34 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
  2. Dec 2023
    1. https://docsify-this.net/#/

      Instantly Turn Online Markdown Files into Web Pages This open-source web app, built with the magical documentation site generator Docsify, provides a quick way to publish one or more online Markdown files as standalone web pages without needing to set up your own website.

  3. Nov 2023
  4. Oct 2023
  5. Sep 2023
  6. Aug 2023
  7. Nov 2022
  8. Jul 2022
  9. May 2022
    1. https://community.reclaimhosting.com/t/mastodon-on-reclaim-cloud/3225

      For those interested in doing it for edtech/classroom settings, it might be worth looking at the Hometown fork of Mastodon: https://github.com/hometown-fork/hometown/wiki/Local-only-posting

      The link is to a special feature that most Mastodon instances don't have: local only posting which would allow students a level of privacy and separation from the rest of the federated timeline if they choose.

  10. Apr 2022
  11. Jan 2022
    1. Community Chat - February 9th, 2022 Announcements You have selected 0 posts. select all cancel selecting taylorjadin2dWe are calling the next Community Chat “State of Reclaim!” This chat will be an overview of what we have been busy with at the start of the new year at Reclaim Hosting, as well as what we are looking ahead toward. In this community chat, we’ll hear from the various groups at Reclaim about what they have been up to, as well as a breakdown of the initial work on an exciting new project for us that we’re calling the “Domains API.” Register at the link below to attend the chat. We will email details on how to join in the days leading up to the Community Chat Where: Online, Register here: https://forms.gle/5CN3xWhGATDmujFx9 5 When: February 9th, 2022 12 - 1 PM EST
  12. Apr 2021
  13. Nov 2017
  14. Mar 2017
  15. Feb 2016
    1. Part 3, Pressbooks dependencies:

      I skipped this section for now, wanting to just have my book(s) on the Web for starters. Looks like we are definitely chaning .php files below though.

    2. Navigate to: My Books → YOUR_SITE → Dashboard

      I believe the names of these categories has changed in the current UI: "My Catalog" has replaced "My Books."

    3. Part 1, WordPress generic:

      But for starting another WP install, skip this section entirely if following my lead, enabling Reclaim/Instrallatron's automatic configuration of multisite at installation.

    4. Pressbooks works with PHP 5.6.x and WordPress 4.4.1.

      I was working in 5.5 but Tim Owens quickly allowed me the ability to upgrade within the cPanel.

      Image Description

    5. Network Enable "Pressbooks."

      All I did of the above was download the PB plugin. You can "Network activate" from the plugin installed page.

    6. Do not install Pressbooks on an existing WordPress blog -- create a new WordPress install instead.

      This is pretty important. But it's easy to add a second WP install in Reclaim's Installatron. In fact, you can select "multisite" in the process and skip all of Part 1 below, including editing php files.

  16. Dec 2015
    1. Learn to take ownership and control over the content you put on the web instead of handing it to third-party publishers.

      Such an admirable principle/mission. I wonder though whether this will ever be part of a larger cultural turn? Or even if it will be a major part of 21st century digital pedagogy?...