- May 2024
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
In den USA führen wachsende Datencenter, die u.a. durch die Industriepolitik steigende Produktion in Fabriken und immer mehr Elektrofahrzeuge zu einem steilen Anstieg des Bedarfs nach Elektrizität. Der zusätzliche Verbrauch wird in fünf Jahren etwa dem jetzigen Kaliforniens entsprechen. Die bestehenden Klimaziele werden dadurch gefährdet. Viele neue Gaskraftwerke werden bereits projektiert, unter anderem, weil die Regulierungen fossile Energien begünstigen. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/03/13/climate/electric-power-climate-change.html
- expert: Devin Hartman
- expert: Daniel Brooks
- industry: digital
- institution: Southern Environmental Law Center
- institution: Electric Power Research Institute
- by: Nadja Popovich
- variable: electricity demand
- by: Brad Plumer
- Reports/The Era of Flat Power Demand is Over
- 2024-03-14
- expert: Greg Buppert
- country: USA
- expert: Tyler H. Norris
- institution: R Street Institute
- Mar 2018
tylerclark98.gsucreate.org tylerclark98.gsucreate.org
could be getting my messages across by the use of many multimodal resource
What do you think about multimodality in terms of making meaning, not just communicating it? What's the difference?
This reading
Maybe start a new paragraph here? Why or why not?
Visual aspect will also change the text when putting it onto vinyl.
What do you mean?
rearrangment of this work from audio to vinyl
what do you mean?
The vinyl will contain no visual aspects like the original because it is a record and typically don’t have many images on them
But... color? shape? Of course it does have a visual dimension! right? why does your mind discount this?
Gestural and linguistics is what has mainly helped the reformatting of this audio become vinyl and available to many more people in a different way than originally produced.
What does this mean?
f this story
What story? How might someone make sense of this post if they haven't been in our class?
I learned that literally everything is multimodal and can be perceived as a text.
So you are a text?
this vinyl is a text
Good. Is it possible to take the analogy too far? Are YOU a 'text'? Why or why not?
he primary text was helpful to read first obviously because it will help you interpret and understand better what the message of the supplemental text is trying to say.
This implies that the supplemental text takes "multimodality" into account. Does it? Or is this something you are doing?
- Oct 2017
tylerchalmers.wordpress.com tylerchalmers.wordpress.com
Another example on Cloyd Rivers’ account includes much of the ideas listed above such as polarization and in-group and out-groups. Cloyd Rivers’ also takes a stance on the recent protests in the NFL and brought up by Colin Kaepernick. The far right and Cloyd believe that the people kneeling are disrespecting not just the flag but the people that fought in America’s military as well. This is a very popular opinion throughout America but it is not a polar subject. There are not only two sides to the argument presenting itself. Much of Cloyd’s time is spent praising the people who say that they will always be standing for the anthem. Another thing that he does is scapegoat the out-group, this is one of Roberts-Miller’s main characteristics of a demagogue. The scapegoating of Kaepernick is evident throughout his twitter profile. Since Kaepernick was the leader of the inequality movement in the NFL
Good general discussion of how RM's concepts can be applied to a specific text. I like the work you do on polarization. The political cartoon is an interesting text to examine. Your work on athletes starts to take shape but needs to be connected to RM's concepts and to include textual examples.
It is defined as popularizing propaganda that motivates an in-group to hate the scapegoated.
Nice - good account of RM's definition of demagoguery.
tylerchalmers.wordpress.com tylerchalmers.wordpress.com
Boyd also argues that the rhetoric of digital natives has some problems. These teens are not all digitally literate and are learning these technology on their own as they grow up. She feels as if they are being exposed if because they are not able to “critically examine what they are consuming.” I think the solution that Boyd presents matches the problem that she explains. Being more knowledgeable about digital literacy would make our youth and nation as a whole more knowledgeable about what they are reading constantly online and with technology.
Interesting, thoughtful discussion of Boyd. You capture some of her main claims and talk about some connections to your own experience. In responses work a little more on capturing claims precisely, and try to supply some quotations or textual evidence to support and illustrate your points.
digital literacies that are evident in a worldwide webpage. Through exploring the literacies about “America’s civil war” from people around the world and the other side.
Good - could say a bit more about why B thinks wikipedia is a useful resource.
tylerchalmers.wordpress.com tylerchalmers.wordpress.com
dditionally how people would function without these resources before we had them and how stories would be told with no textual information.
Solid homework assignment. You clearly have a good sense of Ong's argument and give a nice account of his key claims. You note the relevance of Ong to the Sundiata text, but I would have liked to see some textual evidence presented and discussed. So in future homework assignments focus on that, and on slightly more "polished" analysis.
This was fun to read and shows you are reading texts carefully and thoughtfully.
- Sep 2017
tylerchalmers.wordpress.com tylerchalmers.wordpress.com
This is very true when there are larger audiences, Ong states that not everyone understands every single word that a speaker is saying but it does not stop them from moving towards the next thing said. Copia is an idea that rhetoricians use to explain that when you’re speaking it is better to move on or repeat what you said previously instead of stopping, this is done to keep the listener(s) captivated. Another aspect that was brought up by Ong was the idea that when you are reading something your mind is open to a different type of speculation of how something may have happened. In the oral culture, there is much less speculation because every story is unique and is told certain ways to insinuate and certain happening at the time. This could be done many ways but can be done the way they articulate the story and the emotions the speaker may have. These can all influence how you may view and hear a story.
Good points - better still if you can connect to the Sundiata text.
With more repetition comes a more accurate representation of the oral story told to the next person.
Partly true - Ong talks about "homeostasis" in Oral tales, the "drift" that takes place, the adaptation to a new context, and the fact that things just get deleted if they are no longer relevant, since remembering is hard. But repetition does help in the creation and delivery of texts, and through practice tales take shape, which is perhaps what you are getting at here.
“Sundiata.” At the end of most of the lines, there are chimes that create a receptive element to the story.
Yes, this is easily the most characteristic stylistic element. It's great you mention this.
learn info much quicker and m
This is rather vague and imprecise (homework assignments should be a bit more formal - a general response if fine for reading responses).
Rhythm is one thing that Ong discusses as a very important part of learning something orally. Repetition, patterns, breathing processes and gestures are all things that make it easier for people to learn something orally.
Good - these are key points Ong makes, and directly relevant to the composition of the Sundiata text.
Remember to support your analysis with textual evidence and textual examples.
He compares it to picture and video saying that sound could never be stopped like a movie could into pictures.
Yes, that is one of his most compelling analogies. We can imagine doing a "freeze frame" on video, and analyzing the composition, and visual texts more broadly make possible stasis. But (until recently) oral texts exist momentarily and can't be frozen, and thus dissected and manipulated and arrayed in space.
- May 2015
www.alasdairroberts.com www.alasdairroberts.com
my sermons seven
In interview with Tyler Wilcox in 2009, Alasdair Roberts referred to the
specifically Jungian references to the "sermons seven" and mandalas... it's like a quest song against conflict and towards individuation. I know a lot of people with strong political or religious convictions whose musical and artistic practice is guided by that – in some ways I envy that kind of certitude, but I suppose my thing is always about flexibility, multiplicity, confusion wanting to reflect the turmoil of reality... always trying to remember that the oar in the ocean is a winnowing fan on dry land.'