25 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2024
  2. May 2023
  3. Oct 2022
    1. It does not follow, because our difficulties are stupendous, because there are some souls timorous enough to doubt the validity and effectiveness of our ideals and our system, that we must turn to a State-controlled or State-directed social or economic system in order to cure our troubles.  That is not liberalism; it is tyranny.  It is the regimentation of men under autocratic bureaucracy with all its extinction of liberty, or hope, and of opportunity.  Of course, no man of understanding says that our system works perfectly.  It does not.  The human race is not perfect.  Nevertheless, the movement of a true civilization is toward freedom rather than regimentation.  This is our ideal

      hoover's big thing is to avoid the federal government from being too involved

    2. Instead, we met the situation with proposals to private business and the Congress of the most gigantic program of economic defense and counter attack ever evolved in the history of the Republic.  We put it into action.

      hoover legitimately believes he did all he could

    3. The countries of Europe proved unable to withstand the stress of the depression.  The memories of the world had ignored the fact that the insidious diseases left by the Great War had not been cured.  The skill and intelligence of millions in Europe had been blotted out by battle, disease and starvation.  Stupendous burdens of national debts had been built up.  Poisoned springs of political instability lay in the treaties which closed the war.  Fears and hates held armaments to double those before the war.  Governments were fallaciously seeking to build back by enlarged borrowing, by subsidizing industry and employment with taxes that slowly sapped the savings upon which industry must be rejuvenated and commerce solidly built.  Under these strains the financial systems of many foreign countries crashed one by one.

      Hoover is still blaming other countries

    1. To meet our domestic emergencies in credit and banking arising from the reaction to acute crisis abroad the National Credit Association was set up by the banks with resources of $500,000,000 to support sound banks against the frightened withdrawals and hoarding. It is giving aid to reopen solvent banks which have been closed. Federal officials have brought about many beneficial unions of banks and have employed other means which have prevented many bank closings. As a result of these measures the hoarding withdrawals which had risen to over $250,000,000 per week after the British crisis have substantially ceased.

      Hoover provided support for the banks in crisis, trying to stabalize the withdraws and panic

    2. There has been the least possible Government entry into the economic field, and that only in temporary and emergency form.

      He's trying to limit the amount of federal control and only trying to promote the help of state and local government.

    3. These measures have served those purposes and will promote recovery.

      Hoover didn't really DO anything; FDR was the one who made sure everything was in order, all the groups and laws he made. Hoover on the other hand, didn't. He just provided for some public work projects and helped a little, but definitely not as much as FDR. He should've done more.

    4. But of highest importance was the necessity of cooperation on our part to relieve the people of Germany from imminent disasters and to maintain their important relations to progress and stability in the world.

      Why was Hoover so stuck on helping Germany? Yes, it is the right thing to do, and to support Germany as it struggles, but our country was facing an economic panic; why help others with resources we desperately need ourselves?

    5. As our difficulties during the past year have plainly originated in large degree from these sources,

      I find it odd how Hoover is blaming almost everything on other countries instead of taking accountability and doing something about it. He's using a victim perspective instead of fixing it.

  4. Mar 2017
  5. Sep 2016
    1. Everything extractive industries tell investors, in one place

      // and aleph at openoil.net

    1. versiunea

      // @mgax: si asta e o colectie buna de notat, cred ca xml dumps le putem primi

    1. Recent changes

      // talking about UI/UX, what about putting the Hoover search logs on visuals & music, like here [for wikipedia recent changes]

    1. This text proposes a way to bootstrap and enable this plural participation by recommending practices and prototyping artifacts that join several topics and interests: reproducible research, data activism 1, data visualization, data provenance 2 and frictionless data 3, using the Offshore Leaks Database, which joins Panama Papers and offshore Leaks investigation data, as an example. Because plurality is a core concern, the prototype environment and workflow should be simple, affordable, explorable, traceable and bridge a continuous between almost raw data and the operations and transformations on it, like visualizations and queries, that are used to build argumentation from data.

      // Interesanta abordare a datelor publicate ca baza de date de ICIJ

    1. Project Showcase

      // Si asta a fost folosit la SwissLeaks si PanamaPapers, de ICIJ

    1. Improving Your Investigations with Nuix

      // Nuix demo pe la min 20 arata interfata mai clar

    1. Denmark pays up to £1m for documents from anonymous source and plans to investigate up to 600 Danes who may have evaded tax

      // By-products of leaked data

    1. dtSearch demo

      // Asta a fost folosit la offshoreleaks ca web based search solution pt ICIJ

    1. Intella interface

      // Si intella, asta e scurt si destul de misto facut

    1. A fundamental way newspaper sites need to change

      // Si ceva mai de sus legat de ce putem face cu seturi de date in timp, adunate in retea, altceva decat povesti. un art. vechi de 10 ani

    1. Get data access to over100 million companies

      // Great data-set, we can get it for free

    1. Our goal at OpenCorporates is to improve access to and quality and understanding of data about companies, under a licence that encourages reuse. We want you to use our data, for a public purpose, for journalism, for academic research, for other great open data websites and services, and also commercially. If your proposed use of our data means you are able to freely share your results under the terms of our Open Data licence, then we can usually provide you with these products at no cost. Please drop us a line, explaining your proposed use of the data, and we'll get back in touch.

      // Same here with Official Gazettes - maybe we propose a partnership and trade MoF data ?