60 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
    1. bdi->dev = NULL; kref_init(&bdi->refcnt); bdi->min_ratio = 0; bdi->max_ratio = 100 * BDI_RATIO_SCALE; bdi->max_prop_frac = FPROP_FRAC_BASE; INIT_LIST_HEAD(&bdi->bdi_list); INIT_LIST_HEAD(&bdi->wb_list); init_waitqueue_head(&bdi->wb_waitq); bdi->last_bdp_sleep = jiffies;

      Initial config settings

  2. Nov 2023
    1. ActiveRecord::Base.serialize no longer uses YAML by default. YAML isn't particularly performant and can lead to security issues if not used carefully. Unfortunately there isn't really any good serializers in Ruby's stdlib to replace it. The obvious choice would be JSON, which is a fine format for this use case, however the JSON serializer in Ruby's stdlib isn't strict enough, as it fallback to casting unknown types to strings, which could lead to corrupted data. Some third party JSON libraries like Oj have a suitable strict mode.
  3. Aug 2023
    1. The question is also not about error handling and if the file write fails, exiting with a stack trace is reasonable default behavior because there's not much you can do to recover from that.
  4. Jun 2023
    1. By default, Google tags use automatic cookie domain configuration. Cookies are set on the highest level of domain possible. For example, if your website address is blog.example.com, cookies are set on the example.com domain.
  5. Jan 2023
    1. I'm still against frozen-string-literal by default. It is arguable if the string creation limits performance so much in real-world programs. We need to first measure how much Ruby can be faster by frozen-string-literal. If it is not significant, Ruby should prefer dynamics and flexibility.
  6. Dec 2022
    1. I assume that the goal of synchronizing timestamps is so that the primary record and its Version can be correlated by future reporting queries. I've always thought this is an odd feature, given that said correlation can be more reliably and performantly achieved by use of the foreign key (item_id). So, I'd like to suggest that we add an option to disable this feature. For the new option's name, I'll suggest synchronize_version_creation_timestamp. It would be true by default. has_paper_trail(synchronize_version_creation_timestamp: false) I'm open to disabling this feature by default, in a future major release, after a reasonable deprecation period.
  7. Nov 2022
    1. So when configuring Capybara, I'm using ignore_default_browser_options, and only re-use this DEFAULT_OPTIONS and exclude the key I don't want Capybara::Cuprite::Driver.new( app, { ignore_default_browser_options: true, window_size: [1200, 800], browser_options: { 'no-sandbox': nil }.merge(Ferrum::Browser::Options::Chrome::DEFAULT_OPTIONS.except( "disable-features", "disable-translate", "headless" )), headless: false, } )
    1. git_workspace/ ├── .vscode │ └── settings.json # global settings, my preferred ones ├── my-personal-projects/ │ └── project1/ │ └── .git/ └── company-projects/ ├── .vscode │ └── settings.json # local settings, overrides some of my personal ones ├── project2/ │ └── .git/ └── project3/ └── .git/
    1. Changing the second line to: foo.txt text !diff would restore the default unset-ness for diff, while: foo.txt text diff will force diff to be set (both will presumably result in a diff, since Git has presumably not previously been detecting foo.txt as binary).

      comments for tag: undefined vs. null: Technically this is undefined (unset, !diff) vs. true (diff), but it's similar enough that don't need a separate tag just for that.

      annotation meta: may need new tag: undefined/unset vs. null/set

    1. # check for the expected command if [ "$1" = 'mongod' ]; then # init db stuff.... # use gosu (or su-exec) to drop to a non-root user exec gosu mongod "$@" fi # else default to run whatever the user wanted like "bash" or "sh" exec "$@"
  8. Sep 2022
    1. This specification reserves the use of one URI as a problem type: The "about:blank" URI [RFC6694], when used as a problem type, indicates that the problem has no additional semantics beyond that of the HTTP status code. When "about:blank" is used, the title SHOULD be the same as the recommended HTTP status phrase for that code (e.g., "Not Found" for 404, and so on), although it MAY be localized to suit client preferences (expressed with the Accept-Language request header). Please note that according to how the "type" member is defined (Section 3.1), the "about:blank" URI is the default value for that member. Consequently, any problem details object not carrying an explicit "type" member implicitly uses this URI.

      annoying limitation

      have to come up with unique (and unchanging?) URIs up front

      otherwise (if type is omitted), this restrictive "about:blank" URI is assumed by default

    1. git -c log.follow= log: that will unset log.follow, just for that one git log instance.
    2. If we ever moved a file to a different location or renamed it, all its previous history is lost in git log, unless we specifically use git log --follow. I think usually, the expected behavior is that we'd like to see the past history too, not "cut off" after the rename or move, so is there a reason why git log doesn't default to using the --follow flag?
    1. Note: Git 2.6+ (Q3 2015) will propose that in command line: see "Why does git log not default to git log --follow?" Note: Git 2.6.0 has been released and includes this feature. Following path changes in the log command can be enabled by setting the log.follow config option to true as in: git config log.follow true
  9. Aug 2022
    1. Thus my docs recommendation of public function beforeFilter(Event $event) // do not render out the now inconsistent one for is(json) if (!$this->request->is('jsonapi')) { throw new NotFoundException('Invalid access, use application/vnd.api+json for Content-Type and Accept.'); } } to specifically only whitelist the desired jsonapi for the general use case.
    2. A default baked app has all those included. Thats why I am saying this - it is by default an issue we should and need to address :)
  10. Jul 2022
    1. Create a new controller to override the original: app/controllers/active_storage/blobs_controller.rb

      Original comment:

      I've never seen monkey patching done quite like this.

      Usually you can't just "override" a class. You can only reopen it. You can't change its superclass. (If you needed to, you'd have to remove the old constant first.)

      Rails has already defined ActiveStorage::BlobsController!

      I believe the only reason this works:

      class ActiveStorage::BlobsController < ActiveStorage::BaseController

      is because it's reopening the existing class. We don't even need to specify the < Base class. (We can't change it, in any case.)

      They do the same thing here: - https://github.com/ackama/rails-template/pull/284/files#diff-2688f6f31a499b82cb87617d6643a0a5277dc14f35f15535fd27ef80a68da520

      Correction: I guess this doesn't actually monkey patch it. I guess it really does override the original from activestorage gem and prevent it from getting loaded. How does it do that? I'm guessing it's because activestorage relies on autoloading constants, and when the constant ActiveStorage::BlobsController is first encountered/referenced, autoloading looks in paths in a certain order, and finds the version in the app's app/controllers/active_storage/blobs_controller.rb before it ever gets a chance to look in the gem's paths for that same path/file.

      If instead of using autoloading, it had used require_relative (or even require?? but that might have still found the app-defined version earlier in the load path), then it would have loaded the model from activestorage first, and then (possibly) loaded the model from our app, which (probably) would have reopened it, as I originally commented.

  11. Aug 2021
    1. Using a flag to disable prettier for a line, the next line or until I activate it again (ESLint like syntax). // prettier-disable border: { sep: "║", topLeft: "╔", topMid: "╦", top: "═", topRight: "╗", midLeft: "╠", midMid: "╬", mid: "═", midRight: "╣", botLeft: "╚", botMid: "╩", bot: "═", botRight: "╝" }, // prettier-enable
  12. Jun 2021
  13. May 2021
    1. Normally, git diff looks for non-printable characters in the files and if it looks like the file is likely to be a binary file, it refuses to show the difference. The rationale for that is binary file diffs are not likely to be human readable and will probably mess up your terminal if displayed. However, you can instruct git diff to always treat files as text using the --text option. You can specify this for one diff command: git diff --text HEAD HEAD^ file.txt You can make Git always use this option by setting up a .gitattributes file that contains: file.txt diff
    1. By default, the SvelteKit runtime intercepts clicks on <a> elements and bypasses the normal browser navigation for relative (same-origin) URLs that match one of your page routes. We sometimes need to tell SvelteKit that certain links need to be handled by normal browser navigation.
    1. By default, groups created in: GitLab 12.2 or later allow both Owners and Maintainers to create subgroups. GitLab 12.1 or earlier only allow Owners to create subgroups.
  14. Apr 2021
    1. This approach is preferable to overriding authenticate_user! in your controller because it won't clobber a lot of "behind the scenes" stuff Devise does (such as storing the attempted URL so the user can be redirected after successful sign in).
  15. Mar 2021
    1. If you call ./configure --enable-gui=auto, the build process will automatically build against whichever GUI libraries are available. A cursory glance suggests that gtk2 will be prioritised over gnome2.
    1. The input is required and initially empty, so on page load the input is :invalid and border is red. :( :(The input is :invalid until you type a legit email address, so it is red when typing. :( :(Ok, so the :invalid pseudo selector is kind of useless. Ideally we would not show an error up front or the whole time they are typing, just when they submit something unacceptable.
  16. Feb 2021
    1. Because the Berne Convention in most countries by default grants copyright holders monopolistic control over their creations, copyright content must be explicitly declared free, usually by the referencing or inclusion of licensing statements from within the work.
    1. Instead of modifying /usr/share/applications/google-chrome.desktop, the file can be copied into ~/.local/share/applications/google-chrome.desktop and modified without root access. This file will take precedence over the global desktop file.
    1. Record filters allow you to require an instance of a particular class (or one of its subclasses) or a value that can be used to locate an instance of the object. If the value does not match, it will call find on the class of the record. This is particularly useful when working with ActiveRecord objects.
    1. Just like in flexbox, this will move the displayed grid items out of source order, placing them after the grid items that don’t have explicit order values.
  17. Jan 2021
    1. premailer-rails processes all outgoing emails by default. If you wish to skip premailer for a certain email, simply set the :skip_premailer header:
  18. Nov 2020
    1. logInfoToStdOut (boolean) (default=false) This is important if you read from stdout or stderr and for proper error handling. The default value ensures that you can read from stdout e.g. via pipes or you use webpack -j to generate json output.
    1. The problem is that by default, module paths only work with things imported via npm because the new modules variable on resolve defaults to ["node_modules"]. This lets you import 3rd party code from npm really easily. But it means importing your code with a module path needs a config change.
  19. Oct 2020
    1. Right, and if most uses of an FTP service use new FtpService() the one that sets an alternate port will stand out (service.SetPort(12345))
    2. The concept of Convention over Configuration is impossible without sensible default values. The key word here is "sensible". The default values have to make sense for at least 80% (if not more) of all the uses of a library/service/framework.
  20. Jul 2020
  21. Jun 2020
    1. However, a ActiveRecord::Rollback within the nested transaction will be caught by the block of the nested transaction, but will be ignored by the outer transaction, and not cause a roll back! To avoid this unexpected behaviour, you have to explicitly tell rails for each transaction to indeed use proper nesting: CopyActiveRecord::Base.transaction(joinable: false, requires_new: true) do # inner code end This is a safer default for working with custom transactions.
  22. Jan 2020
    1. The default behavior is to enter the new key/data pair, replacing any previously existing key if duplicates are disallowed, or adding a duplicate data item if duplicates are allowed (MDB_DUPSORT).
  23. Oct 2019
    1. Setting up Nginx properly requires quite a bit of work. Using websockets or using Rails streaming? Make sure you disable response buffering for the relevant URIs, otherwise they won’t work correctly. Phusion Passenger 5’s builtin reverse proxy does the right thing by default, without any configuration. In other words: it’s all about making things simple.
    1. Yes, absolutely, no two projects are alike. This step is moving towards a direction where we have a set of best practices for webpack isolated in a bundled package and can be maintained in isolation without impacting upgrades or end-user experience. If you have seen next.js or create-react-app they sort of do they same thing for ease and maintainability. Rails is a great example for this - there are some built-in best practices, opinionated defaults and gems that are hidden behind the scene plus power to do advance things where needed.
  24. Jan 2014
    1. If you’re fighting Git’s defaults, ask why. Treat public history as immutable, atomic, and easy to follow. Treat private history as disposable and malleable. The intended workflow is: Create a private branch off a public branch. Regularly commit your work to this private branch. Once your code is perfect, clean up its history. Merge the cleaned-up branch back into the public branch.

      Good defaults are sometimes hard to recognize, especially when the tool is complex.

      Questioning the defaults-- and deciding why you would keep them or change them-- is a good antidote to dismissing something due to not understanding it.

      If you can't understand why you don't like the defaults, then decide what you would choose instead and why you would change the default as it stands. Does the default make it easy to do the "right" thing AND hard to do the "wrong" thing? The second part of that statement is the most important since it might not be obvious what the "right" thing is.

      Even if you don't like the defaults, ask yourself if they continually lead you away from perils and problems that would plague you if a different set of defaults were chosen?