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  1. Mar 2019
    1. Prima Vitasari et al. / Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 8 (2010) 490–497491Anxiety while studying is a major predictor of academic performance (McCraty, 2007 and McCraty, et al., 2000) and various studies have demonstrated that it has a detrimental effect. Little is known that there exist a possible association between high level of anxiety and low academic performance among students. Researchers revealed that high levels of anxiety influence on the decrease of working memory, distraction, and reasoning in students (Aronen et al., 2005). Tobias in Ibrahim (1996) has been recognised that anxiety plays significant role in student's learning and academic performance, moreover anxiety has been known to have both facilitating and debilitating effects on academic achievement

      The authors mention secondary evidence to discuss the correlation between high anxiety levels and academic progress. This is done to establish the main claim and building blocks of the study that is to be conducted.



    1. Social Anxiety and Academic AchievementTo the best of our knowledge, only two research groupshave tested the hypothesis that social anxiety is directly and

      The author gets to the main point of the article and establishes the main concept by citing two sources that will later be explained in further details

    2. From this perspective, indi-viduals who are socially anxious might perceive the uni-versity/college social environment as somewhatthreatening, which, in turn, would restrict their openness tochange

      The author used a secondary source to propose a different viewpoint about the matter and why socially anxious individuals might be perceiving socially demanding situations as some sort of a threat

    3. Thus, fromthis viewpoint, socially anxious or withdrawn individualsmight be at a disadvantage academically if they tend to avoidthe social and academic communities of an institution

      The author builds a conclusion and reinforces the main claim based on previous citations and the last example

    4. How-ever, thoughts of engaging or interacting with others mightfoster the social fears that are central to social anxiety, hin-dering any attempt to participate in the classroom, join inconversations, or ask for help in order to successfully ma-neuver through the university/college system

      The author proceeds to directly state the consequences that arise from students' social anxiety which inhibits itself in the form of fear of interaction and avoidance of any sort of participation even when it is vital to the student's understanding

    5. In fact,Russell and Topham (2012) propose that social anxietymay have a negative impact on university/college students’academic achievement

      The author cites a secondary source to present his claim through a similar opinion

    1. Harris Shah Abd Hamid and Muhamad Karimi Sulaiman (2014) stated that the students from Department of Psychology, International Islamic University Malaysia who took a statistics course seemed to have a high level of statistical anxiety which due to a student’s negative self-perception in solving mathematical issues. According to the data found by the researchers, another predictor that contributes to the highest statistics anxietywas aroused by the teacher or course instructor. So, in this issue, the instructors may focus on verbal and nonverbal immediacy behaviorsto reduce students’ anxiety (Williams, 2010 as cited by Harris Shah Abd Hamid & Muhamad Karimi Sulaiman, 2014)

      The author effectively used a secondary source to propose an explanation and a theory for the reason students may suffer from anxiety symptoms. The source provides a credible basis on which the author was able to build a claim upon.

    2. It is rather unclear what the purpose of the paper is as the author continues to discuss or mention other sources' viewpoints about the problem and not his own. There is basically no argument whatsoever in the article.

    3. The literature has revealed that anxiety was one of the predictors which contribute to several results of academic performance specifically to students at high school and university level. Therefore, in order to achieve better academic performance, students must be able to control and present themselves in a moderate and appropriate level of anxiet

      main claim again is discussed along with the way the author thinks the affected students should deal with the disorder

    4. anxiety can affect academic performance among students as we

      clear thesis statement