3 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2024
    1. “Smile!”: Emotion Performance as a Strategy for Belonging in Junior High School
      1. APA Citation: Whiting, E. F. (2021). “Smile!”: Emotion performances as a strategy for belonging in junior high school. Journal of Adolescent Research, 36(2), 183-216. https://doi.org/10.1177/0743558420967115
  2. Sep 2020
  3. May 2018
    1. 6-2006Scale Development and Construct Clarification ofServant LeadershipJohn E. BarbutoUniversity of Nebraska - Lincoln, jbarbuto@unlnotes.unl.eduDaniel W. WheelerUniversity of Nebraska - Lincoln, dwheeler1@unl.edu

      Barbuto Jr, J. E., & Wheeler, D. W. (2006). Scale development and construct clarification of servant leadership. Group & Organization Management, 31(3), 300-326.