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PJ Wu6h · Shared with Public好久沒寫信了,簡單記錄一下這個事件 如果你想不定期收到類似的信,歡迎點文末的連結訂閱~---A letter from PJ - Perplexity Pro 的「限時免費」混亂昨晚(9/7)在網路上有人分享 AI 搜尋引擎 Perplexity 的 Pro 版本一年期方案推出限時免費,只要訂閱時輸入 `FREENEWSROOM` 這個折扣碼,就可以直接兌換價值 $200 美元的一年期 Pro 帳號。這個消息很快在社群上擴散,尤其是在中文社群,Threads & Twitter 上面都看到不少人分享,許多人也確實兌換成功。不過今天早上就有些人通知說,這個折扣碼已經失效,而下午更傳出,有許多兌換成功的用戶直接被 Perplexity 官方取消訂閱。從這個時間點開始,有許多人表達對這個狀況的不滿,我觀察到的一些聲音是:1. 被取消訂閱的人都是直接收到一封信,內容寫著「我們注意到『你取消了訂閱』,因此 blabla」,但對這些收到信的人來說,明明是「Perplexity 官方取消了訂閱」,有種莫名其妙的感覺。2. 被取消訂閱的人裡面,有不少都不知道為什麼會被取消訂閱,他們只覺得奇怪,為了 Perplexity 官方要推出限時免費,結果又收回優惠?感覺好像很小氣、給不起。---對於這件事,我一早起床看到消息的時候,我的感覺是這應該是某個給推廣合作夥伴的折扣碼外流導致的烏龍,並不是官方推出的「限時免費」活動,因為:1. Perplexity 官方並沒有任何的公開宣傳2. 這個折扣碼更像是給特定產業的從業人員試用的推廣折扣碼,原始預設應該不是要公開流傳的3. 也不像是行銷方式,通常即使是黑色星期五之類的活動,最多大概也是打五折左右我自己有些 Stripe 折扣碼的設置經驗,實際上是可以設置一個折扣碼可以被兌換成功的次數或者是有效期限,但有可能這個折扣當時就是廣發給特定產業使用(例如給大媒體公司),所以為了方便,就沒設定次數限制,結果就流出了。但流出就流出了,我覺得後續處理的方式實在不太好,最主要有兩個地方有問題:1. 沒通知用戶與道歉就直接取消這些人的訂閱2. 取消訂閱串接的罐頭信還補刀撒鹽---如果是我的話,我會這樣思考與處理:假設整件事確實是「不該流出的折扣碼外流,導致許多用戶濫用折扣碼」,那麼首先應該做的事情,是通知所有使用這個折扣碼的用戶,這是一次錯誤的外流事件,這些折扣碼是被不正當的使用,因此後續會取消折扣與訂閱。但是這個錯誤 Perplexity 官方也有責任,因此會提出補償方案,不過在提出補償方案前,還是歡迎已經訂閱的用戶繼續使用。接著,取消訂閱的同時,再推出折衷的補償方案,例如第一年訂閱 85 折之類的,讓這些上車的用戶仍可以享有比常態訂閱還要划算的優惠。這裡面最關鍵的事情是,一定要清楚跟所有使用折扣碼的用戶說明,這次的折扣碼使用是濫用,但是錯不在用戶而在 Perplexity 身上,有了這個通知,用戶才會對齊認知,而不是在誤以為是「官方推出折扣活動」的情況下,又誤以為「官方給不起折扣,所以反悔取消」。我相信有非常多用戶肯定是對 Perplexity 感興趣,也肯定認為這是一次善意的促銷活動,但卻被沒有考量周全的處置方式搞砸期待,實在是蠻傷的。
- Feb 2024
Local file Local file
Each operator, though initially hired asa temp, and, in some cases, no more than high-school-educated, isthe survivor of a rigorous two-week training program. (Most hiresdo not make it through training.)
Observation in 1994 of short term training of high school graduates for specific tasks which seems to hold true of similar customer service reps in 2024 based on anecdotal evidence of a friend who does customer service training.
- Jan 2024
disqus.com disqus.com
Getting the EPP/Auth code of your own domain should be instantaneous. I know of no other registrar, besides Network Solutions, that makes the process so painful. It's a multi-step process to make the request, during which they wave both carrot and stick at you to try and stop you going ahead… and when you do forge ahead, they make you wait 3 days for the code, as if to punish you for daring to ask for the right to transfer your own domain name. What are these guys smoking if they think that's how you keep customers?!
- Apr 2021
meta.stackexchange.com meta.stackexchange.com
With Stack Overflow for Teams being a flexible platform, we’ve seen customers use it for a wide variety of use cases: A platform to help onboard new employees A self-serve help center to reduce support tickets Collaboration and documentation to drive innersource initiatives Breaking down silos and driving org wide transformation like cloud migration efforts A direct customer support platform Enable people who are working towards a common goal, whether a startup or a side project, to develop a collective knowledge base
- Mar 2021
rachelcoldicutt.medium.com rachelcoldicutt.medium.com
And they are one of the reasons most digital services don’t come with a How To manual. Most of the time, we’re not expected to use them the “right” way; most of the time there is no right way, because most digital services bend to meet our needs.A
How can the IndieWeb as a group do this piece better? Perhaps it comes down to individual sub-providers which is fine, but if the larger group can do it from the top down...
- Feb 2021
directexpress.mycardplace.com directexpress.mycardplace.com
Is Customer Service available in languages other than English?
Can I close my account and withdraw my money?
Can I have a monthly paper statement mailed to me?
What if I don't agree with my balance or one of my transactions?
Who should I notify if I change my mailing address?
How long will it take to receive a replacement card if reported lost or stolen?
What if my Direct Express® card is lost or stolen?
Who do I call if I have questions about how to use my Direct Express® card?
- Dec 2020
en-americas-support.nintendo.com en-americas-support.nintendo.com
Really sucks if they don't give us our money back for this game.
I am having the same problem... Contacted Nintendo support and they said they cannot guarantee that I will be able to get a refund for this game that doesn't work.
- Jan 2019
www.at-the-intersection.com www.at-the-intersection.com
Um, and their team is really easy to get in touch with as far as customer service issues.
- Sep 2017
www.clippingpathindia.com www.clippingpathindia.com
Being from a family of retailers, one of the first things I learned was that the customer is always right. I didn’t understand the importance of that sentiment back then. But looking back, it’s probably the most important lesson I have ever learned.
We have manually analyzed our customer reviews, in-depth interviews and on-site analytics to understand what are the customers need and how to give that to them.
- Sep 2015
cms.whittier.edu cms.whittier.edu
The dispersal of these people in Brady's is not random, and where people choose to sit or stand in Brady's is closely related to their sex and status in the Brady social hierarchy.
Clearly, Brady's Bar is only for a select group of people who enjoy being in that atmosphere that focuses on "social hierarchy".. If we're still forming perceptions and making judgments on how we serve customers (and treat co-workers) based off of gender and status.. are we really doing our jobs as socially responsible citizens to improve our society for everyone's benefit?