21 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2023
  2. Feb 2023
    1. If you haven't seen it yet, check out the PinePhone Pro and its docking station. Much like the Steam Deck's docking station, it plugs the phone into a monitor, keyboard, and mouse to turn your phone into a PC.
    1. B/ Mainline kernel offers many ways to increase desktop responsiveness without the need to patch or reconfig it. Many tweaks can be activated using the cfs-zen-tweaks you can download and just run but I would advise you just read the very simple code and learn how each of the tweaks impact. Don't hesitate to lower the priority of your cpu-bound processes (compilations, simulations...) and increase the priority of your interactive tasks thanks to the renice command and even change their scheduling policy using chrt Ultimately, you can always pin interrupts to dedicated cpus (setting desired values in /proc/irq/[irq_id]/smp_affinity) , having one in charge of the keyboard and the mouse, another one for the graphic adaptor a third one for the sound card and a fourth one housekeeping for all the possible remaining. Just plenty of solutions left opened without changing a byte in your distro-kernel.
  3. Jun 2022
    1. The main problem of the Linux community is that it is divided. I know this division represents freedom of choice but when your rivals are successful, you must inspect them carefully. And both rivals here (MacOS and Windows) get their power from the "less is more approach".This division in Linux communities make people turn into their communities when they have problems and never be heard as a big, unified voice.When something goes wrong with other OSes, people start complaining in many forums and support sites, some of them writing to multiple places and others support them by saying "yeah, I have that problem, too".In the Linux world, the answers to such forums come as "don't use that shitty distro" or "use that command and circumvent the problem".Long story short" average Linux user doesn't know that they are:still customers and have all the rights to demand from companiesthey can get together and act up louder.Imagine such an organizing that most of the Linux users manage to get together and writing to Netflix. Maybe not all of them use Netflix but the number of the Linux users are greater than Netflix members. What a domination it would be!But instead we turn into our communities and act like a survival tribe who has to solve all their problems themselves .
    2. Big Software companies like Adobe or Netflix do two things that are relevant for us and currently go wrong:They analyse the systems their customers use. They don't see their Linux users because we tend to either not use the product at all under Linux (just boot windows, just use a firertv stick and so one) or we use emulators or other tools that basically hide that we actually run Linux. --> The result is that they don't know how many we actually are. They think we are irrelevant because thats what the statistics tell them (they are completely driven by numbers).They analyze the feature requests and complains they get from their customers. The problem is: Linux users don't complain that much or try to request better linux support. We usually somehow work around the issues. --> The result is that these companies to neither get feature requests for better Linux support nor bug reports from linux users (cause its not expected to work anyways).
  4. Mar 2021
    1. Proton is a new tool released by Valve Software that has been integrated with Steam Play to make playing Windows games on Linux as simple as hitting the Play button within Steam. Underneath the hood, Proton comprises other popular tools like Wine and DXVK among others that a gamer would otherwise have to install and maintain themselves. This greatly eases the burden for users to switch to Linux without having to learn the underlying systems or losing access to a large part of their library of games. Proton is still in its infancy so support is inconsistent, but regularly improving.
    1. I've been made aware of a "Compatibility tool to run DOS games on Steam through native Linux DOSBox" called "steam-dos". It can be found on https://www.github.com/dreamer/steam-dos . I pulled this tool from git and using it as the the steam play compatibility tool Megarace 2 runs without issue. Saving both settings and games works again! There is no keyboard support for controlling the vehicle in game but both mouse and joystick/gamepad work. To get around a missing launcher.exe error I copied "MegaRace 2.exe" to the same folder as the original and renamed the copy to "Launcher.exe". Linux users: in your MegaRace 2 folder (steamapps/common/MegaRace 2/) create a symbolic link to start.sh named Launcher.exe. This allows the game to launch through Steam. This also allows you to put time on the game through Steam, hitting that coveted 5 minute mark that makes creating a review possible. With that out of the way, the game itself is a nice touch of nostalgia but the port is absolutely terrible. I don't remember it being quite this difficult to install off the 2 CDs. The game won't launch at all without tweaking. Can't save the config settings. Can't save the game at all in fact. While I really like MegaRace 2, you unlock tracks by completing the previous ones. Since the game can't be saved, I end up running The Foundry track over and over until I'm sick of it.So I'm torn. I love the game but I hate the completely broken port. For $3 and a local install of DOSBOX it can be made to work so I will recommend it anyway.
    1. The reason we've avoided registering "Cinnamon" as a desktop name is that it opens up issues with many upstream apps that currently OnlyShowIn=Gnome or Gnome;Unity or just Unity. The relationship Mint has with Gnome and Ubuntu isn't genial enough that we could get them to add Cinnamon to their desktop files, so we would have to distribute and maintain separate duplicate .desktop files just for Cinnamon for these upstream packages.
    1. Also manually adding [Default Applications] x-scheme-handler/zoommtg=ZoomLauncher.desktop to either $HOME/.config/mimeapps.list or $HOME/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list does not lead to xdg-open via exo-open recognizing the zoommtg protocol.
    1. xdg-email
    2. There's a command that knows about your default browser: xdg-open http://google.com This will also work for every other type of URI (Uniform Resource Identifier), like images - which will automatically open with eog, openoffice documents, and so on, and also on filesystem paths (xdg-open /tmp/foobar.png).
  5. Feb 2021
    1. Instead of modifying /usr/share/applications/google-chrome.desktop, the file can be copied into ~/.local/share/applications/google-chrome.desktop and modified without root access. This file will take precedence over the global desktop file.
  6. Jan 2021
  7. Oct 2020
    1. Windows: Shift + Delete

      On Linux, it's this:

      Linux: Shift + Delete

      Thanks for listing us, too. It's like we don't even exist.

  8. Jun 2020
  9. Nov 2019
    1. CompizConfig Settings Manager's Place windows plug-in which will allow an application that isn't running to open on its particular workspace at its pre-defined X-Y coordinate,
    1. The thing is that each UI decision depends on countless other UI decisions. A simple example is keybindings. On UNIX/Linux, it’s nearly impossible to pick reasonable default bindings for global desktop navigation because they all conflict with bindings that some app is using. On Windows, the desktop navigation bindings are hardcoded, and no app uses them, because apps know for sure which bindings to avoid.