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- Mar 2023
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Figure 3.1 Why consumption minima and maxima are necessary.
- diagram
- living in a sustainable consumption corridor
- bound by minima and maxima consumption
- Title: Consumption Corridors: Living a Good Life within Sustainable Limits
- This book explores how to enhance peoples’ chances to live a good life in a world of ecological and social limits.
How to satisfy these needs can be a question of personalchoice, as long as maximum consumption standards are not violated.In other words, “satisfers” do not receive the same kind of protec-tion via consumption corridors that “needs” receive
- Quotable
- Quote
Minimum consumption standards will ensure that individualsliving now or in the future are able to satisfy their needs, safeguardingaccess to the necessary quality and quantity of ecological and socialresources. Maximum consumption standards, in turn, are needed toensure that consumption by some individuals does not threaten theopportunity for a good life for others. The space between the foor ofminimum consumption standards and the ceiling of maximum con-sumption standards produces a sustainable consumption corridor.
-Paraphrase - Minimum consumption standards - will ensure that individuals living now or in the future are able to satisfy their needs, safeguarding access to the necessary quality and quantity of ecological and social resources. - Maximum consumption standards* - in turn, are needed to ensure that consumption by some individuals does not threaten the opportunity for a good life for others. - Consumption corridor - Sustainable consumption corridor** - The space between the floor of minimum consumption standards and the ceiling of maximum con- sumption standards produces a sustainable consumption corridor.
Rejecting familiar recitations of problems of ecological declineand planetary boundaries, this compact book instead offers a spir-ited explication of what everyone desires: a good life. Fundamentalconcepts of the good life are explained and explored, as are forcesthat threaten the good life for all. The remedy, says the book’s seveninternational authors, lies with the concept of consumption corri-dors, enabled by mechanisms of citizen engagement and deliberativedemocracy.
- Consumption corridors are proposed as the way to live what we all consider a good life, within planetary boundaries.
- Citizen engagement and deliberative democracy are key to co-creating a system that works for us all
- diagram - consumption corridor
- preventing overshoot
- diagram
- overshoot
- planetary boundaries
- needs and satisfiers
- maxima bound of consumption
- deliberative democracy
- minimum consumption standards
- maximum consumption standards
- doughnut economics
- consumption corridor
- ecological limits
- quotable
- quote
- citizen engagement
- sustainable consumption corridor
- minima bound of consumption