- Aug 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
for example our standard english language model is trained with something like maybe 100 gigabytes or so of text um that gives it a strength as if you would throw bird at it with the google corpus so the other thing is of course uh a small corpus like that is computed in two hours or three hours on a on a laptop yeah so that's the other thing uh by the way i didn't mention our fingerprints are actually a boolean so when we when we train as i said we are not using floating points
for - comparison - cortical io vs normal AI - training dataset size and time
we basically grow models of let's say same quality like all the others by using thousand time or ten thousand times less training data
for - comparison - semantic folding vs normal machine learning - training dataset sizes and times
in that bitmap representation at the end i can look at every position in my bitmap and i can refer it back explicitly to the bits of reference information that i trained it with
for - semantic fingerprint bitmap - tracing bitmap to training dataset
- Jul 2024
paddyleflufy.substack.com paddyleflufy.substack.com
Tlaxcala, an indigenous city-state in Central America, was a democracy with a strongly egalitarian ethos. People appointed to their city council had to go through a gruelling initiation process aimed at instilling an attitude of self-deprecation and subordination to the will of the citizens they served.
for - governance - indigenous - training in humbleness - needed today!
- Jun 2024
suppose that GPT 4 training took 3 months in 2027 a leading AI lab will be able to train a GPT 4 00:18:19 level model in a minute
for - stat - AI evolution - prediction 2027 - training time - 6 OOM decrease
stat - AI evolution - prediction 2027 - training time - 6 OOM decrease - today it takes 3 months to train GPT 4 - in 2027, it will take 1 minute - That is, 131,400 minutes vs 1 minute, or - 6 OOM
- May 2024
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
A major implication of the lack of effective training is thatstudents are often left to struggle through disjointed, flawedlearning experiences while using LMSs during a class.
lack of faculty training - less than stellar student experiences in LMS systems
meta.stackexchange.com meta.stackexchange.com
I feel violated, cheated upon, betrayed, and exploited.
What could possibly go wrong? Dear Stack Overflow denizens, thanks for helping train OpenAI's billion-dollar LLMs. Seems that many have been drinking the AI koolaid or mixing psychedelics into their happy tea. So much for being part of a "community", seems that was just happy talk for "being exploited to generate LLM training data..." The corrupting influence of the profit-motive is never far away.
If you ask ChatGPT to cite it will provide random citations. That's different from actually training a model to cite (e.g. use supervised finetuning on citations with human raters checking whether sources match, which would also allow you to verify how accurately a model cites). This is something OpenAI could do, it just doesn't.
openai.com openai.com
We train our models using:
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Maintenance Of Office Machines. 16 mm. Vol. MN-1513. United States Navy Training Film, 1943. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocdxgkxKAKo.
- Apr 2024
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Institute in Basic Life Principles (IBLP)<br /> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institute_in_Basic_Life_Principles
- Feb 2024
ukdataservice.ac.uk ukdataservice.ac.uk
www.carare.eu www.carare.eu
Local file Local file
Each operator, though initially hired asa temp, and, in some cases, no more than high-school-educated, isthe survivor of a rigorous two-week training program. (Most hiresdo not make it through training.)
Observation in 1994 of short term training of high school graduates for specific tasks which seems to hold true of similar customer service reps in 2024 based on anecdotal evidence of a friend who does customer service training.
How I Broke a Vicious Cycle To Get Into The BEST Shape Of My Life
- Jan 2024
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Family First Prevention Services Act: Judicial and Legal Practice ConsiderationsAfter a Petition is Filed: Child in Foster CareSeptember 15, 2021
Part II_Colorado CIP Family First Act_Post-Petition Presentation.pdf
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Family First Prevention Services Act: Judicial and Legal Practice ConsiderationsBefore a Petition is Filed: Prevention ServicesSeptember 1, 2021
Part I_Colorado CIP Family First Act_Prevention Presentation.pdf
spectrogram.sciencemusic.org spectrogram.sciencemusic.org
Great tool mention in the video "NMC Learning at Home: Spectrograms & Your Voice". Found it while looking for objective measurements to distinguish falsetto and head voice.
bavatuesdays.com bavatuesdays.com
I could totally see this UI with a video generated version of Niklas Luhmann answering questions using the training set of notes in his online zettelkasten at https://niklas-luhmann-archiv.de/bestand/zettelkasten/tutorial
syndication link: https://bavatuesdays.com/ai106-long-live-the-new-flesh/comment-page-1/#comment-388943
- Dec 2023
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oeBer6JHki0 Slims9 Bulian full training, part 1
- Oct 2023
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
@jarrodcarter1466 1 year ago I agree with everything you said Chris: Additionally, the recipe to build baritone range for me has been: 1) stretch and strengthen your falsetto as high as you can every day 2) stretch your falsetto down to well under the passagio with descending scales over your chest voice to help your transition to mixed voice become smooth and eliminate ascending blockages 3) do the Messa di Voce exercise as often as you can. It teaches you placement and to thread the power of your chest voice through your falsetto 4) understand that your voice should get weaker over the course of a session as the muscles fatigue. It should never get sore 5) sing lots of high songs exclusively in falsetto to strengthen the often neglected head voice muscles 6) avoid singing songs that reinforce bad technique. You should never reach a high note that you can't strain up from. Your voice should get thinner and weaker as it ascends and not hit blockages. Songs that give you a strained high-note ceiling should be avoided.
Some handy tips someone has on how they increased their head voice range as a baritone.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
this other sort of development also happened in the last couple years just clip models um and this enables us to do predictive 00:09:47 modeling across domains um what do I mean by that it means that you can understand and provide the model information in one modality and it can essentially translate it into another
for: definition, definition - CLIP models
definition: CLIP model
- contrastive language-image pre-training (CLIP) model allows model information in one modality - predictive modeling in one domain to be translated to another domain
- Sep 2023
www.semanticscholar.org www.semanticscholar.org
For a socially and economically sustainable growth path, the labor displacement in the sectors ofapplication must be counterbalanced by job creation within the same and other sector
it's 2023 and I don't see anyone planning for this massive job displacement, I think that the hollywood strikes are a sign of things to come
docdrop.org docdrop.org
according to Husserl, the epoche is dramatic. It's something that changes suddenly your state of consciousness. It's not something cheap. He says, phenomenology implies a complete 00:17:02 self-transformation which can be compared to a religious conversion. You see things completely differently when you have performed an epoche. This epoche is radical. It's immediate and so on.
for: adjacency, adjacency - epoche - enlightenment, epoche, question, question - epoche and enlightenment
adjacency between
- epoche
- enlightenment
- adjacency statment:
- question
- Is epoche the same as an enlightenment experience?
- Did Husserl develop any techniques or trainings in epoche?
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Megan KearsleyFamily UnitCourt Improvement Program CoordinatorState Court Administrator’s Officemegan.kearsley@judicial.state.co.usCristina Ritchie Cooper, Esq.Senior AttorneyABA Center on Children and the Lawcristina.cooper@americanbar.orgJennifer Mullenbach, Esq.Deputy County AttorneyCounty Attorney's Officejmullenb@co.jefferson.co.usAshley Chase, Esq.Staff Attorney & Legislative LiaisonOffice of the Child’s Representativeashleychase@coloradochildrep.orgAlison Butler, Esq.Carrie Ann Lucas Disability Advocacy DirectorOffice of Respondent Parents Counselabutler@coloradoorpc.org
co4kids.org co4kids.org
The information in this section was developed by the Colorado Department of Human Services and the Colorado Human Services Directors Association for Colorado's Family First Implementation Guide for County Directors.
www.childrensdefense.org www.childrensdefense.org
using the best availablescience, to maximize physical and psychological safety, facilitate the recovery of thechild and family, and support their ability to thrive.”
trauma-informed treatment model
co4kids.org co4kids.org
Caseworkers must be familiar with evidence-based programs and services available to children, youth,and families that reside in your community. Caseworkers not only need to know what services areavailable, but also the target population and desired outcomes of these services so they can makeappropriate referrals. Family First eligibility should not be a driver of these decisions, but rather theneeds and goals of the child, youth and family
ALL OF THIS BOLD - Caseworkers must be familiar with evidence-based programs - not only need to know what services are available, but also the target population - so they can make appropriate referrals - eligibility should not be a driver of these decisions, but rather the needs and goals of the child, youth and family
- Aug 2023
danallosso.substack.com danallosso.substack.com
Remember ChatGPT? It is going to do to the white collar world what robotics and offshoring did to blue collar America. So maybe this isn't the best time to be abandoning the Humanities to focus on vocational training?
This is one of the things that doesn't seem to be being explored enough presently, or at least I'm not seeing it outside of the SAG and WGA strikes where it seems to be a side issue rather than a primary issue.
I doubtthat, if it were possible to arouse real interest in cowmanshipand its various contexts "and to train up a generation of ac-complished cowboys through the educational system, itwould be in the public interest to dedicate the educationalsystem to this purpose.
note use of "train up" which now seems more like British English usage in 2023
- Jul 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
So if you have a president 01:19:36 or a prime minister who's won an election, there's no training, there's no oversight, there's no scrutiny other than journalists from the outside. There's often not a criminal background check for politicians before an election. And yet when you end up as a tour guide, you have all sorts of safeguarding, you have training.
- recommendation
- politicians and other leaders need deep training and constant scrutiny as a condition to being in those positions
- it is unthinkable that a tour guide position should have more training than a president of a country!
- recommendation
- Jun 2023
Policymakers should perhaps learn more from the Finns, who avoid imposing‘teacher-proof’ approaches on their schools. Instead, they cleave to their respectfor the teacher’s knowledge, skill, and professionalism. In Finland, teaching is ahighly sought-after career; teachers are universally respected, paid well, and areall educated to Master’s degree level. They are trusted to do a good job...and thetrust pays off: even using the most formal measures of success, the Finns’ resultsare among the best in the world.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Unlike many developed countries, the United States lacks a national curriculum or teacher-training standards. Local policies change constantly, as governors, school boards, mayors and superintendents flow in and out of jobs.
Many developed countries have national curricula and specific teacher-training standards, but the United States does not. Instead decisions on curricular and standards are created and enforced at the state and local levels, often by politically elected figures including governors, mayors, superintendents, and school boards.
This leaves early education in the United States open to a much greater sway of political influence. This can be seen in examples of Texas attempting to legislate the display the ten commandments in school classrooms in 2023, reading science being neglected in the adoption of Culkins' Units of Study curriculum, and other footballs like the supposed suppression of critical race theory in right leaning states.
- May 2023
ourworldindata.org ourworldindata.orgBooks1
A book is defined as a published title with more than 49 pages.
[24] AI - Bias in Training Materials
raining series for judges and attorneys on specific content relevant to each phase of a case (Before a Petition is Filed, After a Petition is Filed and a Child or Youth Enters Foster Care, and During a Child or Youth’s Transition f rom Foster Care)
Powerpoints: - Before a Petition is Filed, - After a Petition is Filed and a Child or Youth Enters Foster Care, and - During a Child or Youth’s Transition f rom Foster Care)
co4kids.org co4kids.org
he entire assessment process fromthe time of referral to the completed assessment summary is completed within 14 days. Ideallythe process should be completed before placement, but it must be completed within 10 businessdays of placement if that’s not possible.
The Family FirstPrevention Services Actin ColoradoAN IMPLEMENTATION GUIDEFOR COUNTY DIRECTORS
Susan Caskey as Director of Housing & Human Services Boulder County
caseworkers in Trails will be promptedto complete an individualized prevention plan for each child or youth identified. That plan is currentlytitled the Treatment/Prevention Plan a
In Trails, caseworkers must fill out the IV-E CandidacyDetermination Form (Job Aide) to determine whether a child or youth is a “candidate for preventionservices.
- Apr 2023
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
He was 96.
Harry Lorayne passed away on April 7, 2023 at the age of 96.
Is there a link between memory training and longevity?
docdrop.org docdrop.org
When considering a request for removal, ask if the agency madereasonable efforts to prevent removal, which may include providingfederally supported prevention services.• If reasonable efforts have not been made, consider court orders forprevention services that may allow the child to remain safely at home.• Consider relevance of prevention services outside dependency &neglect context. Who else could benefit from prevention upstream?
If reasonable efforts were not made, request a “no reasonable efforts”finding and an order returning the child to the family with appropriateservices.
If the child is removed, request a copy of the family’s prevention plan (orother reflection of prevention services) to review what the agency offeredand whether reasonable efforts have been made to prevent removal
Reasonable efforts to prevent removal: If a petition must be filed afterservices provided, prepare evidence of the prevention services offeredand used as an element of the agency’s reasonable efforts.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Family First Prevention Services ActQualified Residential Treatment Program Bench Card
QRTP-Benchcard-Updated-October-2021.pdf Official BC from state to direct judges
The American Professional Society on theAbuse of Children (APSAC) suggests thatthese children and families deserve anapproach that is collaborative, respectful,and includes interventions that are most likelyto lead to outcomes on family-identifiedand programmatic goals. This individualizedapproach is a focused, assessment-driven, andscience-informed approach that both favorsplans
Principles for Matching Change Strategies and/or Interventions to Key Desired Outcome
emphasized throughout this manual, it is crucial that agencies support families to receive tailored interventions or change strategies based on the families’ unique strengths and needs, best available research, practice exper-tise, and available resources
docdrop.org docdrop.org
rendered by a “qualified clinician.”
ABA Guide
The Family First Prevention Services Act of 2018A Guide for the Legal Community
The Family First Prevention Services Act of 2018A Guide for the Legal Community
coloradocwts.com coloradocwts.com
assessment process, the caseworker must arrange a "Family and Permanency Team meeting”
assessment process, the caseworker mustarrange a "Family and Permanency Team meeting
placement provides the most effective level of care
The COURT MUST approve placement provides MOST EFFECTIVE LEVEL OF CARE
Counties will continue to use Child Welfare Block, Core and County-onlyfunding to provide services that best meet the needs of theircommunities
Not all youth and families will benefit from the limited set of Clearinghouse approved services
Counties will continue to use Child Welfare Block, Core and County-only funding to provide services that best meet the needs of theircommunities
Evidence-based in Family First Programs that can show positive outcomes for children, youth and families and meet the established evidence standards by the Title IV-E Clearinghouse
The following values were developed to ground Colorado's Family First Implementation * Family and youth voices are the loudest-heard, considered and respected
- Improve policy, practice and quality of services based on scientific evidence
Mental health services and/or substance abuse prevention and treatment services for a child AND parent or kin caregivers
In-home parenting skill support for parent
preventionservices that are evidence-based
Creates new federal funding for prevention services that are evidence-based and trauma- informed • The aim of these services is to keep families safely together
Comprehensive training on FFPSA by the state
docdrop.org docdrop.orgview2
A full psychosocial assessment:•Face to Face with child•Meets with family•Connects with collateral informants: schools, GALs, religious leaders, case workers, current/previous providers, DYS•Reviews documentation: hospital discharges, DYS assessments, school assessments, etc.•Attends Family and Permanency Meeting•Uses the Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) tool to help identify goals, guide decisions making•The Assessor must specify why the needs of the child cannot be met by the family of the child or in a foster family home or any other level of care•The lack of availability of a lower level of care is not a justification for QRTP services
There's another one that looks like this but is better. Different information
Pptx converted to PDF and put in GDrive FAMILY FIRST IMPLEMENTATION https://coloradohsda.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/IA-Webinar-5-27-21.pptx
co4kids.org co4kids.org
The court must then “determine and approve” the QRTP placement within 60 days and find that the placement provides the most effective, least restrictive level of care, and is consistent with the permanency plan. If any party objects to QRTP placement or the independent assessment does not recommend QRTP level of care, the court hearing must be within 30 days of placement instead of 60. Judges, magistrates and other judicial system partners (Dependency and Neglect and Delinquency) have access to training on Colorado’s QRTP Benchcard and the independent assessment process. County directors also have access to QRTP Benchcard training specific to child welfare practice.
The county, court, and ASO/QI, are all responsible for fucking up this timeframe. However, the concept here is that if there is disagreement on report/assessment/recommendations, that starts a 30 day ticking clock to reconvene.
The first reaction course of action: invoke CDHS and DCW to drive, discipline, support a proper independent assessment; to have them fast track it; to get special as needed funding from them and county if needed to get all proper high quality resources
- Mar 2023
In addition to prevention services supportedthrough Family First, what other services does theagency have to offer the family to prevent the needfor removal (e.g., housing assistance, child careassistance, food security, legal services to addressunmet legal needs)?
www.americanbar.org www.americanbar.org
While older youth, like younger children, usually come into care for multiple reasons, the most common reasons for older youth are the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS) categories of neglect, child behavior problem, and caretaker inability to cope. Effective prevention services for older youth will need to respond to these removal reasons and likely need to enlist the behavioral health system to formulate effective interventions.
Below are a few examples for attorneys who represent children and parents to consider in their trial court and appellate advocacy. Enforce the reasonable efforts provisions. Federal law requires the child welfare agency make reasonable efforts to prevent placement of children in foster care and to finalize the permanency plan if the child is placed. A recent article by Jerry Milner and David Kelly of the Children’s Bureau reinforced the experience of many: The reasonable efforts provisions are not often invoked to leverage service delivery at the trial court or fair hearing level or at the appellate level, so that obligation can be clarified and enforced. Enforce the requirements for fair hearings. Attorneys should advocate zealously for reasonable efforts to prevent removal or, if the facts warrant, for a finding that reasonable efforts have not been made. Federal law and regulation require that states provide a mechanism for fair hearings for denials of service and benefits under Title IV-E. Failure to provide appropriate pre-placement prevention services are among the issues that can be challenged in a fair hearing. Fair hearings provide an additional forum to consider challenges that could result in the improvement of prevention and reunification services for families with older youth who are not being served in a manner that responds to their needs. Because the FFPSA funds only two categories of prevention services and requires that they be evidence-based, the reasonable efforts requirement continues to be a vital legal requirement that can help ensure specific prevention services to families. When lawyers bring challenges in a coordinated way (such as organized efforts to identify cases for appeals and fair hearings), they can move jurisdictions to prioritize investments in prevention.
Below are a few examples for attorneys who represent children and parents to consider in their trial court and appellate advocacy. Enforce the reasonable efforts provisions. Federal law requires the child welfare agency make reasonable efforts to prevent placement of children in foster care and to finalize the permanency plan if the child is placed. A recent article by Jerry Milner and David Kelly of the Children’s Bureau reinforced the experience of many: The reasonable efforts provisions are not often invoked to leverage service delivery at the trial court or fair hearing level or at the appellate level, so that obligation can be clarified and enforced. Enforce the requirements for fair hearings. Attorneys should advocate zealously for reasonable efforts to prevent removal or, if the facts warrant, for a finding that reasonable efforts have not been made. Federal law and regulation require that states provide a mechanism for fair hearings for denials of service and benefits under Title IV-E. Failure to provide appropriate pre-placement prevention services are among the issues that can be challenged in a fair hearing. Fair hearings provide an additional forum to consider challenges that could result in the improvement of prevention and reunification services for families with older youth who are not being served in a manner that responds to their needs. Because the FFPSA funds only two categories of prevention services and requires that they be evidence-based, the reasonable efforts requirement continues to be a vital legal requirement that can help ensure specific prevention services to families. When lawyers bring challenges in a coordinated way (such as organized efforts to identify cases for appeals and fair hearings), they can move jurisdictions to prioritize investments in prevention.
co4kids.org co4kids.org
Family First requires that states ensure that, “consistent with the agency’s five-year title IV-E prevention plan, section 471(e)(4)(B) of the Social Security Act requires the title IV-E agency [CDHS] to provide services or programs to or on behalf of a child under an organizational structure and treatment framework that involves understanding, recognizing, and responding to the effects of all types of trauma and in accordance with recognized principles of a trauma-informed approach and trauma-specific interventions to address trauma’s consequences and facilitate healing.”
Family First requires that states ensure that, “consistent with the agency’s five-year title IV-E prevention plan, section 471(e)(4)(B) of the Social Security Act requires the title IV-E agency [CDHS] to provide services or programs to or on behalf of a child under an organizational structure and treatment framework that involves understanding, recognizing, and responding to the effects of all types of trauma and in accordance with recognized principles of a trauma-informed approach and trauma-specific interventions to address trauma’s consequences and facilitate healing.”
www.childrensdefense.org www.childrensdefense.org
months and a youth 13 or older is in care for 12 consecutive or 18 non-consecutive months.These ongoing oversight requirements exist to ensure that children are in a QRTP only as long asis necessary to meet their treatment needs. The level of acuity of care that a QRTP offers isdesigned to serve as an intensive and time-limited intervention, not a long-term placement.Evidence demonstrates that children fare best in families,
Is there no limit on QRTP placement length if the placement is continuallyassessed and confirmed by the court and approved by HHS at the appropriateintervals?While Family First does not create a hard deadline for moving children out of a QRTP
Title IV-E eligible children must receive an assessment within 30 days of placement in a QRTP.The Children’s Bureau has indicated that the 30-day timeline begins when a child enters aQRTP
Family First requires a QRTP to provide discharge planning and family-based aftercare supportfor at least six months post-discharge.
How is the child’s family involved in assessment process?Family First requires that, as part of the assessment to determine whether a QRTP is anappropriate setting for a child, the Title IV-E agency work to convene a family and permanencyteam to provide input on the process of determining the most appropriate and least restrictiveenvironment for the child. The purpose of this team is to ensure that those adults closest to achild and who best know the child’s needs can share their perspectives as part of the process ofdetermining the most appropriate setting for the child. A family and permanency team mustconsist of all of a child’s appropriate birth family members, relatives, and other individuals whohave an emotionally significant relationship with the child but are unrelated by birth or marriage,known as fictive kin. The team must also include, as appropriate, professionals who are aresource to the child’s family, including teachers, medical or mental health providers who havetreated the child, or clergy. The team’s role is to provide input during the assessment process,particularly during the determination of whether a child’s needs can be met with family membersor in a foster family home, or if not, what type of non-family setting is appropriate to meet theirneeds. The team also helps to develop a list of child-specific short- and long-term mental andbehavioral health goals. To ensure the voice and perspective of youth is a part of this process, forchildren 14 and older, the team must include individuals that the young person selects from theirpermanency planning team as required by Sec. 475(5)(C)(iv). This youth engagement practicebuilds upon pre-existing policies in federal law that promote youth engagement (See Youthengagement in case plans - what Federal Law Requires). The qualified individual conducting theassessment will work with the family and permanency team when making the assessment.[§475A(c)(1)(B)(i); P.L. 115-123 §50742
Assessment protocol mandates
What happens if a jurisdiction places a child in a QRTP, but the assessmentdetermines that is not an appropriate setting for them?Title IV-E FCMPs may continue for no longer than 30 days following a determination that theplacement is no longer recommended or approved for that child.
Are there requirements that the Title IV-E agency document how it engaged thefamily in the assessment process?Family First requires that a child’s case plan include documentation on how to contact the familyand permanency team members, as well as evidence that the meetings are held at times andplaces convenient to the family. If a child’s assessment outcome is different than the wishes of
Assessment protocol mandates
the family and permanency team, the case plan must also outline why the assessment does notrecommend those preferences. [§475A(c)(1)(B)(iii)(VII); P.L. 115-123 §50742]
Assessment protocol mandates
IMPORTANT: if recommendations do not agree with family, must document why
What new support does Family First provide to help reunify children with theirfamilies?Family First eliminates, as of October 1, 2018, the current 15-month time limit on the use ofTitle IV-B funds for family reunification services for children in foster care. However, it alsoclarifies that a child returning home also will now have access to 15 months of familyreunification. Accordingly, the law also changes the name of the program from “Time-LimitedFamily Reunification Services” to “Family Reunification Services.” [
reunification services super long time limit
As part of the QRTP model, Family First creates a new process for ensuring that a Title IV-Eeligible child needs the level of treatment intervention that a QRTP offers. Within 30 days ofentering a QRTP, a child must receive an assessment from a qualified individual using anappropriate functional assessment tool to determine whether they need care in a QRTP andwhether that particular QRTP can meet their specific treatment needs. The purpose of thisprocess is to acknowledge that QRTPs are a treatment intervention, and that through the processof specialization, not every QRTP will be appropriate for each child’s specific needs
Effective training of assessment professionals in child development, childtrauma, and the types of particular QRTPs and how they meet the needs of individual childrenwill be essential to the effective implementation of this aspect of Family First.
What if our jurisdiction does not have anyone available who meets the qualifiedindividual criteria?There is a process for Title IV-E agencies to obtain from the HHS Secretary a waiver from therequirement that a qualified individual conduct the assessment. Title IV-E agencies must submitdocumentation to the HHS Secretary certifying that trained professionals or licensed cliniciansconducting these assessments shall maintain objectivity in determining the most effective andappropriate placement for a child. This certification process is required to prevent conflicts ofinterest in placing children in QRTPs
What organizations can accredit a QRTP?A QRTP can receive accreditation from the Joint Commission on Accreditation of HealthcareOrganizations, the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities, or the Council onAccreditation. The HHS Secretary may also choose to approve other independent, not-for-profitaccrediting bodies. [§472(k)(4)(G); P.L. 115-123 §50741]
QRTP licensing
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Program eligibility requirements:o Mental health services, substance use services, or parenting skillso Evidence-based & trauma-informed
evidence-based...trauma informed
Family First Prevention Services Act:Judicial and Legal Practice ConsiderationsBefore a Petition is Filed: Prevention ServicesSeptember 1, 2021
Children’s Bureau leadership has noted court’s important role inprevention efforts:o“[J]udges and attorneys play absolutely critical roles inprevention in and out of the courtroom”; andoEnhanced attention to reasonable efforts will have a “rippleeffect across the justice system. Prevention is the work of thecourts.” - Jerry Milner, Former Assoc. Comm., Children’s Bureau, HHS
If you are appointed after a petition for removal is filed, advocate forprevention services for the parent, kinship caregiver, or child to be offered asan alternative to removal
Page 9 has an advertisement for Mr. D. F. Urbahns' Memory Training method!
www.google.com www.google.com
The Pelman School of Memory Training, 1635 Masonic Temple, Chicago.<br /> LONDON , 4 Bloomsbury St., W.C.; <br /> PARIS, Avenuede Nenilly, 109 ;<br /> MUNICH , Mozartstrasse, 9; <br /> MELBOURNE, G.P.O, Box 1635
- Feb 2023
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Dealing with someone who is passive aggressive:
- Hold eye contact
- maintain the benefit of the doubt
- give a warning shot: "I don't know why we're talking about this"
- call it out: "What are we doing here? What are you trying to do?"
- if it continues, remove yourself from the situation
wordcraft-writers-workshop.appspot.com wordcraft-writers-workshop.appspot.com
LaMDA was not designed as a writing tool. LaMDA was explicitly trained to respond safely and sensibly to whomever it’s engaging with.
The workshop cohort consisted of 13 professional writers, who were given 8 weeks to use Wordcraft. Unlike more constrained user studies run in the past, we gave writers freedom to write anything they wanted using any workflow they could devise. We share below some of the insights we learned through this process.
How much training did they get with the tool prior to use, particularly those without any experience?
- Dec 2022
Human capital consists of those skills and resources that eachof us brings into the labor market. They include the quantity and quality ofeducation we have attained, job training received, acquired skills and experi-ence, aptitudes and abilities, and so on.
- Oct 2022
Local file Local file
I do not like to do empirical work if I can possibly avoidit. It m e a n s a great deal of trouble if one has no staff; if onedoes e m p l o y a staff, then the staff is often more troublethan the work itself. Moreover, they leave as soon as theyhave b e e n trained and made useful.
- Sep 2022
www.kpcc.org www.kpcc.org
Want to relisten to this. Caught the very end on interventions and it sounded very much like teaching "orality" rather than teaching literacy.
Perhaps teaching orality first helps to frame literacy? even acknowledging it could help certainly...
Cross reference LAist series: https://laist.com/news/education/dyslexia-california-teacher-preparation-training-structured-literacy
- Jul 2022
hbr.org hbr.org
Fortunately, it doesn’t take special talent or training or even a lot of time to teach in the same way that star managers do. Simply follow the precedent they’ve set. Learn what to teach, when to teach, and how to make your lessons stick.
Sounds easy!
- Jun 2022
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- Mar 2022
intellipaat.com intellipaat.com
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In a study carried out by Susan Goldin-Meadow and colleagues at theUniversity of Chicago, a group of adults was recruited to watch video recordingsof children solving conservation problems, like the water-pouring task weencountered earlier. They were then offered some basic information aboutgesture: that gestures often convey important information not found in speech,and that they could attend not only to what people say with their words but alsoto what they “say” with their hands. It was suggested that they could payparticular attention to the shape of a hand gesture, to the motion of a handgesture, and to the placement of a hand gesture. After receiving these simpleinstructions, study subjects watched the videos once more. Before the briefgesture training, the observing adults identified only around 30 to 40 percent ofinstances when children displayed emerging knowledge in their gestures; afterreceiving the training, their hit rate shot up to about 70 percent.
Concentrating on the shape, motion, and placement of hand gestures dramatically help a learner to more concretely understand material and understanding in others.
Link this to the use of movement in dance with respect to memory in Lynne Kelly's work.
- Jan 2022
threadreaderapp.com threadreaderapp.com
Only recently has "memory training" become a butt of ridicule and a refuge of charlatans.
Daniel Boorstin indicated in 1984 that "'memory training' had become the butt of ridicule and a refuge of charlatans", a concept which had begun by the 1880s with people selling memory tricks and training to the point that the journal Science published an article by George S. Fellows exposing an expensive program by Antoine Loisette, which had been advertised in the New York Times with quotes by Mark Twain. #
The trend probably hit its peak when huckster and convicted fraudster Kevin Trudeau marketed audiocassette tapes of his "Mega Memory" course on late night infomercials until he was shut down by the Federal Trade Commission in the late 1990's.
That history had begun to shift with the rise of memory sports and competitions into the early 2000s and popularized by Tyler Foer's book Moonwalking with Einstein.
Local file Local file
課上多次強調Plagiarism, quotation, paraphrasing的差別,也在課程中了解到Quotation和Paraphrasing的使用方法與時機,明辨這三種的區別在往後無論是報告、中英論文或是撰寫任何的文章都十分重要,畢竟學術不端是一件嚴重且不道德的事,須極力避免。
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Banerjee, A. (2022, January 12). I’m leading a long Covid trial – it’s clear Britain has underestimated its impact. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/jan/12/long-covid-trial-britain-short-term-virus
- Dec 2021
www.westga.edu www.westga.edu
As online and blended learning become more common, it is important for instructor resources, such as those provided by Centers for Teaching and Learning (CTL), to work on providing pedagogical training that can be applied across modalities
journalistsresource.org journalistsresource.org
How to report on public officials who spread misinformation. (2021, December 8). The Journalist’s Resource. https://journalistsresource.org/home/covering-misinformation-tips/
- Nov 2021
www.bloomberg.com www.bloomberg.com
Gates Foundation Offers $4 Million to Fix Syringe Shortage for Covid Shots. (2021, November 4). Bloomberg.Com. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-11-04/gates-takes-on-next-barrier-to-rolling-out-covid-shots-syringes
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci. (2021, November 2). The current JCVI minutes debate clearly illustrates the problems with Twitter and scientific debate: Meaning glossed, hedges and distinctions left behind, claims about arguments conflated with claims about people, paving the way to ramped up, emotive soundbites and claims. 1/7 [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1455458854637117440
- Aug 2021
Carragher, D., Towler, A., Mileva, V. R., White, D., & Hancock, P. J. (2021). Masked face identification is improved by diagnostic feature training. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/e9fq3
360learning.com 360learning.com
In contrast, a proactive L&D team will work to identify potential learning needs before they become a significant issue for the company. They’ll source potential needs from employee suggestions and prioritize those needs based on business impact. Sourcing training needs from employees is more accurate and helps you uncover training gaps before they grow.
The L&D team can work with the business, managers, employees, SME's to help with a bottom-up training needs analysis, and this can help with a more democratic learning culture.
- May 2021
spurchangeresource.ca spurchangeresource.ca
- Apr 2021
- Mar 2021
www.cbsnews.com www.cbsnews.com
Researchers trained dogs to sniff out COVID-19 infections in just a few days. (n.d.). Retrieved July 27, 2020, from https://www.cbsnews.com/news/german-researchers-trained-dogs-sniff-out-covid-19-coronavirus-infections/
- Feb 2021
kingdom.training kingdom.training
kingdom.training kingdom.training
- Jan 2021
www.who.int www.who.int
COVID-19 vaccine country readiness and delivery. (n.d.). Retrieved January 21, 2021, from https://www.who.int/initiatives/act-accelerator/covax/covid-19-vaccine-country-readiness-and-delivery
www.mtc.gov.on.ca www.mtc.gov.on.ca
ensure the relevance, accuracy and effective communication of its interpretation and education programs (see above for A.O.D.A. requirements) by: establishing clearly defined and measurable learning objectives and outcomes, and undertaking a process of program evaluation using appropriate expertise – including staff, volunteers, community groups, or consultants carrying out research ensure all staff involved in the development and delivery of interpretation and education programs, have the appropriate skills and training
(2) Volunteer opportunities (programming).
have a volunteer program to encourage community participation in its activities, which should include: identification and development of volunteer opportunities procedures for recruitment of volunteers matching the needs and interests of volunteers to those of the museum provision of appropriate training and supervision for volunteers provision of a safe and secure working environment for volunteers volunteer evaluation public and private recognition of volunteers' contributions
(3) Volunteer program (adding on to).
ensure the relevance, accuracy and effective communication of each exhibit by: establishing clearly defined objectives and evaluating exhibits against their objectives using appropriate expertise, including staff, volunteers, community groups, or consultants carrying out sufficient research ensure that all staff (including volunteers) involved in the planning, preparation and installation of exhibits have the necessary skills and training
(1) Volunteer opportunities (programming).
www.frontiersin.org www.frontiersin.org
This study used the EEG Software EEGer Training System (EEG Software, 2013) to provide coherence-guided EEG biofeedback training to participants.
- Oct 2020
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
ORWG Virtual Meeting 08/09/2020 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOA0aRJ90NxvXtMt5Si5ukmR9LYfvDueB (n.d.)
www.panopto.com www.panopto.com
The process of onboarding employees often presents unique challenges for sales organizations. Sales reps are often remotely located, so in-person live training for new sales employees can take a heavy toll on already-strained department budgets — particularly if training needs to be delivered small audiences and tailored to specific roles or regions. Video helps to address the specific problems associated with training sales reps by enabling organizations to create a training video library with up-to-date product information, best practices, scenario examples, role-play sales demonstrations, and more for everyone from entry-level sales reps to the most experienced executives. Sales training videos can also improve your new hires’ ability to retain the information that they’ve learned. According to recent research, the retention rate for visual information is about 65%, while the same rate for text-based information is just 10%. Researchers credit interactive video content and the ability to learn at one’s own pace for the increased information retention.
Training and onboarding new employees in a remote environment is essential. Video training improves retention from 10 to 65%. Improving retention for new employees provides quicker ramp up time and lowers defection rates. Rating 7/10
hrdailyadvisor.blr.com hrdailyadvisor.blr.com
5 Cross-Training Lessons from Disney
The article focuses on why the cross training practice Disney implements is an effective model and lists its 5 key benefits.
8/10, its not to in-depth but it provides a great starting point for adult learning in a company.
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
Digital technologies in training and adult education
This is an overview of an issue of the International Journal of Training and Development. It summarizes key findings of several studies and is an excellent starting point to explore several areas of digital technology use in adult training. Findings from the studies include: technology should complement blended learning, trainer competency in digital platforms has an effect on attitude towards technology use, and that educators with media-related training are more likely to be critically-reflective of technology. There are several references listed that could be useful to those exploring methods of technology integration. 10/10
- Sep 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Arbel, R., Khouri, M., Sagi, J., & Cohen, N. (2020). Reappraising Others’ Negative Emotions as a way to Enhance Coping during the COVID-19 Outbreak [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/y25gx
www.prognosisresearch.com www.prognosisresearch.com
Home. (n.d.). Prognosis Research. Retrieved September 24, 2020, from https://www.prognosisresearch.com/
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
A training session was not carried out by the authors for the Asian Longhorned Beetle Swimming Pool Survey, a project specific to New York State.
Why was there not a training session for this specific project?
- Aug 2020
covid-19.iza.org covid-19.iza.org
The Effect of Business Cycle Expectations on the German Apprenticeship Market: Estimating the Impact of COVID-19. COVID-19 and the Labor Market. (n.d.). IZA – Institute of Labor Economics. Retrieved August 5, 2020, from https://covid-19.iza.org/publications/dp13368/
- Jul 2020
osf.io osf.io
Starominski-Uehara, M. (2020). Powering Social Media Footage: Simple Guide for the Most Vulnerable to Make Emergency Visible [Preprint]. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/gefhv
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Golding, S. E. (2020). Coronavirus and other pathogens: Reflecting on the relationship between health psychology and infectious disease [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/8r6kf
- Jun 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Nohelty, K., Hirschfeld, L., & Miyake, C. (2020, June 17). A Measure for Supporting Implementation of Direct Telehealth Therapy with Treatment Integrity. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/pe5z8
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Wade, S. L., Gies, L. M., Fisher, A. P., Moscato, E. L., Adlam, A. R., Bardoni, A., Corti, C., Limond, J., Modi, A. C., & Williams, T. (2020). Telepsychotherapy with children and families: Lessons gleaned from two decades of translational research. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 30(2), 332–347. https://doi.org/10.1037/int0000215
- May 2020
hypothes.is hypothes.is
Register Today For Data Science Certification. Learn the Best Data Science Course from our Top Tutors. Study and Get A Certified Data Science Course. Enroll For Data Science Certification and Get 24/7 support and all time study Material. Land in your Dream Job by registering to this Course.
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Britwum, K., Catrone, R., Smith, G. D., & Koch, D. S. (2020, May 5). A University Based Social Services Parent Training Model: A Telehealth Adaptation During the COVID-19 Pandemic. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/gw3cd