- Jan 2025
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“But to cook, you must kill. You make ghosts. You cook to make ghosts. Spirits that live on in every ingredient,” -The Hundred-Foot Journey. Hassan, the chef and main character of the movie, learns this from his mother while she's teaching him to cook.
for - quote - to cook you must kill - line from movie "The Hundred-Foot Journey - source - post - LinkedIn - Nora Bateson - sharing - Sherry Hess - 2025, Jan 8 - posted a comment - post - LinkedIn - Nora Bateson - sharing - Sherry Hess - 2025, Jan 8
- Jun 2024
when you're dealing with living systems you have to be careful that you 01:00:25 don't get caught in engineering responses
for - quote - Nora Bateson - book - Combining
quote - Nora Bateson - book - Combining - (see below)
- When you're dealing with living systems
- you have to be careful that you don't get caught in engineering responses
- When you're dealing with living systems
let's face it if you create a traumatized child you then have 00:44:39 to have the capacity for dealing with the traumatized child so it's not just out of benevolence to him but also that it's a lot easier to be in relationship 00:44:51 with someone for the rest of your life that a that you haven't damaged
for - progress trap - parenting - traumatizing our children - Nora Bateson - quote - Nora Bateson - progress trap - traumatizing our children
quote - Nora Bateson - progress trap - traumatizing our children (see below) - Let's face it, - If you create a traumatized child - you then have to have the capacity - for dealing with the traumatized child - So it's not just out of benevolence to him but also that - it's a lot easier to be in relationship with someone for the rest of your life that - you haven't damaged
this is where we get into trouble is trying to solve problems in isolated ways
for - quote - Nora Bateson - progress trap
quote - Nora Bateson - progress trap - (see below)
- This is where we get into trouble
- trying to solve problems in isolated ways
- This is where we get into trouble
the solution to the consequence is likely to perpetuate the actual problem
for - quote - progress trap - Nora Bateson - book - Combining
quote - progress trap - Nora Bateson - book - Combining - (see below)
- In the singularity of its mission to hastily fix one malady at a time
- the cure may be more harmful than the wound
- Most identified problems as they have emerged
- are really the consequence or symptoms of other conditions
- The solution to the consequence is likely to perpetuate the actual problem
- In the singularity of its mission to hastily fix one malady at a time
the real issues are Insidious they're 00:22:00 underground they're down in our our Baseline premises of understanding what life is and what it means
for - key insight - the unconscious - fundamental assumptions are the root problem - Nora Bateson
key insight, quote - the unconscious - fundamental assumptions are the root problem - Nora Bateson - (see below) - Even though we can point with - language and - statistics and - all sorts of measurements - to all the aspects of what we might call - the meta crisis or - the poly crisis - the real issues are: - insidious - they're underground - they're down in our our baseline premises of understanding - what life is and - what it means - To ask - what's in it for me - what's the point of this - where is this going - what am I going to get out of this - These type of questions that have to do with in some way embellishing our individual takeback - are deeply and totally unecological responses - so they're disrupting our possibility for perception
that causality is not singular and so if you address a problem 00:11:06 that's created by a multiple causal process with a singular response you don't actually do anything but make it worse
for - quote, key insight - progress trap - Nora Bateson
quote - progress trap - Nora Bateson - Nora hits the head of the nail with this observation - There are always multiple causes to one result - and by addressing only one cause, we cannot solve the problem, but in fact - allow it to continue and often make it worse - This is essentially another way of stating the teachings of millenia of Eastern philosophy, - that the universe is - infinitely interconnected - and its inherent nature of continuous transformation - Therefore, any state, which might be recognized as a problem state - is the result of many different causes and conditions coalescing
I think important in this moment of trying to get out of orientation to these structures and habits 00:07:14 semantics um and and and epistemological patterns that that lock us into the kind of thinking that is the source of the 00:07:27 colonial violence and the industrial violence that we're living within
for - quote - unconscious patterns locking us into colonial and industrial violence - Nora Bateson
quote - unconscious patterns locking us into colonial and industrial violence - Nora Bateson - (see below) - It's actually I think important in this moment of trying to get out of orientation to these - structures and - habits, - semantics and - epistemological patterns - that that lock us into the kind of thinking - that is the source of - the colonial violence and - the industrial violence - that we're living within
there are many um and that that pulls us into 00:00:26 reaction mode that has been long steeped in industrial responsiveness which is to the first order
for - quote - progress trap - Nora Bateson
quote - progress trap - Nora Bateson - (see below) - it's really easy to get distracted by the alarms that are ringing - and like you said, there are many that pulls us into reaction mode - that has been long steeped in industrial responsiveness - which is to the first order - that is, if something is happening we want to stop that thing from happening - whatever it is, whether it's - a refugee crisis or - a nuclear war threat or a this or a that - and that first order response does not take into account - the next and the next and the next order of consequences - so it's a kind of thinking that is very much appropriate for - engineering, - for building machines - but it's not appropriate for complex living systems
adjacency - between - Nora Bateson comment on first order industrial responsiveness - progress trap - Stop Reset Go complexity mapping - Deep Humanity - progress trap - emptiness/shunyata - adjacency relationship - What Nora is saying is articulated within the Deep Humanity praxis using the language of progress traps - Dan O'Leary - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=dan+o%27leary - Ronald Wright - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=ronald+wright - which are the unintended consequences of progress - Deep Humanity praxis relates progress traps to the intertwingled Eastern philosophical ideas of - emptiness (shunyata) - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=emptiness - dependent arising and - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=dependent+arising - interdependent origination - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=interdependent+origination - In the context of the Stop Reset Go complexity mapping process, - to be integrated into the Indyweb / Indranet web 3 software ecosystem, - is designed to map multiple perspectives of how to solve a problem - so that we can see the many different solutions and avoid simply adopting a first order response solution - in so doing, it integrates complexity into our problem solving process and helps to mitigate - future progress traps in our solutions - The Indyweb / Indranet is a technology ecosystem designed to reflect the two pillars of emptiness: - (evolutionary) change and - interdependent origination / intertwingularity, - reflecting a universe that is fractally connected in all - dimensions and - scales - Stop Reset Go will be integrated into the Indyweb/Indranet as a specific Markin notation.
- key insight, quote - the unconscious - fundamental assumptions are the root problem - Nora Bateson
- quote, key insight - progress trap - Nora Bateson
- quote - Nora Bateson - progress trap - traumatizing our children
- quote - progress trap - Nora Bateson - book - Combining
- quote - unconscious patterns locking us into colonial and industrial violence - Nora Bateson
- quote - Nora Bateson - book - Combining
- quote - Nora Bateson - progress traps
- progress trap - parenting - traumatizing our children - Nora Bateson
- adjacency - Nora Bateson comment on first order industrial responsiveness - progress trap - Stop Reset Go complexity mapping - Deep Humanity - progress trap - emptiness/shunyata
- quote - progress trap - Nora Bateson
- Oct 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
being able to recognize a double bind is wonderful it's a really good thing to know how to do 01:16:29 um like I said it won't solve it for you but it will keep it from tearing you in half and that's something yeah so generally you have to do a jump 01:16:40 or come from another context the response to double bind is never on either side of the bind like never which is so hard in a culture that is 01:16:54 completely committed to linear strategic change making and solving if the if the solution looks nothing like the problem
for: quote, quote - Nora Bateson, quote - double bind
quote: Nora Bateson
- being able to recognize a double bind is wonderful it's a really good thing to know how to do
- it won't solve it for you but it will keep it from tearing you in half and that's something
- generally you have to do a jump or come from another context
- the response to double bind is never on either side of the bind, like never, which is so hard in a culture that is completely committed to linear strategic change making and solving if the if the solution looks nothing like the problem
the individuals are carrying the load for the poly crisis
for: quote, quote - Nora Bateson, quote - polycrisis - individual
- the individual is carrying the load for the polycrisis
- the individual is carrying the load of the polycrisis but it is unfair
this is what happens when we don't tend to the whole um 00:28:38 things break the responses that get made get made to one part at a time and then those responses create more problems right so if you say okay we have to 00:28:57 address the climate change problem so clearly we have to stop producing carbon okay but um that sends the economy into complete failure
for: holism, polycrisis, quote, quote - Nora Bateson, quote - polycrisis, intertwingled problems
- This is what happens when we don't tend to the whole, things break. The responses that get made to one part at a time and then those responses create more problems.
- So you say we have to address the climate change problem so clearly we have to stop producing carbon.
- but that sends the economy into complete failure.
- If you send the economy into complete failure, then you're going to not have health systems and people aren't going to support themselves and your going to have food crisis
some people refer to the multiple contextual crises of this era as a poly 00:26:28 crisis some people refer to it as a meta crisis I prefer poly crisis but we won't get into that discussion today and this is what happens when 00:26:42 for a century and a half we have decontextualized our perception of the world and education is separated from politics 00:26:55 is separated from economics is separated from family is separated from ecology or the environment and now we have crises 00:27:06 looming and we have environmental crises we have got crises in the education system we've got crisis in the health systems
for: quote, quote - Nora Bateson, quote - polycrisis, decontextualized perceptions
- some people refer to the multiple contextual crises of this era as a polycrisis some people refer to it as a meta crisis I prefer poly crisis but we won't get into that discussion today and this is what happens when
for a century and a half we have decontextualized our perception of the world and
- education is separated from politics is separated from economics
- is separated from family
- is separated from ecology or the environment and now we have crises looming and we have environmental crises we have got crises in the education system we've got crisis in the health systems
- some people refer to the multiple contextual crises of this era as a polycrisis some people refer to it as a meta crisis I prefer poly crisis but we won't get into that discussion today and this is what happens when
for a century and a half we have decontextualized our perception of the world and
- author: Nora Bateson
every time we try to pick at one piece of this polycrisis we end up actually creating problems in other contexts
for: polycrisis, quote, quote - polycrisis, quote - Nora Bateson
- every time we pick at one piece of those polycrisis we end up actually creating more problems in other contexts
author: Nora Bateson
- climate change If we do, all emissions suddenly, we will create an economic crisis, then without money, a health and social crisis