1,140 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2015
    1. USNM 427569-77
    2. MCSJ 144
    3. MLS 4826
    4. ZMB 15879
    5. ICN 34345
    6. ANSP 7375
    7. AMNH 40703
    8. USNM 256357
    9. ICN 35001
    10. BMNH 1921.12.29.48
    11. AMNH 134366-70
    12. USNM 410162
    13. MLS 5794
    14. ICN 18191
    15. FMNH 261868-70
    16. AMNH 513795
    17. COP 11241-18
    18. AMNH 11244
    19. MNHN 3193-95
    20. COP 4737
    21. USNM 375136-14
    22. FVZ 11852-53
    23. ICN 36239
    24. COP 55586-602
    25. AMNH 55591
    26. USNM 170370-01
    27. SMF 59900
    28. MCZ 106392-93
    29. LSU 90464-65
    30. FMNH 72773-74
    31. ANSP 63234-38
    32. MNHN 6406
    33. ICN 2168-69
    34. 05°42'N, 75°18'W

      5.7,-75.3 Open Street Map

    35. 06°39'N, 75°28'W

      6.65,-75.466666666667 Open Street Map

    36. 06°48'N, 75°43'W

      6.8,-75.716666666667 Open Street Map

    37. 05°43'N, 75°15'W

      5.7166666666667,-75.25 Open Street Map

    38. 06°17'N, 75°37'W

      6.2833333333333,-75.616666666667 Open Street Map

    39. 06°45'N, 75°32'W

      6.75,-75.533333333333 Open Street Map

    40. 06°58'N, 75°24'W

      6.9666666666667,-75.4 Open Street Map

    41. 06°28'N, 75°33'W

      6.4666666666667,-75.55 Open Street Map

    42. 06°10'N, 75°35'W

      6.1666666666667,-75.583333333333 Open Street Map

    43. 06°15'N, 75°35'W

      6.25,-75.583333333333 Open Street Map

    44. 06°51'N 75°48'W

      6.85,-75.8 Open Street Map

    45. 06°25'N, 76°05'W

      6.4166666666667,-76.083333333333 Open Street Map

    46. 05°37'N, 75°53'W

      5.6166666666667,-75.883333333333 Open Street Map

    47. 07°03'N, 75°55'W

      7.05,-75.916666666667 Open Street Map

    48. 07°23'N, 72°39'W

      7.3833333333333,-72.65 Open Street Map

    49. 07°21'N, 72°39'W

      7.35,-72.65 Open Street Map

    50. 07°19'N, 72°28'W

      7.3166666666667,-72.466666666667 Open Street Map

    51. 07°00'N, 72°20'W

      7,-72.333333333333 Open Street Map

    52. 05°36'N, 72°27'W

      5.6,-72.45 Open Street Map

    53. 07°38'N, 72°12'W

      7.6333333333333,-72.2 Open Street Map

    54. 08°15'N, 71°40'W

      8.25,-71.666666666667 Open Street Map

    55. 08°20'N, 71°11'W

      8.3333333333333,-71.183333333333 Open Street Map

    56. 09°07'N, 70°30'W

      9.1166666666667,-70.5 Open Street Map

    57. 09°28'N, 70°05'W

      9.4666666666667,-70.083333333333 Open Street Map

    58. 08°40'N, 71°03'W

      8.6666666666667,-71.05 Open Street Map

    59. 08°38'N, 71°05'W

      8.6333333333333,-71.083333333333 Open Street Map

    60. 09°00'N, 71°05'W

      9,-71.083333333333 Open Street Map

    61. 08°00'N, 72°05'W

      8,-72.083333333333 Open Street Map

    62. 08°39'N, 71°06'W

      8.65,-71.1 Open Street Map

    63. 08°45'N, 71°05'W

      8.75,-71.083333333333 Open Street Map

    64. 07°45'N, 73°23'W

      7.75,-73.383333333333 Open Street Map

    65. 10°22'N, 72°54'W

      10.366666666667,-72.9 Open Street Map

    66. 10°22'N 72°57'W

      10.366666666667,-72.95 Open Street Map

    67. 10°22'N, 72°54'W

      10.366666666667,-72.9 Open Street Map

    68. 10°22'N, 72°55'W

      10.366666666667,-72.916666666667 Open Street Map

    69. 10°10'N, 72°48'W

      10.166666666667,-72.8 Open Street Map

    70. 10°00'N, 72°50'W

      10,-72.833333333333 Open Street Map

    71. 09°57'N, 72°58'W

      9.95,-72.966666666667 Open Street Map

    72. 10°02'N, 73°02'W

      10.033333333333,-73.033333333333 Open Street Map

    73. 10°40'N, 73°38'W

      10.666666666667,-73.633333333333 Open Street Map

    74. 10°26'N, 73°43'W

      10.433333333333,-73.716666666667 Open Street Map

    75. 10°37'N, 73°33'W

      10.616666666667,-73.55 Open Street Map

    76. 10°53'N, 73°32'W

      10.883333333333,-73.533333333333 Open Street Map

    77. 10°45'N, 73°24'W

      10.75,-73.4 Open Street Map

    78. 10°47'N, 73°25'W

      10.783333333333,-73.416666666667 Open Street Map

    79. 10°55'N, 73°30'W

      10.916666666667,-73.5 Open Street Map

    80. 10°56'N, 73°22'W

      10.933333333333,-73.366666666667 Open Street Map

    81. 10°58'N, 73°29'W

      10.966666666667,-73.483333333333 Open Street Map

    82. 10°55'N, 73°55'W

      10.916666666667,-73.916666666667 Open Street Map

    83. 10°34'N, 73°36'W

      10.566666666667,-73.6 Open Street Map

    84. 10°33'N, 73°29'W

      10.55,-73.483333333333 Open Street Map

    85. BMNH 1921.12.29.48
  2. Aug 2015
  3. Jul 2015
  4. Apr 2015
    1. Do you need to learn code to use The Grid? No coding is required to use The Grid. Just do what you're already doing on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Post images, video, and content to your site and our AI Designer will make it beautiful. If you know code, you can extend functionality using our platform tools and API.

      Coding skills are a plus but not necessary. Accessibility!...

    2. Can I migrate my existing website into The Grid? We will provide tools so that you can migrate your existing website, however, there will be some limitations depending on how your website was built. In addition, third parties can use our APIs to build tools that can add additional functionality for migrating content.

      Site migration is a plus!

  5. Mar 2015
  6. Sep 2014
    1. While the Atom Protocol specifies the formats of the representations that are exchanged and the actions that can be performed on the IRIs embedded in those representations, it does not constrain the form of the URIs that are used. HTTP [RFC2616] specifies that the URI space of each server is controlled by that server, and this protocol imposes no further constraints on that control.
  7. Feb 2014
    1. API Management Using Github

      I have documented eleven approaches to using Github for API management to date:

      • Design and Code
      • Documentation
      • Software development kits (SDK)
      • Code Samples (Gists)
      • Developer Authentication
      • Developer Profiling
      • Presentations and Guides
      • Issue Management
      • Roadmaps
      • Hackathons
      • Terms of Service, Privacy, and Branding
    1. API Services During my monitoring of the API space, I came across a new API monitoring service called AutoDevBot, which monitors all your API endpoints, and notifies you when something goes wrong. Pretty standard feature in a new wave of API integration tools and services I’m seeing emerge, but what is interesting is they use Github as a central place to store the settings for the API monitoring service. AutoDevBot has you clone their settings template, make changes you need to monitor your APIs, register and fire up AutoDevBot to monitor. Seems like a pretty simple way for API service providers to engage with API providers, allowing them to manage all the configuration for API services alongside their own internal API operations.
    2. Github As The Central Presence, Definition, Configuration, And Source Code For Your API Posted on 02-05-2014 It is easy to think of Github as a central repository for your open source code—most developers understand that. I have written before about the many ways to use Github as part of your API management strategy, but in the last few months I'm really seeing Github playing more of a central role in the overall lifecycle of an API.
    1. National governments are also weighing in on the issue. The UK government aims this April to make text-mining for non-commercial purposes exempt from copyright, allowing academics to mine any content they have paid for.

      UK government intervening to make text-mining for non-commercial purposes exempt from copyright.

    2. some researchers feel that a dangerous precedent is being set. They argue that publishers wrongly characterize text-mining as an activity that requires extra rights to be granted by licence from a copyright holder, and they feel that computational reading should require no more permission than human reading. “The right to read is the right to mine,” says Ross Mounce of the University of Bath, UK, who is using content-mining to construct maps of species’ evolutionary relationships.

      "The right to read is the right to mine."

  8. Jan 2014
    1. The ReadSocial people are the same ones who brought us BookGlutton. They have branched out into new areas. Publishers should be looking at Readsocial carefully. It provides a relatively painless way to create a social network around their books, magazines, articles, etc. The network can flow across different reading systems and the virtual groups can connect down to the paragraph level. I think it would be extremely useful for such things as travel books and college guides.

      Might be of interest for API for social, annotations, or digipub in general.