3 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
  2. www.democracydocket.com www.democracydocket.com
    1. Democracy Docket is the leading digital news platform dedicated to information, analysis and opinion about voting rights and elections in the courts.

      This is false. Democracy Docket is a DNC astroturf org. The actual leading digital news platform dedicated to voting rights and elections has been https://ballot-access.org/ for decades.

  3. Apr 2017
    1. qualified voters

      "Qualified voters" meant almost exclusively white men. As the former colonies began the process of writing state constitutions, debates over who should be included as a "qualified voter" often divided conventions. Vermont and Pennsylvania had two of the most liberal constitutions. Vermont permitted all men, regardless of color, to vote, while Pennsylvania permitted all white men to vote regardless of income. Other states, like Maryland, had much more restrictive qualifications for voting and required that free white men also hold property.

  4. Nov 2015