- Apr 2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Zusammenfassender Bericht der EU über die Folgen der globalen Erhitzung in Europa im vergangenen Jahr. Europa erwärmt sich von allen Kontinenten am schnellsten. Die Menschen in Südeuropa waren über 100 Tage extender gute ausgesetzt. 2022 war das trockenste Jahr der ausgezeichneten Wettergeschichte, und es hatte den mit Abstand heißesten Sommer. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/apr/20/frightening-record-busting-heat-and-drought-hit-europe-in-2022
- year: 2022
- Region: Antarctica
- by: Damian Carrington
- institution: C3S
- expert: Carlo Buontempo
- 2023-04-20
- expert: Rebecca Emerton
- expert: Andrew Shepherd
- process: increase of heat waves
- Region: Greenland
- process: increasing risk of droughts
- region: Europe
- process: glacier melting
- expert: Daniela Schmidt
- impact: reduced crop production
- process: ice sheet loss
- expert: Mauro Facchini
- impact: heat death
- Region: arctic
- Jul 2022
docdrop.org docdrop.org
when we die we go through eight stages according to the buddhist understanding and each of those stages the first four the elements the sort of solidity if you will i we know they're 01:16:07 not solid but from a conventional perspective the solidity elements the liquidity elements the thermodynamic elements the movement the kinetic elements those all dissolve as we die in 01:16:19 the first four and when that fourth one happens there's no more circulation of blood or of air so we don't breathe we have no circulatory you know blood pressure so we're declared clinically dead but 01:16:30 there's four more stages we go through and those are when the mind becomes successively subtler and those are when we get into the non-dual minds that are the most subtle minds and the last 01:16:43 eighth stage it's called worser in tibetan and we translate that as luminosity or clear light it's not light it's not you know but it's the most utter clear clear mind 01:16:57 and that mind if it goes on if we don't die if we meditate on that luminosity and sustain it through our meditation infinitely we can become a buddha and that's why the buddha is 01:17:09 sometimes called a buddhism an enlightened buddha is a deathless state because you don't actually die so those would be the non-conceptual and non-dual minds and just for completeness 01:17:23 those last four minds are called these are technical terms so it won't make much it won't have much give you much understanding white appearance red increase black near attainment and then this worst air this 01:17:35 luminosity so that's kind of the the the road map if you will for for mine and it's not the brain now on the gross level of thinking in our sensory minds there's a very close 01:17:48 connection with you know meant with the brain okay but when you die the brain is supposed to be dead and you're still alive okay and so these more subtle minds 01:18:01 are not related actually to the brain so we could really say that mind is experience it's awareness it's knowing not knowing something but 01:18:12 the act of knowing so the qualities of mind the most important qualities are awareness and clarity so that gives you just some rough idea of the buddhist understanding of mind or consciousness
Barry gives an explanation of the different levels of mind as the body undergoes death, and particularly, the last 4 of 8 progressively subtler states of mind that are nondual, and therefore, not considered as part of the brain.
- May 2020
statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu
Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science. (2020 April 22). Blog Post: New analysis of excess coronavirus mortality; also a question about poststratification. https://statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu/2020/04/22/analysis-of-excess-coronavirus-mortality-also-a-question-about-poststratification/