2 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2024
    1. Third, relatedly, we need to excite people with big ideas that are congruent with the crisis, and that simultaneously speak to people’s deep economic and employment anxieties and the cost of living crisis.We need billions of dollars more spent on transformative climate infrastructure that will employ tens of thousands of people.Rather than trying to incentivize heat pumps with inadequate rebates, let’s just make them free! (As PEI does for households with incomes under $100,000.)Let’s talk about free public transit, and huge subsidies for e-bikes, to liberate people from punishing transportation expenses. And let’s propose paying for a chunk of all that with wealth and windfall profits taxes (a recent Abacus survey found increasing taxes on the richest 1% to be a massive vote-winner), and suing the corporations that got us into this mess (as California is doing).These represent transformative policies that tackle multiple crises at once and bolster solidarity.

      Wow. Bold. I love the sound of this, and yet I’m reflexively hearing myself up for the “how do we pay for it” response

  2. Apr 2023
    1. 57:17 I mean, when we think of the ways57:20 in which ISIS is not only using images for propaganda,57:25 to see a statue,57:28 both of historic worth and of aesthetic value57:32 being so destroyed,57:33 gives you a kind of visceral shock because you feel,57:37 not only the assault on our cultural heritage,57:39 but you feel the assault on the body.

      Aby Warburg's views on art history and memory may have a lot to say with respect to our cultural movement of destroying and removing Civil War Monuments which glorify the "Lost Cause" of the South in the United States.