103 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
    1. Gugliano said, so she found Gregg competent to stand trial

      WTF? So "can remember facts" and "no concerning memory lapses", to you, equals capacity for doing rational thought? What fucking half-ass clinical protocol are you following? You're a murderer

    2. blackouts, she said she thought that was what had happened during the incident

      Exactly what would be expected in PD. When anxiety or anxiety triggers occur, this is when decoupling is happening. Reality processing > alogia and dissociation > full personality dissociative splitting

    1. patient can keep producing insulin naturally in the coming years, s

      DUDE...Fucking B cell depletion CAR T therapy to cure the autoimmune disease. Autologous stem cells to regenerate the organ.

    2. Two and a half months later, the woman's lifelong dependence on injected insulin came to an end – completely reversing her long-term, hard-to-control diabetes.


    1. reversal of inflammation and fibrosis

      Reversal of fibrosis. .... REVERSAL

    2. achieved complete B-cell depletion, including B cells implicated in the pathophysiology of their autoimmune disorders.

      WOW..... That's a cure to AA disease.

    1. Rarely, vigorous exercise triggers a widespread, potentially severe allergic (anaphylactic) reaction. In some people, this reaction occurs only if they eat a specific food (especially wheat or shrimp) before exercising. Breathing becomes difficult or blood pressure falls, leading to dizziness and collapse. An anaphylactic reaction can be life threatening.

      Interesting. ..... Exactly what happened to me

    1. Iron is a potential therapeutic target for IRI (Fig. 4). Clinical studies have shown that children with following severe ischemic-anoxic insult have significantly increased iron levels in multiple areas of the brain


    1. Probably the long-term health effects we see in people who are supposed to be recovered from an acute infection are actually due to persistence of virus

      Does the IFN cell metabolism/protein synthesis shut down switch actually aid in the concealment of virus, ESPECIALLY for viruses that produce a stage 1 expression Exploit to deactivate host intracellular viral sensing and antigen presenting proteins to avoid early phase detection and slip into the nucleus, vesicles, or other niches where they hide, secreting low levels of vital protein which triggers chronic IFN response, but hinders antigen presentation and does not present a strongly overt enough cell takeover, which is sided by supression by the chronic IFN expression, to allow extracellular IGs or WBCs to detect and eradicate it. In fact WBCs are continuously chemotaxis-ly signaled to infiltrate, but they only mill around unable to find the offending signal source and shut it down.

    2. Once the infected immune cells were eliminated, the signs of damage diminished


    1. destroys RNA within the cells to further reduce protein synthesis of both viral and host genes.


    2. to reduce protein synthesis within the cell


    3. Monocytes and macrophages can also produce large amounts of type I interferons when stimulated by viral molecular patterns


  2. Sep 2024
    1. hypoxia also inhibits chicken ovalbumin upstream

      This mean HIF down regulates albumin? This would mean loss of glycocalyx and blood cleanup and protection by albumin

    2. Treatment with inhibitors of TGF β1 receptor and ANTXR2 significantly attenuates hypoxia-induced cell adhesio


    3. Hypoxia is common at the beginning


    4. initiation of hypoxia is one of the main causes of AKI

      ...and nobody said anything. Nobody said AKI. Nobody said microvascular risk

    5. rapid failure of kidney function, usually caused by decreased blood flow
    6. capacity of Hif-1 to downregulate fatty acid β-oxidation

      .....hence Keto's surprising efficacy.

      FURTHER, IF THAT'S TRUE, KETO IS A TREATMENT FOR "INDUCED HYPOXIC" CHRONIC INFLAMMATORY DISEASES. And also gives causative explanation to my improvement, albeit arduous, while keto dieting.

    7. overexpressing Hif-1α in adipocytes have elevated obesity and insulin resistance associated with increased inflammation and fibrosis


    8. Hypoxia alters several key metabolic processes including glucose uptake, glycolysis, oxidative metabolism, lipolysis, and lipogenesis in adipocytes.


    9. leptin, visfatin, apelin, TNF-α, IL-1, IL-6, VEGF, MMP2, MMP9, angiopoietin-like protein-4, macrophage migration inhibitory factor, and PAI-1 expression


      And PAI-1

    10. show that HIF-1α and HIF-2α inhibit insulin signaling



      This may be why keto is so effective, particularly in people who have tried and failed with many prior diets, because keto is the only non drug way to overcome HIF.

      FURTHER, this very strongly explains why obese people are do dam SOB...and why (and offering a profound demonstration of causative relationship: inflammation-hypoxia (fitness/fatness)-blood flow-acidosis-(smoking/alcohol)-deatj/cancer/fibrosis/degenerative disease) they die so early

    1. pronounced circadian variation in PAI-1 plasma levels with the highest concentration present in the morning a

      Another mechanism explaining sleep inertia

    1. The opposite effect is observed in the presence of anions, in particular with Cl-, which stabilizes the closed form of Glu-plasminogen rendering plasminogen poorly activatable.

      So acidosis is preventing plasminogen from activating

    1. Unless specific tests are used to detect hypoperfusion (transcranial Doppler, perfusion CT, or direct cerebral blood flow measurement) it will go unnoticed, low PbtO2 will be deemed unreliable, or no causes will be identified
    2. Awakening was in fact reported as the cause of low PbtO


      This provides mechanism explanation for SLEEP INERTIA.

    3. it must be realized that PaO2 required for a few days after brain injury to overcome a diffusion barrier is probably higher than 100 mm Hg. 20,24


    4. Diffusion of oxygen from the capillary to the neuron is actually the rate-limiting step of oxygen delivery 22


    1. switch from carbohydrate metabolism to lipid metabolism for cellular energy supply.[30][31][32] This metabolic switch limits anaerobic metabolism and the formation of lactate, a herald of poor prognosis and multi-organ failure (MOF) after I/R injury. In addition, the increase in lipid metabolism generates ketone bodies and activates peroxisome proliferating-activated receptors (PPARs), both of which have been shown to be protective against I/R injury


    2. resulting in mitochondrial dysfunction and collapse. Upon collapse, the calcium is then released to overwhelm the next mitochondria in a cascading series of events that cause mitochondrial energy production supporting the cell to be reduced or stopped completely

      Wow.. Widespread mitochondrial death. This explains the need for necessary recovery period for mitochondria to be reproduced. Also makes clear an obvious mechanism why aerobic training, which increases mitochondria numbers, substantially increases aerobic endurance & speed, reduction in both ROS and Lactic Acidosis, thus pain, disease, and early death.

    3. Hypothermia has been shown to help moderate intracranial pressure and therefore to minimize the harmful effect of a patient's inflammatory immune responses


    4. hypothermia


      A reoccurring theme. The importance of temperature effect and control..

    5. FMN loss by complex I and I/R injury can be alleviated by the administration of FMN precursor, riboflavin

      RIBOFLAVIN TREATMENT for cerebral hypoxia

    6. brain ischemia/reperfusion injury is mediated via complex I redox-dependent inactivation.[5] It was found that lack of oxygen leads to conditions in which mitochondrial complex I loses its natural cofactor, flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and become inactive.[6] When oxygen is present the enzyme catalyzes a physiological reaction of NADH oxidation by ubiquinone, supplying electrons downstream of the respiratory chain (complexes III and IV). Ischemia leads to dramatic increase of succinate level.[7] In the presence of succinate mitochondria catalyze reverse electron transfer so that fraction of electrons from succinate is directed upstream to FMN of complex I.[8] Reverse electron transfer results in a reduction of complex I FMN, increased generation of ROS, followed by a loss of the reduced cofactor (FMNH2) and impairment of mitochondria energy production.[8]

      There's the observed metabolic "mitochondrial" disorder seen in LC

    7. major part in the biochemistry of hypoxic brain injury in stroke


    8. White blood cells may also bind to the endothelium of small capillaries, obstructing them and leading to more ischemia.[2]


    9. oxygen within cells that damages cellular proteins, DNA, and the plasma membrane.

      High ANA

    10. . White blood cells, carried to the area by the newly returning blood, release a host of inflammatory factors such as interleukins as well as free radicals in response to tissue damage.[2
    11. often associated with microvascular injury, particularly due to increased permeability of capillaries and arterioles that lead to an increase of diffusion and fluid filtration across the tissues


      Be thinking also then: * Cerebral edema * Joint swelling * DOMS

    1. but antioxidant drugs, control of blood glucose levels, and hemodilution (thinning of the blood) coupled with drug-induced hypertension are some treatment techniques currently under investigation

      Exactly what I'm trying to do. Appears many others understand its logic too

    1. contributes to intracellular sodium accumulation and cytotoxic edema

      Acidosis would both exacerbate this or mimic this.. Accumulation of Na+ causes overly sustained membrane voltage switch (depolarization) and excitotoxic high pulse rate firing off action potential. Acidosis [e.g. Lactic] is accumulation of H+ resulting in the same depolarization effect.

      Said another way, cerebral acidosis results in the same pathology as starving the brain of oxygen.

    1. Angiotensin II increases the synthesis of plasminogen activator inhibitor-

      IMPORTANT TREATMENT So just as ACE2 Inhibitors are cute treatment for Acidosis, they are compoundingly critical for PAI reduction.

    2. PAI-1 can also be a component of the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP).[8]

      VERY IMPORTANT. ....See the linked Wikipedia SASP article

    1. inhibiting mTORC1, rapamycin reduces SASP production by senescent cells.[67]


    2. For this reason, senolytic therapy has been proposed as a generalized treatment for these and many other diseases.[2] The flavonoid apigenin has been shown to strongly inhibit SASP production.[5

      Senolytic therapy. .... Make it a priority

    3. In fact, SASP from senescent cells is associated with many aging-associated diseases

      Like I said

    4. Despite the fact that cellular senescence likely evolved as a means of protecting against cancer early in life, SASP promotes the development of late-life

      ... Late life death acceleration

    5. SASP cytokines can result in an inflamed stem cell niche, leading to stem cell exhaustion and impaired stem cell function.[36]

      JESUS.... So now it also shuts down repair and rescue. Racing to aging

    6. accumulation of unfolded proteins, resulting in proteotoxic impairment of cell function
    7. SASP factors from senescent cells reduce nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) in non-senescent cells,[

      We'll, bring the hypoxia, there's the explanation for your "metabolic disorder" you think COVID is.

    8. Transforming growth factor beta family members secreted by senescent cells impede differentiation

      Like my station....which is a TGF!

    9. SASP disrupts normal tissue function by producing chronic inflammation, induction of fibrosis and inhibition of stem cells.[4


    10. SASP factors induce insulin resistance.[


    11. which is why senescent cells consisting of only 2% or 3% of tissue cells can be a major cause of aging-associated diseases.

      Jesus Christ

    12. cGAS is essential for induction of cellular senescence
    13. upregulating SASP by induction of interferon type I.[

      IFN inactivates cells. Therefore viruses inactivate cells. CD4 T (helper) cells therefore love to inactivate cells. Cytokines therefore inactivate cells. Immune response cells thus inactivate cells. ROS, inflammation, hypoxia, therefore inactivate cells.

    14. Soluble urokinase plasminogen activator surface receptor is part of SASP, and has been used to identify senescent cells for senolytic therapy.[5] In

      Consider.... profound link between senescence and aging

    1. inhibits M-CDKs which are a key component of progression into mitosis.

      Is this kind of mechanism the cause behind the high levels of exhausted T cells?

    2. the process of reconsolidation, in contrast, is DSB-dependent.


      Pay attention

    3. Stimulation of neuronal activity, as previously mentioned in IEG expression, is another mechanism through which DSBs are generated.

      So.... Brain nerve stimulation increases learning and memory ability, memory formation and retrieval, and adaptive cognitive plasticity

    4. can change gene function or regulation of gene expression and possibly contribute to progression to cancer.

      Read all of this. Above and below. Monumentally important.

    1. by administration of inotropic agents.

      This is a benefit of dextroamphetamine sulfate and stimulants. .... And no wonder why body chronically elevates HR/stroke force/BP as the most fundamental response to a hypoxic inducing condition....no shit that patients display so called "POTS" with elevated HR on either exertion or standing (aka exertion).

      FURTHER, clinicians should AUTOMATICALLY AS DIAGNOSTICS 101, if HR and BP are elevated, especially if no history of CVD, the body is SCREAMING TO YOU THE PROBLEM....I HAVE A BLOOD OXYGEN DELIVERY PROBLEM.

      And treating with long term superficial "symptom management" treatment that shuts down the bodies adaptive compensating mechanisms are deadly and unacceptably foolish, and QOL destroying.

      Adding: Additionally, if a sleepiness patient has high glucose, or more importantly, is getting really sleepy every time they eat, you must IMMEDIATELY PRESUME lactic acidosis causing disorder. .... Is this why going keto is initially so hard for me? Because I'm piling on acid, have high gluconeogenesis, and have to wait to adaptability turn on ketone metabolism and turn off gluconeogenesis. And why going keto causes noticable improvement to sleepiness?

    2. type A lactic acidosis can become self-perpetuating unless vigorous measures are undertaken to reverse the disturbance and treat the underlying cause.


    3. prompt diagnosis and correction of the underlying disease state are crucial.


    4. tissue perfusion

      Therefore, if PERFUSION is bad, blood BLOOD tests are muted and inconclusive. Further, and CRITICALLY DANGEROUS, in perfusion disorder, any noticeable changes in blood tests mean the problem in the tissues and organs are MUCH MORE SEVERE.

    1. When the blood flow decreases so does the destruction of aldosterone by liver enzymes

      Micro thrombosis would cause aldosterone buildup....and liver dysfunction, eg ammonia buildup, blood toxins buildup, brain swelling and neurotoxic dysfunction

  3. Feb 2024
  4. Jan 2024
    1. Leukotrienes also have a powerful effect in bronchoconstriction and increase vascular permeability.[18]

      Thinking this is treatment for anti Alzheimer's, anti neurodegenerative disease, anti fibrosis,anti CVD/AS/LUNG FIBROSIS

    1. trauma reenactment narrative is by getting the child manipulating the child convincing the child to adopt the victimized child role within that trauma reenactment there and so all we have to do is get the child to believe that the

      This ominous realization did not occur and come together for me until just now:

      Kate's influence did not start with Kate directly. It would have started with her son Liam. I've not recognized until now the likely significant role he plays in this. He is her son. He would have already been fully traumatized by Kate or by the situation with his dad, depending on if it existed, but if it did or didn't, the fear/abandonment/insecure attachment disorder would be entrenched in both Kate and Liam and they would be reinforcing it in each other. Rhyanna working with Liam at Subway would have been the first contact in which casual conversation would begin the subtle campaign by Liam via trauma reenactment (and also fueled by being a teenage boy meets girl savior/peacocking mentality) that at first innocuously and then overtly was showing (manipulating into false belief) that she is victimized. Liam then notifies Mom of "the recruit", probably a genuine felt statement like "Mom, there's this girl at work and it sounds like she's going through what we went through and we could help her". Then Mom [Kate], which we know this happened, took the initiative to contact her (or told Liam to bring her over to the house to hangout so she could then introduce herself and have 'a talk' with her). Phone numbers were shared, instructions to not let Dad know where they lived were given, taking out to dinners were done, sharing of "stories about my husband we don't tell other people so please don't share this" were given about "my dangerous psychotic husband that Liam and I had to flee from and go on the run because the system couldn't save us so we had to act outside it". This matches the dynamic and origination story of every cult/radical "church"/scientology/NXIVM story I know and it is the same dynamic whether it's the pathogenic parent or pathogenic adult influence which in this way has an extra component of evolution. Ie, the pathogenic adult has created/obtained a pathogenic "victimized" subordinate follower. The follower then acts as a relatable/ice-breaking recruiter that has the effect on the target of " they're my peer, they're like me, I can therefore trust the accuracy of what they're saying more and am more willing to listen". Then when the follower eventually introduces the pathogenic adult, the critical judgement defence of the target is suppressed/ignored because the target has made the naive judgment error that since I believe and feel trusting in this peer, I can put that trust into someone he is introducing me too. And because that person is "the adult in the room" this person instantly gets, erroneously, the elevated security clearance in the target's mind that this person is a "trusted"+"adult"+"who understands me"+"has my best interest"+"and knows what I need". Additionally, when speaking with this adult, should the target's defense mechanisms of critical judgement start turning on, the target then looks to a reference point to "reality test", and the follower, Liam, is immediately on hand and present almost daily to act as that reference point nodding reassuringly when the target glances over [literally or metaphorically]. ..... Combine this with a parent who is getting sicker and sicker, who's observably by the child who knows her father well can tell his fear, anxiety (particularly regarding his ability to provide for them both), and sadness because of his non-improving sickness from a mysterious unknown deadly pandemic disease, a parent who is the SOLE parent and there is no second parent to reality test against and get reassuring grounded perspective (ie you are not victimized, dad isn't going to kill himself, yes this is a tough situation but we and you are not a victim and this is not a Hallmark/teen drama, and tough situations like this have long been and are a prolific part of human life and we can more than handle this situation and frankly will serve to accelerate your empowered growth and deeper understanding, meaning, passion, joy of life and further shedding of vulnerability to irrational and mismanagement of uncontrollable fear as a general skill set in your personal quiver. This all is the loss of the second, of which there may only be 2, fundamental defense mechanisms to safeguard a child's sound critical analytical/judgement skills. It is easy to empathize with a child's daily living experience, especially an adolescent, how these are the 2 mechanisms which are functioning by which they are consuming and assembling all new knowledge and understanding. #1 They first use their incumbent developed analytical/judgement skills to self analyze a concept or problem or question. #2 They verify that determination with their trusted source of truth and protection, ie their parents (a reality test). Perhaps this at the root of the common report "teenagers think they know everything". It's probably the first time the first mechanism is developed strongly enough to feel like it can safely be used in its own. And in being the first time, many errors will be made and in many of those errors the use of verification of mechanism 2 will not be used. An ill unimproving parent will exacerbate the error to not use mechanism 2. Fear and anxiety will exacerbate errors in mechanism number 1. Severity of those insults would proportionally affect the rate of error. Malfunctions in both mechanisms would have a multiplicative effect on damaging erroneous conclusions the child arrives at and the damage further choices on those erroneous conclusions causes. Then when the "virus" of the narcissistic/BLP cross generational shared persecutory delusion boundary violation gains entry into this now much increased "analytically vulnerable" child, it has the critically added effect of disabling mechanism 2 since the patent now becomes "all bad [splitting]". ..... Then ..... add to this child a history that she is a survivor, albeit exceptionally so, of incurring the pain and largely successful battle for separation from a very narcissistic mother and the family that produced that narcissism in her mother. The entire repercussions of that I am not sure, but relevant here is I think that means my child's developmental reality has a biased understanding and emotional sensitivity to the fear that a parent "I thought was normal, changed into a monster" and second "I fully believed a truth about the 1 of 2 people I trusted and depend on the most, and I was wrong. How can I trust my own conclusions now if I can't trust my own analytical and emotional judgement abilities?". No doubt also a fear and anxiety upregulating mechanism in and if itself, as well as providing a data point which can add confusion to a child frantically looking for understanding and/or can be leveraged to falsely rationalize the false narrative is correct especially when the pain of the truth is building and she is looking for any tool to suppress confronting that pain.

      Then, as Rhyanna further looks for, or rather it is imposed onto her, the naive drama thirsty peer group, whom many know Liam and Kate, and whom with very good intention but naivety of teenagers who in Boulder Colorado are conditioned to both be very helpful and that money and wealth (like them) combined with middle aged Caucasian combined with a "Boulderite" personality with an air of non-confrontational superiority and cancel-culture tendencies is the equivalent of "insightful, wise, holder of truth, and generally the definition of what is good, righteous, and hold the authority to declare whom is bad and further that it is expected that they will declare whom is good and bad and that action further validates that they are and have such authorities" in these teenagers minds reenforces this false truth as accurate.. Then the school, then CIRT team "mental health professionals", then the mental health hospital centennial peaks, then Boulder county child welfare via multiple staff, then the court and the judge personally all buy in and propagate this false truth and reinforce it overtly or indirectly overtly, and some propagate it by simply ignoring and not speaking out against or in questioning validity, all reinforcing this false truth. ..... And given all this, given all these goddamn ignorant spineless children of men in their lack of knowledge or past traumas, and under the weight of their ignorance and cowardice and laziness, and then under the unreal weight and fear and confusion of her and her dad, her one parent who's been her warrior defender of knowledge, self discovery, safety, character, food, and shelter, and whom no other family support exists is now very possibly dying and cannot speak for himself or to her (because her confusion and outside influence is not allowing it) to tell her the truth and reassurance of the situation ....... her heart and mind refuse to yield. The pain from her heart refusing to give way to the lie, they are trying to make her believe had caused her to want to kill herself. My daughter s unyielding heart and character brought tears to a police officer who'd not had the fortune of experiencing someone like my daughter. And still, after a year and a half, my daughter, MY daughter, still holds fast and is unwilling to tell the COURT that her resistance is because of me and is instead because of her. Yeah, that's who my daughter is. That is the caliber here. She is her father's daughter.

      I see you kid. You hold fast. I'm comin' for you.

      PS - Attention needs to be given to Liam. With consideration towards his possible and to what degree of trauma, and the validity of the story regarding his father.. It is now a real question, is his father above and well, normative, searching for his son and or fallen into decline, suicidality, doom? Is Liam about to lose a father and be irreversibly severely damaged because of the complete irreversible devastation, which will also include the self blame he incurs and will not be able to reconcile.

      PSS - likely it is both important and the is the time to revisit with focus Rhyannas feelings and understanding of her mom. She possibly stands to gain 1, a self confidence and esteem and complete obliteration of any feeling/false rationalization that she is somehow "less", that she is at fault, or that she is somehow "less capable" of a person now and going forward, 2) stamp out reactions of hate, tolerance, splitting, and walls she might form that would prevent problem solving, truth finding, and understanding so crucial to both abilities and finding of joy, particularly in relationships of love and family, 3) she stands to gain a mother and an entire side of a family and which is attained by a fulfilling relationship of her own architecture and which she is fully empowered to control and manage and nurture at her pleasure.

  5. Nov 2023
    1. Rule 38 - Right to Trial by Jury(a) Exercise of Right. Upon the filing of a demand and the simultaneous payment of the requisite jury fee by any party in actions wherein a trial by jury is provided by constitution or by statute, including actions for the recovery of specific real or personal property, with or without damages, or for money claimed as due on contract, or as damages for breach of contract, or for injuries to person or property, all issues of fact shall be tried by a jury. The jury fee is not refundable; however, a demanding party may waive that party's demand for trial by jury pursuant to section (e) of this rule.

      Fuck you haley...gonna have your fucking license

      "Upon filing of a demand by any party wherein a trial by jury is provided by statute, all issues of fact shall be tried by a jury"

      AND THIS STATEMENT FROM THE COLORADO JUDICIAL BRANCH (And mag. McLean heard from my mouth I wanted a trial): What is the court process in dependency and neglect cases? A dependency and neglect case begins with the filing of a petition by the county attorney or, in Denver, the city attorney. Parents who are listed in the D&N petition are referred to as “respondents.” You are required to appear in court and at that time, you may deny the allegations against you and demand that the case then be heard at trial by a jury of six people, by a judge, or by a juvenile magistrate. https://www.courts.state.co.us/userfiles/File/Media/Brochures/d&nweb.pdf

      See: https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcasetext.com%2Fstatute%2Fcolorado-revised-statutes%2Ftitle-19-childrens-code%2Farticle-3-dependency-and-neglect%2Fpart-2-general-provisions%2Fsection-19-3-202-effective-until-112024-right-to-counsel-and-jury-trial&group=world

  6. Sep 2023
    1. respondent, the guardian ad litem for the child, or a child who is twelve years of age or older may demand a trial by jury of six persons at the adjudicatory hearing pursuant to section 19-3-505 , or the court, on its own motion, may order such a jury to try any case at the adjudicatory hearing pursuant to section 19-3-505 .

      TRIAL BY JURY MANDATED....HALEY....YOU FUCKING SHAMEFUL INEXCUSABLE IMPOSTER OF AN ATTORNEY. Shaun, do you know about this? Does an appeal attorney for ORPC know the D&N law of which he'll be making appeals?

      See: https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcasetext.com%2Frule%2Fcolorado-court-rules%2Fcolorado-rules-of-civil-procedure%2Fchapter-5-trials%2Frule-38-right-to-trial-by-jury&group=world

    1. food intake and vasoconstriction

      Is this why eating is causing instant sleepiness? Non-digestive vessels vasoconstrict and shut off too much cerebral blood flow, then nerves instantly have reduced firing/waste and CO2 build up/diminished mitochondria output/oxidative buildup/ &or then resultant inflammatory triggering cytokine increase?

      Vessel endothelial enormous surface area, manipulator of blood flow vasoconstrictor system, and cytokine producer/influencer, and high vulnerability sensitivity to viral infection/corruption...and then it's role or adjacent system and the immediate available Google research on COVID affecting> the vascular elastin system and corrupted elevated production of destructive elastases resulting in reduced vascular compliance then resulting too narrow "pulse pressure" band essentially creating arteriosclerosis.

      Also, make sure to be thinking of the entire vascular system not as one system, but subsided by dynamic changing gated sections and inspect signaling creating changing locations and amounts of high/low pressure zones. Also, keep in mind 3 things about BP: 1, when taken with a cuff it is only measuring a reading at the elbow. 2, is a reading from the artery and not giving any direct data from vein part of the system. 3, BP is not the same as blood flow. So I conceive that you could read a good BP, but actual flow could be completely inadequate.

      Remember analogy, vascular system is just like car AC system, or any pressurized hydraulic system, or even actually electric circuits. Meaning that there is a high pressure side, the load component(s), and a low pressure side. Also remember veins act as the reservoir tank, and when they constrict it is injecting more blood into the system to, if functioning correctly, allow higher performance and meet increase load demand. It also, therefore has less direct effect on whole system BP vs artery constriction because it's downstream of the load. Arterial constriction conversely has immediate direct effect on systolic BP as it is essentially putting a wall directly downstream of the heart. Therefore, regardless if diastolic pressure is zero or high, when the heart contacts, the pressure shoots straight up.

      A working theory component: my pulmonary vein is inappropriately constricting too much. That causes high back up pressure at alveoli. Exercise then induces veinous reservoir injection and increased blood volume into the "working system" further increasing pressure. Possibly arterious had already been fully dilated at rest in order to compensate and then when exercise happens, it can't be dilated further to increase blood flow throughout and BP increases further all behind the pulmonary vein "dam". However it doesn't present as right side heart failure like might initially be guessed (with leg and belly edema) because the right side heart is not failing...yet. So it contains any further backflow and the alveoli are the weakest point and taking the most abuse and pressure is relieved as pulmonary edema. And therefore what may be present is if we look for it, we'll find that actual blood throughput output exiting the heart is too low. And this can exist with a normal ejection fraction because the heart is functioning correctly and pumping the right percentage of what is a low starting volume. And also this can support why right ventricle is showing first signs of enlarging because it's being overpressured and stretching out (enlarging). And this can support why normal BP readings are measured at the arm because it can completely handle the abnormally low blood volume being received in the downstream location it's at. And then therefore this further supports why BP is normal but HR is riding the high limit at rest and then instantly jumps on exertion AND why dizziness happens because the artery system was already maxed out dilation at rest and for any amount of exertion, increasing HR because of the immediate too fast rise in tissue hypoxia due to too low blood supply the brain keeps driving up HR to meet demand. Total result upon exercise: supply continues to more and more not meet demand, HR rises faster and faster to try to inadequately compensate, physically become weaker especially after high output anaerobic every supply deleted in 1-3 minutes and there is no aerobic capacity cavalry with it's O2 rushing in to take over and that's when I fall off the cliff> HR spikes even faster, chest pain immediately jumps, lung edema turns on full tilt as the HR spikes and the resulting pressure is forced to "spray out of the gaskets (alveoli), and brain blood O2 supply immediately becomes super inadequate and the dizziness and need to fall over is the instant result effect. And since dysfuntioning cerebral vasoconstriction is likely the cause or highly involved in migraines, this also supports why the headaches come. ... And perhaps this explaining the rest pain and how it increases with dex and exertion because blood flow o2 becomes inadequate. Then causing lactic acid waste and CO2 buildup... (ie pain). And then it, like all body tissues being deprived necessary blood flow trigger cytokine inflammation response. ... And then, fuck it, maybe this IS chronic fatigue syndrome, and IS long covid explaining PEM, explaining why every symptom imaginable in any combination permutation is being shown, is explaining the observed elevated varing soups of cytokinesis, explaining all variety of tissue damage depending on any person's unique amount of total hit and their particular systems vulnerabilities and ultimately how far down they went on the increasing spiralling cascading systems failure towards total shutdown, and explains why measures at addressing the variety of manifestations are all somewhat helpful, but inadequate and varing efficacy from patient to patient because they are all too downstream of the root cause trunk of the symptom tree where the need to relieve vascular over constriction is the root or next to the root of the symptom tree that is common to all patients. If this were all to be accurate, then the seed would be what caused the break in vasoconstrictor system and repairing/killing it, or perhaps it's a PC bootstrap phenomenon where the simple uncomplex virus was just enough bios code to place innocuous wrenches in any of machines of the systems and then those malfunctioning systems took over control in their new malfunctioning patterns and became the new bosses that are infact the disease, you become your disease, and the initial virus seed has long been killed/departed (they're the ultimate down the road end game that is the totally corrupted bcdhhs that will then exist now as a new monstrous organism slowly lingering and depleting itself and eventually all resources at which point it will have finally killed itself after it destroyed the once thriving self sustaining world it lived in. COVID then is the teenage abusive bf or mean drunk father from their past, that put in motion what would become decades and generations of monsters, years and years after they had been long since gone). And maybe this explains the phasing leaving and returning it symptoms. Because when enough if the symptoms start to be reset/repaired, that starts spiraling the spread of the shutdown of the corruption back to health, but if the spiral up isn't strong enough to overcome the consequential reactive spiral down response, the monster returns and the rebellion is quashed. And so explains why the overall, in every system, stronger less vulnerabilities less armor chinks youth are able to quash with ease the spiral down with their incumbent exceptional spiral up response. .... And aside, this explains why dysautonomia has become a top suspect. And explains why POTS has become almost synonymous with long COVID and CFS.

    1. 2019 CB issued revised and new policies that allow title IV-E agencies to claim federalfinancial participation (FFP) for administrative costs of independent legal representationprovided by attorneys representing children in title IV-E foster care, children who are candidatesfor title IV-E foster care, and their parents for “preparation for and participation in judicialdeterminations” in all stages of foster care legal proceedings.
    2. In April 2020, CB issued a new policy clarifying that administrative costs for paralegals,investigators, peer partners, or social workers may be claimed as title IV-E foster careadministrative costs to the extent they are necessary to support an attorney providingindependent legal representation to prepare for and participate in all stages of foster care legalproceedings for candidates for title IV-E foster care, youth in foster care and his/her parents andfor allowable office support staff and overhead expenses
    1. irst, judges do not receive sufficient information to make aninformed decision regarding reasonable efforts. Usually, the only information comes from the agency

      Haylie is not providing any information to the judge, e.g.: - harboring not addressed - intake lied - intake failed to meet promise - intake actually DROVE removal, as in "negative reasonable efforts" - intake did not provide allegations at first contact or ever; and also therefore, 2., did not collect response, and necessary danger data and necessary services/needs data - intake did not provide, therefore, a credible report informing court of true nature - intake offered no FFPSA designated services nor Core Services Program services - intake provided no list of services offered/provided, no list of identified needs, no explanation of how it succeeded or failed - magistrate did not examine, inquire, or document specifically and detailed the reasonable efforts in "The Prevention Plan"...I've seen no Prevention Plan and certainly not filed with the court - Visitation scheduler: 1) not competently trained in youth or resist and refuse; only 1.5 years licensed (probably no clinical practice) and self identified adult addiction, 2)provided no scientific backing for recommendations, omitted context to misrepresent truth, did not identify needs, provided no plan to resolve/address those needs especially science-backed (and found to be an intern), 3)was 3+ weeks late for 1wk due date - caseworker was assigned over a month later and is mandated to be immediate at time of 1st hearing - CASA was not assigned until 4 months later and i've still never heard from them - caseworker was told must provide allegations report and still did not and would not - family needs assessment was never done, certainly not in my presence, nor with my collaboration and agreement, if in the background there is one it is a lie or of completely insufficient quality and was not reported to me when asked for. It was not done even close to 60 day (therefore also does not meet mandate of "timely") deadline (and if it's dated as such it is a complete BS non-assessment only for the purposes of making it show up on a log as done). It does not identify needs/problems (most importantly resist/refuse) that brought forth D&N, it does not identify services that address the particular needs (most importantly a resist/refuse doctor; also actively blocked FUP) (and therefore nothing is science based "trauma informed" as mandated), it does not mandate what must be changed/achieved and the marker for that achievement; I still was not given Service Plan when I pried and pried for clear list of items that brought forth D&N-what was needed to change/achieved to end State's involvement-what services were/could/wanted to be done - DHS has failed to investigate it's actions of abuse to confirm/deny; which in the case that abuse did not happen 2. has failed to meet "timely" mandate of services to medically assess and treat resist/refuse and 3. failed "reasonable efforts to reunify" mandate - DHS has not only 1. failed mandate to offer/make available/refer & monitor and ensure execution of services/ (e.g. Core, FFPSA, "unique to family needs", "public or private/community bases", "evidenced based", "trauma informed...further defined in CCR as "complete situation assessment/treatment, whole family") they 2. made ME responsible for REFERRING THEM and with an expectation it likely WOULD NOT BE PURSUED, 3. was essentially told Core Services wasn't real (was ignored and then simply would not answer when i asked directly in-person about "Core Services" and changed the subject) when I specifically asked, 4. mocked when I gave science backed warning of imminent and severe risk and necessary doctor services needed - court did not set adjudication until 2+ months past federally mandated 90 day MAXIMUM (and is written as "should be much sooner and ASAP", and 2. almost 4 months after 20th District's filed D&N management commitment plan - Independent Assessment: did not meet many many mandates (see email to Haylie on objection to recommendation) - QI did not include family, claims 6 attempts to call but did not as mandated provide evidence of attempts, State did not meet mandate to make sure family was included in the process and ACTIVELY KEPT MOM & DAD & ATTORNEYS as mandated of the mandated Family and Permancy Team Meeting; did not complete in 10/14 day CDHS mandate nor did complete in 30 day federal requirement (which is also contractually owed by ASO); never held a 2nd Team meeting as requested (which resulted in a ruling based on false argument that would have been quashed in the meeting and also the QI realizing and changing her recommendations with the knowledge that the false claim was not only indeed false but that the credibility of information provided by state & CYF was now in question; and ultimately a result of a QI would have full & true understanding of medical need and severity and harm befalling child and family and would have urgently recommended necessary interventions which had so long been failed to be recognized/provided by State) - Court nor State was informed of fundamental FFPSA law as is absolutely expected to be known by a Child Welfare Judge and Child Welfare Attorney and Child Welfare Agency, at QRTP Assessment Review Hearing and made ruling on completely false law justification that child is not legally allowed to remain at the QRTP [b/c of course she is, which is the whole point of the hearing, b/c it's up to judge to determine if she should stay or not regardless of IA summary report recommendations

    2. One conclusion this book reaches is that reasonable efforts should belitigated early,
    1. Dr. Childress Second Opinion ConsultationThis handout describes various options for incorporating the second-opinionconsultation of Dr. Childress on an assessment, diagnosis, and treatment plan for court-involved family conflict. I am able to provide second opinion consultation to the involvedmental health professionals if they or the court believe this would be helpful in theresolution of the family conflict through my HIPAA compliant online telehealth office atdoxy.me/drchildress.
    1. Caseworkers must be familiar with evidence-based programs and services available to children, youth,and families that reside in your community. Caseworkers not only need to know what services areavailable, but also the target population and desired outcomes of these services so they can makeappropriate referrals. Family First eligibility should not be a driver of these decisions, but rather theneeds and goals of the child, youth and family

      ALL OF THIS BOLD - Caseworkers must be familiar with evidence-based programs - not only need to know what services are available, but also the target population - so they can make appropriate referrals - eligibility should not be a driver of these decisions, but rather the needs and goals of the child, youth and family

    1. RPC who address ancillary civil issues earlier in a case can make a significant impact and reduce thenumber of out-of-home placements. This is because unresolved civil legal issues can drive continualchild welfare involvement in the lives of some indigent families. Indeed
      • TANF
      • Child support
      • DUI and warrant
      • Car title
      • Disability
      • FUP
  7. Nov 2021
    1. Long and short call or put options

      Can we have a long put and a short call ?? What is the difference between going long and buying a call ?

    2. Equal and opposite positions in the market for a fully hedged position (e.g., hedging one long position with an equally sized short position)

      Doesn't it just add up to nothing ? No profit can ba generated from this, it will always be 0 ?

    3. Generally speaking, with the exclusion of late entries, the higher the price of a long entry, the more aggressive in price and conservative in time of entry it becomes

      Can we have a situation that is conservative both in time and price ?

      Yes/No :

      • cf. Fig.26.9 for Yes
      • cf. Fig. 26.10 for No

      => Yes : cf. paragraph D. of page 843

    4. Support levels for longs and resistance levels for shorts

      Isn't there a problem if we long at a breached support ? Same for shorting a breached resisitance ? We want the price to go up for a long and down for a short so it seems to me that it's the inverse ???

    5. Very late short or long entries with respect to support or resistance ■ Very early or premature long entries above support in a downtrend (both aggressive) ■ Very early or premature short entries below resistance in an uptrend (both


    6. Long entries taken below resistance in an uptrend ■ Short entries taken above support in a downtrend ■ Long entries taken just below a failed support ■ Short entries taken just above a failed resistance

      Isn't it the inverse ? short entry taken just below/above a failed support (since we want to see price decline)?

    7. $2 per hour over a 10‐hour period.

      Why do we consider the time ?

    8. other third‐measure values over similar durations
      • What is a third-measure ?
      • Which third-measures are they talking about?
      • Is it that of stock B that they're talking about ?

      i.e. Compare third-measure of stock A to that of stock B over similar durations to find which one is the more volatile ?

    9. ncrease in Price Fluctuations over Equal Durations Indicating Potential Rise in Volatility

      Why is the first measure of volatilty satisfied ?

      Maybe because the time period is the "equal duration" ??

    10. over equal durations

      How do we pick the durations ?

    11. we could not determine which stock was more volatile since the maximum amount of price change over equal durations were the same for both
      • What about comparing over smaller time periods, if we do this, we'll clearly see that there are differences ?
      • How do we pick the timeframe ?
    12. bearish chart patterns within a falling channel and bullish chart patterns with a rising channel.

      Strange since it's the opposite for wedges, and wedges resemble channels quite a lot ?!

    13. Many of the failed buy signals found on the chart in Figure 12.15 would have been successfully avoided or filtered out had the reversal entry breakout tech-nique been employed

      WHY ???

      Reversal entry breakout -> return to the mean ?

    14. Figure 12.11 is an example of tuning the fixed percentage bands to a domi-nant cycle on the four‐hour chart of GBPUSD. The trough‐to‐trough cycle period was 133 bars. Using the third formula would also yield ((2×133) +3)/4 = 67.25. Rounding to the closest integer would give us 67 periods or bars

      Does this mean that the central line is the 67 lookback period and that we obtain the bands by fixed perccentage (here 1.3%, cf. Fig. 12.11) ?

    15. Notice that un-like double and triple detrending, which tends to remove lag between the oscillator and price, double and triple smoothing increases the price lag.

      What is the difference between detrending and smoothing ?

      • smoothing = prendre le MA d'un oscillateur. Ex. : %D = 3-period SMA of raw %K
      • detrending = faire la différence entre deux MA !
    16. double detrending reduces the lag components between price and the oscillators

      WHY ???

    17. seven-period

      Why 7 and not 3 as indicated page 260 ?

    18. nine-period

      what does a nine-period EMA mean ??

    19. Periods 2/Exponential Weighting Ratio 1
      • How do we get this formula ?
      • What does the term periods actually mean ?



  8. Oct 2021
  9. Aug 2021