- Nov 2022
So when configuring Capybara, I'm using ignore_default_browser_options, and only re-use this DEFAULT_OPTIONS and exclude the key I don't want Capybara::Cuprite::Driver.new( app, { ignore_default_browser_options: true, window_size: [1200, 800], browser_options: { 'no-sandbox': nil }.merge(Ferrum::Browser::Options::Chrome::DEFAULT_OPTIONS.except( "disable-features", "disable-translate", "headless" )), headless: false, } )
github.com github.com
git_workspace/ ├── .vscode │ └── settings.json # global settings, my preferred ones ├── my-personal-projects/ │ └── project1/ │ └── .git/ └── company-projects/ ├── .vscode │ └── settings.json # local settings, overrides some of my personal ones ├── project2/ │ └── .git/ └── project3/ └── .git/
github.com github.com
# check for the expected command if [ "$1" = 'mongod' ]; then # init db stuff.... # use gosu (or su-exec) to drop to a non-root user exec gosu mongod "$@" fi # else default to run whatever the user wanted like "bash" or "sh" exec "$@"
- Sep 2022
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
git -c log.follow= log: that will unset log.follow, just for that one git log instance.
- Jul 2022
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Create a new controller to override the original: app/controllers/active_storage/blobs_controller.rb
Original comment:
I've never seen monkey patching done quite like this.
Usually you can't just "override" a class. You can only reopen it. You can't change its superclass. (If you needed to, you'd have to remove the old constant first.)
Rails has already defined ActiveStorage::BlobsController!
I believe the only reason this works:
class ActiveStorage::BlobsController < ActiveStorage::BaseController
is because it's reopening the existing class. We don't even need to specify the
< Base
class. (We can't change it, in any case.)They do the same thing here: - https://github.com/ackama/rails-template/pull/284/files#diff-2688f6f31a499b82cb87617d6643a0a5277dc14f35f15535fd27ef80a68da520
Correction: I guess this doesn't actually monkey patch it. I guess it really does override the original from activestorage gem and prevent it from getting loaded. How does it do that? I'm guessing it's because activestorage relies on autoloading constants, and when the constant
is first encountered/referenced, autoloading looks in paths in a certain order, and finds the version in the app'sapp/controllers/active_storage/blobs_controller.rb
before it ever gets a chance to look in the gem's paths for that same path/file.If instead of using autoloading, it had used
(or evenrequire
?? but that might have still found the app-defined version earlier in the load path), then it would have loaded the model from activestorage first, and then (possibly) loaded the model from our app, which (probably) would have reopened it, as I originally commented.
- Aug 2021
github.com github.com
Why not just prettier-ignore? Because I want to keep Prettier here. Still format my code. But just with another config. This already works with prettierrc > overrides. But this proposal is for a better usability and flexibility.
github.com github.com
Using a flag to disable prettier for a line, the next line or until I activate it again (ESLint like syntax). // prettier-disable border: { sep: "║", topLeft: "╔", topMid: "╦", top: "═", topRight: "╗", midLeft: "╠", midMid: "╬", mid: "═", midRight: "╣", botLeft: "╚", botMid: "╩", bot: "═", botRight: "╝" }, // prettier-enable
- May 2021
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Normally, git diff looks for non-printable characters in the files and if it looks like the file is likely to be a binary file, it refuses to show the difference. The rationale for that is binary file diffs are not likely to be human readable and will probably mess up your terminal if displayed. However, you can instruct git diff to always treat files as text using the --text option. You can specify this for one diff command: git diff --text HEAD HEAD^ file.txt You can make Git always use this option by setting up a .gitattributes file that contains: file.txt diff
kit.svelte.dev kit.svelte.dev
By default, the SvelteKit runtime intercepts clicks on <a> elements and bypasses the normal browser navigation for relative (same-origin) URLs that match one of your page routes. We sometimes need to tell SvelteKit that certain links need to be handled by normal browser navigation.
- Apr 2021
github.com github.com
This approach is preferable to overriding authenticate_user! in your controller because it won't clobber a lot of "behind the scenes" stuff Devise does (such as storing the attempted URL so the user can be redirected after successful sign in).
- Feb 2021
askubuntu.com askubuntu.com
Instead of modifying /usr/share/applications/google-chrome.desktop, the file can be copied into ~/.local/share/applications/google-chrome.desktop and modified without root access. This file will take precedence over the global desktop file.
alistapart.com alistapart.com
Just like in flexbox, this will move the displayed grid items out of source order, placing them after the grid items that don’t have explicit order values.
- Jan 2021
coreos.com coreos.comCoreOS1
The advantage of the first method is that one easily overrides the complete unit, the default Container Linux unit is not parsed at all anymore.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
After command, then we need to first reset the command withAfter= and then add our commands.
github.com github.com
premailer-rails processes all outgoing emails by default. If you wish to skip premailer for a certain email, simply set the :skip_premailer header:
- Nov 2020
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
As was mentioned in the comments above, the material design spec for buttons specifies that the text should be uppercase, but you can easily override its CSS property: paper-button { text-transform: none; }