- Sep 2015
www.macfound.org www.macfound.org
due to digital communications tools, social media and the Internet
And no tool digital communication tool fosters this more than collaborative annotation, which engages citizens with the primary sources of politics and directly with each other.
activities through which people share their opinions
This page and all the links are critical resources for this project.
What is the relationship between young people's online activities and their political participation?
Teaching that there is such a connection should be a priority for digital pedagogues.
reshaping the manner in which young people participate in public life?
Well, simply put, they are. When else in history would this have been possible for a farm boy. Seriously, though, young people have public personas today like they never have before.
How can policy makers, educators and software designer promote frequent, equitable and meaningful political engagement among youth through the use of digital media?
Two words: open annotation.
the prospect that new media can become a bridge to young people's involvement with politics and other democratic institutions.
Quote this somewhere...
www.macfound.org www.macfound.org
how digital media are changing the way young people learn, play, socialize, and participate in civic life.
www.macfound.org www.macfound.org
Connected Learning, has emerged as a powerful way to connect fragmented spheres of a young person’s life—interests, academic and work opportunities, and peer culture.
www.schooljournalism.org www.schooljournalism.orgAbout3
American Society of News Editors=possible partner/funder
news literacy curriculum
I like this idea a lot. Annotation seems as though it could play a major role here.
John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, the Robert R. McCormick Foundation and the Donald W. Reynolds Foundation.
Funders of this theme.
www.civicyouth.org www.civicyouth.org
active, informed, responsible, and effective citizens.
Note adjectives here:
- active as in participatory
- informed as in well- and critically-read
- responsible as in listening to others, acting reasonably
- effective as in taking action that has results
young people from disadvantaged backgrounds are far less likely to be informed and to vote.
Emphasis on peer to peer learning, open, free software...
- Aug 2015
www.vox.com www.vox.com
But politics is about who shows up. The fossil fuel interests that are threatened show up. Nerds like Urban, vaguely repulsed by politics, do not.
A thousand times yes that "politics is about who shows up."
There are two broad narratives about politics that can be glimpsed between the lines here. Both are, in the argot of the day, problematic.
The two paragraphs that follow are spot on. Nerds think government doesn't do anything right and they see government as this monolith thing apart from themselves rather than something they can and should work to affect, rather than circumvent.
One thing I got out of reading Graeber's "Democracy Project" was the idea that it is not rational people that inhabit the middle of the political spectrum. Most people are more radical than the media makes it seem. The media reinforces the narrative that if you hold strong political opinions you are a radical. Your neighbors think you're crazy. You should probably just follow the herd, more.
While there are definitely fundamentalists at the political extremes, there are also great thinkers.