starts a sentence and then realizes it's gone in the wrong direction.
This is my first post on the Web that feels like it’s truly mine
Part of what the Domain of One's Own movement is all about is not so much having your own registered website, but in general taking more control over your online identity. I say most posts I've made on the Web aren't really my own because most posts have been made on Facebook and Twitter and in other places I have only a limited control over.
Part of what inspired me to finally register my own domain like this was a Gardner Campbell Tweet of a blog by OG blogger Dave Winer.
And it’s annotatable/annotated!
You probably already figured that out, but I gotta say, the hypothes.is plugin for WordPress is pretty sweet!
My first post that’s actually mine
I humbly offer this annotated microblog in the grand tradition of short texts, heavily glossed.
See, for example, J.G. Ballard's story “Notes Towards a Mental Breakdown,” a single sentence elaborately footnoted, and Jacques Derrida's "“Living On / Border Lines," an essay with a running footnote alongside it addressed to the translator of the text.
- Dec 2015
www.edsurge.com www.edsurge.com
Users publish coursework, build portfolios or tinker with personal projects, for example.
Useful examples. Could imagine something like Wikity, FedWiki, or other forms of content federation to work through this in a much-needed upgrade from the “Personal Home Pages” of the early Web. Do see some connections to Sandstorm and the new WordPress interface (which, despite being targeted at WordPress.com users, also works on self-hosted WordPress installs). Some of it could also be about the longstanding dream of “keeping our content” in social media. Yes, as in the reverse from Facebook. Multiple solutions exist to do exports and backups. But it can be so much more than that and it’s so much more important in educational contexts.
bavatuesdays.com bavatuesdays.com
Reclaim the Portfolio
teachonline.ca teachonline.ca
What is needed is an edit / design network – similar to the thousands who edit the pages of Wikipedia on a voluntary basis
Sounds like a job for Wikity.
- Nov 2015
chronicle.com chronicle.com
now evolving into Federated WordPress
Thanks in part to David Wiley… Could be a neat thing to show off at WPcampus.
mfeldstein.com mfeldstein.com
Caliper WordPress plugin
How long before we get such a thing?
- Jun 2015
github.com github.com
objectpartners.com objectpartners.com
Single Sign-on With Rails, WordPress and Oauth2
- Oct 2014
shawn.dewolfe.bc.ca shawn.dewolfe.bc.ca
WordPress, Drupal and many other complete web applications come ready made for deployment.
Even if cheap, I wonder what the TCO (total cost of ownership is like)