10 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2025
    1. Zotmoov's "Move to Selected Directory" is just the equivalent of Zotfile's right-click Rename&Move (which moves a PDF to Zotfile's Custom Location folder). Zotmoov's "Directory To Move Files to" (same as Custom Location folder) is also used when PDFs are downloaded by the Zotero web connector.
  2. Feb 2023
  3. May 2022
    1. adamsmith October 8, 2021 How are you renaming? Don't use Manage Attachments --> Rename (that's the Zotfile one). Instead use "Rename using parent metadata" which is the Zotero native option. That works for me.For the other question, no other wildcards like %j aren't currently available andyes, '{%y_}{%c_}{%t{50}}' would remove spaces and use underscores
      • ZOTERO rename
    1. Zottuno November 9, 2017 No worries. Thanks for all the info.I've reported the bug on the Zotfile forum (https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/5301/zotfile-advanced-pdf-management-for-zotero/p54)Thanks again joojoo May 14, 2018 Have the same problem and renaming doesn't work. Did this get resolved?Zotero can do it fine, but Zotfile can't :( aquawho September 7, 2018 Hello, nope. I follow the instruction according to bwiernik, it did not rename it at all. Look like ZotFile haven't been updated for a while. I will submit the bug to ZotFile and hopefully they will be able to fix it Zotte777 September 23, 2018 Yeah I'm in the same boat. Hopefully it'll get fixed in a future update, I'll submit a bug report also
      • ZOFTILE
    1. bwiernik March 25, 2019 If you leave the location field empty in Zotfile Preferences, the files should rename without moving. elenahe March 25, 2019 edited March 25, 2019 Thank you for the tip! I got it halfway working but I'm still doing something wrong. When I click on "Manage attachement" - "Rename attachment" then it renames the linked file in zotero but not in my actual folder where the file is stored.
      • ZOTFILE: rename WITHOUT move
  4. Apr 2022
    1. shivams April 9, 2014 Using Zotfile, whenever you rename an attachment, it is also moved by default. If the "Location of Files" in Zotfile preferences is set to "Attach stored copy of files", it will move the attachment from its original location and save it as a copy in Zotero. If the option is set to a "Custom Location", it will move the file to the given custom location. What I want is that while renaming an attachment, it should not be moved. Is their any way to do this? Is their any setting that I can change to do this?
    1. adamsmith July 30, 2013 ZotFile can convert attachments stored in Zotero to linked attachments in a target folder. It can do so in batch.That would effectively mean moving files in and out of Zotero, though, rather than just linking to existing ones.
      • OK, but ALSO moves links to external locations
      • I DONT WANT to move these
      • I WANT to move ONLY internal files
  5. Mar 2022
  6. May 2021
    1. Extracting .pdf annotations using [[Zotfile]]

      Go to Settings > Advanced > Config Editor and then filtering by pdfExtraction.

      The end section on templates was rushed and make take some more time to properly configure Zotfile and the notes exports to get what I want.