2 Matching Annotations
- Jan 2024
www.repubblica.it www.repubblica.it
Seit 2000 sind mindestens 4 Millionen Menschen direkt an Folgen der globalen Erhitzung gestorben. Diese Minimalschätzung in einer neuen Studie begründet, die globale Erhitzung schon jetzt als Gesundheitsnotstand zu behandeln. https://www.repubblica.it/green-and-blue/2024/01/31/news/negli_ultimi_ventanni_la_crisi_del_clima_ha_causato_4_milioni_di_morti-422021774/
- health
- Colin Carlson
- Rebecca John
- Geoffrey Supran
- Desnog
- 2024-01-31
- Studie: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-023-02765-y.epdf?sharing_token=IL_zcPTQeLRaAVn2UjXBWtRgN0jAjWel9jnR3ZoTv0PLn5j9lFMbkOaUU5T87K9DXJVGIFTe04qz6ZADunSYJ3c48h2Nysq4KnQc9cE426NluVDh9m3DWR7dZC4yFo8lRxFp2Q02NZyAWBbWBlgDlVoGDFjbf66JTfs2mV6D93Pa5QhmIf78ePjlxZrcVoMRRm2wuWdQ78Xg_MSlijloSyiXEy_NARCCOPozMcy7L7r-AIkI4p7MKtjFxAqsoD4ubROr8vMtyZhy7EfCAggsWn9lGqdkW9KS2nZx2SVMKMEBd-H2h4DgX1UV3iivKnNwG1wui_yVn-FcpmLQvS95mrRV2YDrsO6eE6W1_M0PIR7WRKkOwXBO8AHDaSfXlFPC&tracking_referrer=www.repubblica.it
- Climate Investigations Center
- Anthony McMichael
- May 2020
www.latimes.com www.latimes.com
OK, now for a few burning questions: Why was Joe Exotic’s ex-husband, John Finlay, shirtless in all of his interviews?Chaiklin: I think he was very proud of his tattoos. That’s a big thing in that particular culture.
According to the podcast Cat People and John Finlay himself, this is untrue.
According to Finlay, one of the directors goaded him to 'bring your sexy self' and wanted him to not wear his shirt.
Longform writes about the podcast episode here.