- Dec 2023
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
- Nov 2023
events.reclaimhosting.com events.reclaimhosting.com
Watch live at https://watch.reclaimed.tech/open-publishing-ecosystems
- Open Publishing Ecosystems 2023-11-28
- Reclaim Hosting
- Open Publishing Ecosystems 2023-12-19
- Manifold
- Reclaim Hosting Community chat 2023-11-15
- Docsify
- open publishing
- Docsify-This
- Open Publishing Ecosystems 2023-12-12
- events
- HedgeDoc
- Open Publishing Ecosystems 2023-12-05
Advancing media and information literacy Bryan Alexander interviews Laura Hilliger, Ian O'Byrne, and Doug Belshaw
With discussion of Promoting Informed Citizenship in a Connected World: Advancing Media and Information Literacy preprint version available at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ztAJGD-6KooF3ligI0H9DChpBdc-ROBdCLXJDbaTJm4/edit
www.meetup.com www.meetup.com
Generative AI: Super Learning Skills with Data Discovery and more!
forums.reclaimhosting.com forums.reclaimhosting.com
Open Publishing & Why You Should Do It
- Oct 2023
www.meetup.com www.meetup.com
Book of Deuteronomy, Robert Altar Translation<br /> Chapters 1-11 2023-11-06 at 2:30 PM PST
How intermediary organizations can help save higher education
libcal.library.upenn.edu libcal.library.upenn.edu
udenver.zoom.us udenver.zoom.us
Some related ideas that are suggesting some sort of thesis for improving the idea of ungrading: - We measure the things we care about. - In Education, we care about learning and understanding, but measuring these outside of testing and evaluation is difficult at best (therefor ungrading). - No one cares about your GPA six months after you graduate. - Somehow we've tied up evaluations and grades into the toxic capitalism and competition within US culture. Some of this is tied into educational movements related to Frederick Winslow Taylor and Harvards Eliot. - Hierarchies instituted by the Great Chain of Being have confounded our educational process.
- Sep 2023
franklin.library.upenn.edu franklin.library.upenn.edu
9th-century copy of Boethius's Latin translation of Aristotle's De interpretatione, referred to in the manuscript as Periermenias, with the shorter of two commentaries that Boethius wrote on that work. Replacement leaves added in the 11th century to the beginning (f. 1-4) and end (f. 45-64) of the manuscript, in addition to providing the beginning and end of the Boethius (which is probably lacking 2 gatherings between extant gatherings 6 and 7), include the Periermeniae attributed to Apuleius in the medieval period, a poem by Decimus Magnus Ausonius on the seven days of Creation, a sample letter of a monk to an abbot with interlinear and marginal glosses, and other miscellaneous verses, definitions, and excerpts. Dot Porter, University of Pennsylvania, has determined that two groups of leaves are misbound; leaves 5-12 (the original order appears to have been 5, 9, 10, 6, 7, 11, 12, 8) and leaves 53-64 (the original order of the leaves appears to have been 61, 62, 53-60, 63, 64).
Envisioning the next wave of emergent AIAn experimental Future Trends Forum workshop event
- May 2023
forum.eastgate.com forum.eastgate.com
Tinderbox Meetup - Sunday, May 7, 2023: Connect with Sönke Ahrens live, the author of How to Take Smart Notes
Sunday, May 7, 2023, 12:00 noon Eastern Time (US and Canada)<br /> 9 AM Pacific Time<br /> Zoom link for the meetup: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8850659900?pwd=ZE9ROUs1czNiK2FTTStjTUJuVkIydz09 4
Agenda This one is going to be fun! Sönke Ahrens, the author of How to Take Smart Notes 12 will join our meetup on May 7th. Let’s start a thread on what we’d like to review with him. The meetup is not for a couple of weeks. If you have the time, I highly suggest you grab a copy and give it a read.
- Mar 2023
www.google.com www.google.com
- Jan 2022
community.reclaimhosting.com community.reclaimhosting.com
Community Chat - February 9th, 2022 Announcements You have selected 0 posts. select all cancel selecting taylorjadin2dWe are calling the next Community Chat “State of Reclaim!” This chat will be an overview of what we have been busy with at the start of the new year at Reclaim Hosting, as well as what we are looking ahead toward. In this community chat, we’ll hear from the various groups at Reclaim about what they have been up to, as well as a breakdown of the initial work on an exciting new project for us that we’re calling the “Domains API.” Register at the link below to attend the chat. We will email details on how to join in the days leading up to the Community Chat Where: Online, Register here: https://forms.gle/5CN3xWhGATDmujFx9 5 When: February 9th, 2022 12 - 1 PM EST
- Nov 2021
hypothesis.zoom.us hypothesis.zoom.us
- Sep 2021
events.indieweb.org events.indieweb.org
- Aug 2021
sketchnotearmy.com sketchnotearmy.com
International Sketchnote Camp Brussels, Belgium Online: September 10-12, 2021
talk.fission.codes talk.fission.codes
Tuesday, August 17, 2021 9:00 AM
- May 2021
neo.wordcamp.org neo.wordcamp.org
- Apr 2021
This looks fascinating. I'm not so much interested in the coding/programming part as I am the actual "working in public" portions as they relate to writing, thinking, blogging in the open and sharing that as part of my own learning and growth as well as for sharing that with a broader personal learning network. I'm curious what lessons might be learned within this frame or how educators and journalists might benefit from it.
I'll be a bit on the late side, but I'll try to make this around 11 am my time.
- Mar 2021
secure.virginiahistory.org secure.virginiahistory.org
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>Dr. Jamie L.H. Goodall</span> in Dr. Jamie L.H. Goodall on Twitter: "Want to talk pirate myths and reality as well as pirates on the Chesapeake Bay in the colonial era? I'll be giving a FREE talk for the Virginia Museum of History & Culture on May 11th at 7pm EST. Find details and register here: https://t.co/fTSpyUzrO9 https://t.co/7mJhPDq3Vd" / Twitter (<time class='dt-published'>03/25/2021 11:30:56</time>)</cite></small>
- Feb 2021
hyperlink.academy hyperlink.academy