10 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2025
    1. Ein neuer Bericht der europäischen Kommission sagt aus, dass die EU dreimal so schnell dekarbonisieren muss wie bisher, um das Ziel zu erreichen, die Emissionen bis 2030 um 55% zu reduzieren. Den Zahlen der European Environment Agency zufolge reicht der gegenwärtige Kurs nur für eine Reduzierung um 43%. Ein Haupthindernis sind die enorm hohen fossilen Subventionen. Die Selbstverpflichtungen von EU-Staaten vor der COP28 treffen z.T. verspätet ein, und die vorliegenden sind einem Bericht des Climate Action Network zufolge sehr unzureichend. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/oct/24/eu-must-cut-emissions-three-times-more-quickly-report-says

      State of the Energy Union: https://energy.ec.europa.eu/system/files/2023-10/COM_2023_650_1_EN_ACT_part1_v10.pdf CAN-Bericht: https://caneurope.org/content/uploads/2023/10/NECPs_Assessment-Report_October2023.pdf

  2. Oct 2022
    1. To meet our domestic emergencies in credit and banking arising from the reaction to acute crisis abroad the National Credit Association was set up by the banks with resources of $500,000,000 to support sound banks against the frightened withdrawals and hoarding. It is giving aid to reopen solvent banks which have been closed. Federal officials have brought about many beneficial unions of banks and have employed other means which have prevented many bank closings. As a result of these measures the hoarding withdrawals which had risen to over $250,000,000 per week after the British crisis have substantially ceased.

      Hoover provided support for the banks in crisis, trying to stabalize the withdraws and panic

    2. The emergencies of unemployment have been met by action in many directions. The appropriations for the continued speeding up of the great Federal construction program have provided direct and indirect aid to employment upon a large scale.

      But not enough aid

    3. There has been the least possible Government entry into the economic field, and that only in temporary and emergency form.

      He's trying to limit the amount of federal control and only trying to promote the help of state and local government.

    4. These measures have served those purposes and will promote recovery.

      Hoover didn't really DO anything; FDR was the one who made sure everything was in order, all the groups and laws he made. Hoover on the other hand, didn't. He just provided for some public work projects and helped a little, but definitely not as much as FDR. He should've done more.

    5. But of highest importance was the necessity of cooperation on our part to relieve the people of Germany from imminent disasters and to maintain their important relations to progress and stability in the world.

      Why was Hoover so stuck on helping Germany? Yes, it is the right thing to do, and to support Germany as it struggles, but our country was facing an economic panic; why help others with resources we desperately need ourselves?

    6. As our difficulties during the past year have plainly originated in large degree from these sources,

      I find it odd how Hoover is blaming almost everything on other countries instead of taking accountability and doing something about it. He's using a victim perspective instead of fixing it.

  3. Oct 2018
  4. Jan 2018
    1. Our fellow citizens, too, who in proportion to their love of liberty keep a steady eye upon the means of sustaining it, do not require to be reminded of the duty they owe to themselves to remedy all essential defects in so vital a part of their system. While they are sensible that every evil attendant upon its operation is not necessarily indicative of a bad organization, but may proceed from temporary causes, yet the habitual presence, or even a single instance, of evils which can be clearly traced to an organic defect will not, I trust, be over-looked through a too scrupulous veneration for the work of their ancestors. The Constitution was an experiment committed to the virtue and intelligence of the great mass of our country-men, in whose ranks the framers of it themselves were to perform the part of patriotic observation and scrutiny, and if they have passed from the stage of existence with an increased confidence in its general adaptation to our condition we should learn from authority so high the duty of fortifying the points in it which time proves to be exposed rather than be deterred from approaching them by the suggestions of fear or the dictates of misplaced reverence.

      Jackson's argument for amending the Constitution. What's important to him (or anyone): the end goal (in this case, changing the VP election law) or the supporting logic (the Founders understood their imperfection and so provided ways to rectify structural problems).

  5. Jan 2016