- Dec 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
for - adjacency - curiosity of the other - polarization - Common Human Denominator - the sacred - TED Talk - Can curiosity heal division? - Scott Shigeoka - 2024 Dec - othering - self and other - adjacency - deep curiosity - Deep Humanity Common Human Denominators (CHD) - awakening to the sacred - a good transition - social tipping points for complex contagion - wide bridges
- Summary / adjacency
- between
- deep curiosity
- Deep Humanity Common Human Denominators (CHD)
- social tipping points for complex contagion
- new adjacency relationships
- Scott Shigeoka is a researcher on social divisions.
- He is also queer and embarked on an adventurous, embedded, courageous and personal research project to venture into Trump country
- to apply his academic training and curiosity to see if he could
- find a way to form authentic relationships with people he had always considered 'the other'
- What the one year experiment taught him was that deep and authentic curiosity is a valuable tool for learning the ubiquitous othering now prevalent in our modern world
- Out of this experience, he wrote a best selling book called
- Seek: How curiosity can transform your life and change the world
- to apply his academic training and curiosity to see if he could
- Curiosity is a powerful technique to mitigate othering and is aligned with Deep Humanity Common Human Denominators, which are fundamental qualities all humans share which are.
- important for navigating the rapid transition our species of going through
- whose appreciation remind each of us that we are sacred
- Social TIpping Points of complex contagion requires building wide bridges to diverse groups early on
- Scott's experiement illustrates building wide bridges
- Indyweb information infrastructure is open source and supports diversity as it increases the efficacy of collaboration
- adjacency - curiosity of the other - polarization - Common Human Denominator - the sacred - from TED Talk - Can curiosity heal division? - Scott Shigeoka - 2024 Dec
- othering - self and other
- adjacency - deep curiosity - Deep Humanity Common Human Denominators (CHD) - awakening to the sacred - a good transition - social tipping points for complex contagion - wide bridges
- TED Talk - Can curiosity heal division? - Scott Shigeoka - 2024 Dec
- Nov 2024
grounded in the alignment of our shared attention and intention.
for - Deep Humanity - Common Human Denominators (CHD)
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
it isn't just about alleviating their own personal suffering it's also about alleviating Universal suffering so this is where the the bodh satra or the Christ or those kinds of archetypes about being concerned about the whole
for - example - individual's evolutionary learning journey - new self revisiting old self and gaining new insight - universal compassion of Buddhism and the individual / collective gestalt - adjacency - the universal compassion of the bodhisattva - Deep humanity idea of the individual / collective gestalt - the Deep Humanity Common Human Denominators (CHD) as pointing to the self / other fundamental identity - Freud, Winnicott, Kline's idea of the self formed by relationship with the other, in particular the mOTHER (Deep Humanity), the Most significant OTHER
adjacency - between - the universal compassion of the bodhisattva - Deep humanity idea of the individual / collective gestalt - the Deep Humanity Common Human Denominators (CHD) as pointing to the self / other fundamental identity - Freud, Winnicott, Kline's idea of the self formed by relationship with the other, in particular the mOTHER (Deep Humanity), the Most significant OTHER - adjacency relationship - When I heard John Churchill explain the second turning, - the Mahayana approach, - I was already familiar with it from my many decades of Buddhist teaching but with - those teachings in the rear view mirror of my life and - developing an open source, non-denominational spirituality (Deep Humanity) - Hearing these old teachings again, mixed with the new ideas of the individual / collective gestalt - This becomes an example of Indyweb idea of recording our individual evolutionary learning journey and - the present self meeting the old self - When this happens, new adjacencies can often surface - In this case, due to my own situatedness in life, the universal compassion of the bodhisattva can be articulated from a Deep Humanity perspective: - The Freudian, Klinian, Winnicott and Becker perspective of the individual as being constructed out of the early childhood social interactions with the mOTHER, - a Deep Humanity re-interpretation of "mother" to "mOTHER" to mean "the Most significant OTHER" of the newly born neonate. - A deep realization that OUR OWN SELF IDENTITY WAS CONSTRUCTED out of a SOCIAL RELATIONSHIP with mOTHER demonstrates our intertwingled individual/collective and self/other - The Deep Humanity "Common Human Denominators" (CHD) are a way to deeply APPRECIATE those qualities human beings have in common with each other - Later on, Churchill talks about how the sacred is lost in western modernity - A first step in that direction is treating other humans as sacred, then after that, to treat ALL life as sacred - Using tools like the CHD help us to find fundamental similarities while divisive differences might be polarizing and driving us apart - A universal compassion is only possible if we vividly see how we are constructed of the other - Another way to say this is that we see others not from an individual level, but from a species level
- adjacency - the universal compassion of the bodhisattva - Deep humanity idea of the individual / collective gestalt - the Deep Humanity Common Human Denominators (CHD) as pointing to the self / other fundamental identity - Freud, Winnicott, Kline's idea of the self formed by relationship with the other, in particular the mOTHER (Deep Humanity), the Most significant OTHER
- example - individual's evolutionary learning journey - new self revisiting old self and gaining new insight - universal compassion of Buddhism and the individual / collective gestalt
- Oct 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
I 00:47:39 haven't heard any suggestion from anywhere in the world uh for a better order than the besmed liberal order which is based again on the very basic 00:47:52 understanding that all humans share the the same basic experiences and therefore we all share some common interests that the pain of as it's 00:48:05 biological that pain and and and despair and sadness they are the same in Israelis and Palestinians in Russians in ukrainians and this simple realization is the basis for the liberal Glo Global 00:48:18 Order
global liberal order, common human denominators, CHD, adjacency, adjancency - global liberal order - common human denominators - Deep Humanity, Yuval Noah Harari
- between
- global liberal order
- common human denominators (CHD)
- Deep Humanity
- between
- adjacency statement
- Yuval raised an interesting perspective I've never thought about with respect to the global liberal order
- He points out that the essence of the global liberal order is that all humans share fundamental features
- This aligns with Deep Humanity's Common Human Denominators (CHD)
- The name 'global liberal order' has come to have a polarizing impact (liberals vs conservatives).
- As pointed out in other places, liberal and conservative polarization is inherently partial truths and unreal abstractions.
- Most human beings are both liberal AND conservative
- Given the intractability of the problem, humanity is insufficient to deal with it
- Nonlinear, alternative ways may have better success, including Deep Humanity, that looks at the Common Human Denominators as the foundational layer we all share as humans
- Sep 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
- for: doppleganger, conflict resolution, deep humanity, common denominators, CHD, Douglas Rushkoff, Naomi Klein, Into the Mirror World, conspiracy theory, conspiracy theories, conspiracy culture, nonduality, self-other, human interbeing, polycrisis, othering, storytelling, myth-making, social media amplifier
- This conversation was insightful on so many dimensions salient to the polycrisis humanity is moving through.
- It makes me think of the old cliches:
- "The more things change, the more they remain the same"
- "What's old is new" ' "History repeats"
- the conversation explores Naomi's latest book (as of this podcast), Into the Mirror World, in which Naomi adopts a different style of writing to explicate, articulate and give voice to
- implicit and tacit discomforting ideas and feelings she experienced during covid and earlier, and
- became a focal point through a personal comparative analysis with another female author and thought leader, Naomi Wolf,
- a feminist writer who ended up being rejected by mainstream media and turned to right wing media.
- The conversation explores the process of:
- othering,
- coopting and
- abandoning
- of ideas important for personal and social wellbeing.
- and speaks to the need to identify what is going on and to reclaim those ideas for the sake of humanity
- In this context, the doppleganger is the people who are mirror-like imiages of ourselves, but on the other side of polarized issues.
- Charismatic leaders who are bad actors often are good at identifying the suffering of the masses, and coopt the ideas of good actors to serve their own ends of self-enrichment.
- There are real world conspiracies that have caused significant societal harm, and still do,
- however, when there ithere are phenomena which we have no direct sense experience of, the mixture of
- a sense of helplessness,
- anger emerging from injustice
- a charismatic leader proposing a concrete, possible but explanatory theory
- is a powerful story whose mythology can be reified by many people believing it
- Another cliche springs to mind
- A lie told a hundred times becomes a truth
- hence the amplifying role of social media
- When we think about where this phenomena manifests, we find it everywhere:
- for: doppleganger, conflict resolution, deep humanity, common denominators, CHD, Douglas Rushkoff, Naomi Klein, Into the Mirror World, conspiracy theory, conspiracy theories, conspiracy culture, nonduality, self-other, human interbeing, polycrisis, othering, storytelling, myth-making, social media amplifier
- othering
- Into the Mirror World
- social media amplifier
- conspiracy theories
- Deep Humanity
- nonduality
- conspiracy culture
- conflict resolution
- polycrisis
- myth-making
- storytellilng
- self-other entanglement
- Naomi Klein
- human interbeing
- doppleganger
- Douglas Rushkoff
- conspiracy theory
- common denominators
- May 2022
www.usmcu.edu www.usmcu.edu
What prospects are there to reconfigure great powers’ approach to geopolitical security in a way that aids containment of the hyperthreat? Possible angles include:
Othering needs to be critically examined from a Deep Humanity lens so that we can begin to see ourselves as one united but diverse human family instead of multiple fractured families.
Given wide-ranging concerns about globalization, the performance of international organizations, and perceptions that the so-called “liberal rules-based order” holds lingering colonial power dimensions, an overarching conclusion is that the post-World War II global architecture, designed before the advent of CEC or the internet, is outdated and ripe for redesign.16 A new neutral rules-based order could be established, one that is based on ecological survival and safe Earth requirements. Akin to the 2015 Paris Agreement, this might be acceptable to all nations because all are threatened by the CEC hyperthreat. It is an approach that builds on environmental peacekeeping rationale.
Again, like the above point, some kind of global Deep Humanity training that results in gaining appreciation of the Common Human Denominators (CHD) is critical for open communications and finding common ground for dialogue.
- Oct 2021
www.csmonitor.com www.csmonitor.com
A recent survey found that only 14% of people they surveyed in the United States talk about climate change. A previous Yale study found that 35% either discuss it occasionally or hear somebody else talk about it. Those are low for something that over 70% of people are worried about.
Conversation is not happening! There is a leverage point in holding open conversations where we understand each other’s language of different cultural groups. Finding common ground, the common human denominators (CHD) between polarized groups is the lynchpin.