5,512 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2020
    1. This feedback stimulates learners to critically compare their own mental models and cognitive strategies with those of others, including experts, teachers and peer learners

      I like that this model includes the idea of feedback and how to trigger thinking and reflection on their own behavior, cognitive models, etc.



    1. * Information-Processing Analysis : about the mental operations used by a person who has learned a complex skills

      this sounds a lot more involved unless you are working off a basic set of assumptions for mental operations and complex skills. Further understanding of psychological research and learning theories would be needed.

    2. Dick and Carey Model

      what the heck is this website, lmao.

    1. (a) learning tasks, (b) supportive information, (c) procedural information, and (d) part-task practice

      4 components

      Learning Tasks:

      • aim at integration of (non-recurrent and recurrent) skills.
      • provide authentic, whole-task experiences based on real-life tasks
      • Are organized in simple-to-complex task classes and have diminishing support in each task class (scaffolding).
      • Show high variability of practice.
    2. Learning tasks provide the backbone of the educational program; they provide learning from varied experiences and explicitly aim at the transfer of learning.

      the backbone of this model

    3. four-component instructional design (4C/ID)

      4C/ID tag might be one of the models I want to look into as I might use it for the Art Modules Class

    1. Feedback is a constant loop and not something that should come right at the end of the e-learning course or training module. So, it is important for courses to have feedback inserted at the right places during instruction.

      feedback is a constant loop

    2. Feedback needs to be specific in nature, as well as confirmatory and corrective. This way the learners know what they did right and wrong.

      how to give feedback

    3. Giving learners an indication of the desired outcomes help them calibrate their approach appropriately. This can be done via examples, case studies, and modelling various learning strategies like concept mapping, visualizing, role playing.

      learner guidance

    4. Successive Approximation Model (SAM)

      first time i've heard of this one

    5. Understanding Instructional Design

      reading check 3 material

  2. Jan 2020
    1. Arachnodactyly
    2. Camptodactyly
    3. Joint laxity
    4. Slender limbs
    5. Scoliosis
    6. Tall stature
    7. mild mitral valve regurgitation
    8. Midface hypoplasia
    9. Open mouth appearance
    10. Short philtrum
    11. Long face
    12. Hypotonia
    13. intellectual disability
    14. Developmental delay
    1. RRID:ZFIN_ZDB-ALT-120723-3

      DOI: 10.7554/eLife.42881

      Resource: (ZFIN Cat# ZDB-ALT-120723-3,RRID:ZFIN_ZDB-ALT-120723-3)

      Curator: @evieth

      SciCrunch record: RRID:ZFIN_ZDB-ALT-120723-3

      What is this?

    1. RRID:ZFIN_ZDB-GENO-160122-3

      DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2019.01.019

      Resource: (ZFIN Cat# ZDB-GENO-160122-3,RRID:ZFIN_ZDB-GENO-160122-3)

      Curator: @ethanbadger

      SciCrunch record: RRID:ZFIN_ZDB-GENO-160122-3

      What is this?

    1. 3
    2. 3
    3. 3
    4. 3
    5. 3
    6. 3
    7. 3
    8. macrocephaly
    9. intellectual disability
    10. developmental delay
  3. Dec 2019
  4. Nov 2019
  5. Oct 2019
    1. Restoration asks us “what can we bring back to help us with the coming difficulties and tragedies?”
    2. Relinquishment asks us “what do we need to let go of in order to notmake matters worse?”
    3. Resilience asks us “how do we keep what we really want to keep?”
    4. The third area can be called “restoration.” It involves people and communities rediscovering attitudes and approaches to life and organisation that our hydrocarbon-fuelled civilisation eroded.
    5. second area of this agenda, which I have named “relinquishment.” It involves people andcommunities letting go of certain assets, behaviours and beliefs where retaining them could make matters worse.
    6. we can conceive of resilience of human societies as the capacity to adapt to changing circumstances so as to survive with valued norms and behaviours.
    7. The first is the way the natural scientific community operates.

      First Factor encouraging professional environmentalists in their denial of social collapse in the near term

    8. Especially in situations of shared powerlessness, it can be perceived as safer to hide one's views and do nothing if it goes against the status quo.
  6. Sep 2019
    1. 外國進口的

      Sentiment: Pos<br> Pragmatics: 很高級<br> (我的意思是 Made in China 就不會說是國外進口的)

    2. 也有30幾年了


      1. M: no
      2. wiki: no
      3. special meaning from context (直覺): yes
    3. 豎起大拇哥

      Sentiment: Pos<br> Pragmatics: 很棒<br> (Q: 默默)

    4. 安心食用


      1. M: no
      2. wiki: no
      3. special meaning from context (直覺): no
    5. 酸酸甜甜


      1. M: no
      2. wiki: no
      3. special meaning from context (直覺): no
    6. 鹹甜鹹甜


      1. M: no
      2. wiki: no
      3. special meaning from context (直覺): no
    7. 現折


      1. M: no
      2. wiki: no
      3. special meaning from context (直覺): no
    8. 主打


      1. M: no
      2. wiki: no
      3. special meaning from context (直覺): no
    9. 新鮮製作


      1. M: no
      2. wiki: no
      3. special meaning from context (直覺): no
    10. 一週只賣3天


      1. M: no
      2. wiki: no
      3. special meaning from context (直覺): yes
    1. 一整個就

      Sentiment: 視情況<br> Pragmatics: 強調

    2. 甜膩


      1. M: no
      2. wiki: no
      3. special meaning from context (直覺): no
    3. 一口接一口


      1. M: no
      2. wiki: no
      3. special meaning from context (直覺): no
    4. 挑嘴


      1. M: no
      2. wiki: no
      3. special meaning from context (直覺): yes
    1. 最對味

      Sentiment: Pos<br> Pragmatics: 很配

    2. 七里香


      1. M: no
      2. wiki: no
      3. special meaning from context (直覺): no


    3. 去膩


      1. M: no
      2. wiki: no
      3. special meaning from context (直覺): no
    4. 多層次的口感


      1. M: no
      2. wiki: no
      3. special meaning from context (直覺): no
    5. 爆汁


      1. M: no
      2. wiki: no
      3. special meaning from context (直覺): no
    6. 香而不油


      1. M: no
      2. wiki: no
      3. special meaning from context (直覺): no
    7. 現點現做


      1. M: no
      2. wiki: no
      3. special meaning from context (直覺): no
    1. 很有誠意

      Sentiment: pos Pragmatics: 用料實在

    2. 軟硬適中


      1. M: no
      2. wiki: no
      3. special meaning from context (直覺): no
    3. 粒粒分明


      1. M: no
      2. wiki: no
      3. special meaning from context (直覺): no
    4. A餐


      1. M: no
      2. wiki: no
      3. special meaning from context (直覺): no
    1. MONSAM Portable Sinks are one of the leading manufacturer of Portable sinks. They offer 3 compartment portable self-contained sinks which are perfect for use as a commercial portable sink, a food service sink, a portable science sink, a medical sink, a mobile kitchen or a coffee cart portable sink.

  7. Aug 2019
  8. Jul 2019
    1. Communities of practice are one of the ways in which experiential learning, social constructivism, and connectivism can be combined, illustrating the limitations of trying to rigidly classify learning theories. Practice tends to be more complex.
      • Constructivism - roots in the philosophical and psychological viewpoints of this century, specially Piaget, Bruner and Goodman. Learning occurs when the mind filters inputs from the world to produce its unique reality. The mind is believed to be the source of all meaning, direct experiences with the environment are considered critical. It crosses both categories by emphasizing the interaction between learner and the real world.

      • Social constructivism would emphasize critical experiences between the learner and other learners and mentors.

      • Connectivism is the integration of principles explored by chaos, network, complexity and self-organization theory. A lot of the content is now offloaded to the machine that was previously residing within the learner.

    1. Marriage is the tomb of trust and love.

      In this time period marriage was forced and could be unbroken.

    1. The pope cannot remit any guilt, except by declaring that it has been remitted by God and by assenting to God’s remission; though, to be sure, he may grant remission in cases reserved to his judgment. If his right to grant remission in such cases were despised, the guilt would remain entirely unforgiven

      The pope cannot take away a person sin unless the canons say otherwise

    1. The Enlightenment was always a self-consciously minority movement.

      The enlightenment did not appeal to people at the time

    1. During Phase 3, students work both individually and in small groups at using strategies and skills from the previous phases to develop lines of inquiry around curricular topics. This type of project requires clear questions, multiple reliable sources, citations, and a final product that communicates that information to others.

      Phase 3 focuses on students independent thinking and collaborative thinking and builds on skills developed in previous phases. This phase requires that the students have defined questions, reliable resources, citations, and a final product that communicates their learning and research to others.

    1. It is critical to understand that within systems, there is no isolation from the context, though we often view context as the invisible elephant in the room. When context is not addressed explicitly, equity issues are overlooked, and conversations about diversity in the science curriculum become only necessary for the poor, or students of color, or bilingual students. Issues of equity and context must be integrated in a wider systemic approach for the implementation of the NGSS to be deemed useful. We have to allow for boundary crossing and interdisciplinary connections into domains that make context and students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds, girls, students of cultural and linguistic diversity, and students in urban, suburban, and rural areas want to engage in science and see themselves in science. We believe that a culturally responsive approach to the implementation of the NGSS will achieve this goal.

      It would be amazing to re-conceptualize the problem/s identified here using Popper's/Bereiter's 3-world ontology, specifically the affordances provided by World-3. W3 is 'inhabited by' abstract knowledge objects (aka cultural artifacts) created, worked-on, ignored, fought-over and rejected...or transformed/improved. The standards conceptualized like this and then engaging communities to develop relationships with these objects, apply and 'improve' them in their own worlds, as innovators, as professionals... This is a way to frame addressing the problem of 'implementation' of standards because, "...within systems, there is no isolation from the context..." This idea/description might need further development.

    1. Connectivism is the theory behind massive open online courses, MOOCs

      the author doesn't really elaborate as to how or why connectivism is the guiding theory behind moocs.

    1. Art 3 — There can be no slaves on this territory; servitude has been forever abolished. All men are born, live and die there free and French. Art 4 — All men can work at all forms of employment, whatever their color.Art 5 — No other distinctions exist than those of virtues and talents, nor any other superiority than that granted by the law in the exercise of a public charge. The law is the same for all, whether it punishes or protects. Title III. On Religion

      slavery was abolished in Haiti

  9. sg.inflibnet.ac.in sg.inflibnet.ac.in