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- Dec 2024
for - social tipping points - climate change
- Sep 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
in a normal distribution, from over here you have the denialists and over here you have the environmental activists. But in between you have a lot of different types of people. And the majority are actually – we know this from opinion polls – they are very supportive of science. They're very supportive of and concerned about climate change. They want climate action. It's just that they live their normal lives, they have many preoccupations in life. 01:01:44 They have their children, their health, their school, their financing, their incomes. You know, many, many things to be worried about. But that's the question: how do we get this majority, the silent majority, to join us? And I don't think that the way to make them join us is to scare them. And I don't think the way to join is to fight with the denialists. I think the way to join... to make them join... is to show that this pathway can get a better life.
- for: leverage points, quote, quote - Johan Rockstrom, quote - motivating the silent majority, climate change - priority, social tipping point
- quote
- In a normal distribution,
- from over here you have the denialists and
- over here you have the environmental activists.
- But in between you have a lot of different types of people.
- And the majority are actually
- we know this from opinion polls
- very supportive of science.
- They're very supportive of and concerned about climate change.
- They want climate action.
- It's just that they live their normal lives, they have many preoccupations in life.They have
- children,
- health,
- school,
- financing,
- incomes.
- You know, many, many things to be worried about.
- But that's the question:
- how do we get this majority, the silent majority, to join us?
- I don't think that the way to make them join us is to
- scare them and
- fight with the denialists.
- I think the way to make them join is to show that this pathway can get a better life.
- In a normal distribution,
- author: Johan Rockstrom
date: Sept., 2023
- in other words
- the silent majority does not yet hold climate change activism to be sufficiently high on their list of priorities yet to warrant the necessary scale of action
- Aug 2023
theconversation.com theconversation.com
Climate change can drive social tipping points – for better or for worse
for: social tipping point, social tipping points, leverage point, leverage points, STP, 25% STP threshold
- Climate change can drive social tipping points – for better or for worse
- source
- date
- July 31, 2023
- author
- Sonia Graham
- reference
www.frontiersin.org www.frontiersin.org
for: social tipping points, STP, social tipping point, leverage point, Sirkku Juhola
- Social tipping points and adaptation limits in the context of systemic risk: Concepts, models and governance
- authors
- Sirkku Juhola
- Tatiana Filatova
- Stefan Hochrainer-Stigler
- Reinhard Mechler
- Jurgen Scheffran
- Pia-Johanna Schweizer
- date
- Sept 21, 2022
- Physical tipping points have gained a lot of attention in global and climate change research to understand the conditions for system transitions when it comes to the atmosphere and the biosphere.
- Social tipping points have been framed as mechanisms in socio-environmental systems, where a small change in the underlying elements or behavior of actors triggers a large non-linear response in the social system.
- With climate change becoming more acute, it is important to know whether and how societies can adapt.
- While social tipping points related to climate change have been associated with positive or negative outcomes,
- overstepping adaptation limits has been linked to adverse outcomes where actors' values and objectives are strongly compromised.
- Currently, the evidence base is limited, and most of the discussion on social tipping points in climate change adaptation and risk research is conceptual or anecdotal.
- This paper brings together three strands of literature -
- social tipping points,
- climate adaptation limits and
- systemic risks,
- which so far have been separate.
- Furthermore, we discuss
- methods and
- models
- used to illustrate the dynamics of
- social and
- adaptation tipping points
- in the context of cascading risks at different scales beyond adaptation limits.
- We end with suggesting that further evidence is needed to identify tipping points in social systems,
- which is crucial for developing appropriate governance approaches.
www.rifs-potsdam.de www.rifs-potsdam.de
for: social tipping point, social tipping points, leverage point, STP