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  1. Sep 2023
    1. In a sense, there is already a parallel polis in many countries, including The Netherlands. It’s just that the people living in this parallel culture haven’t yet discovered each other.
      • for: cosmolocal, cosmolocal parallel polis
      • comments
        • apply cosmolocalism to nework
    2. A parallel polis is not an escapist fantasy of retreating to communes and gated communities. It’s about building horizontal, convivial relationships with one another, which over time can give rise to a prefigurative new order. In a parallel polis, people can start where they are – with their local circumstances and personal talents and shared needs – and begin do what needs to be done.
      • for: TPF
      • comment
        • TPF has same goal
        • can use the language of parallel polis
    3. I draw inspiration and guidance from Václav Havel, the Czech playwright.  When he and other cultural dissidents in the 1970s faced a totalizing, repressive system impervious to change – in his case, the totalitarian Czech government – Havel had a counter-intuitive response.  He called for the development of a "parallel polis." A parallel polis is a community-created safe space in which people can mutually support each other, directly produce what they need, and build a kind of shadow society – outside of the machinery of the dominant political system.

      -for: parallel polis, parallel alternative society, Vaclev Havel, definition, definition - parallel polis

      • definition: parallel polis
        • a community-created safe space in which people can mutually support each other, directly produce what they need, and build a kind of shadow society – outside of the machinery of the dominant political system.