5 Matching Annotations
- Sep 2024
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
- Samuel Morse
- Timothy Dwight IV
- Benjamin Silliman
- Liberia
- 1807 meteor
- fractional distillation
- George Bissell
- educator
- James Woodhouse
- read
- Daniel Coit Gilman
- Yale College
- Jonathan Trumbull Jr.
- David McCullough
- American Journal of Science
- coeducation
- chemist
- old Earth creationism
- Simeon Baldwin
- Nov 2023
www.alternet.org www.alternet.org
“This is the science that concerns itself with plants in their local association in the various climates. This science, as vast as its object, paints with a broad brush the immense space occupied by plants, from the regions of perpetual snows to the bottom of the ocean, and into the very interior of the earth, where there subsist in obscure caves some cryptogams that are as little known as the insects feeding upon them.”
—Alexander von Humboldt, 1807 “Essay on the Geography of Plants”
Cave paintings/art were known of in Humboldt's time certainly if he's using them to analogize.
www.jstor.org www.jstor.org
Comparisons of the Date of First Contact, Date of Earliest Sustained Interaction, and Date of Earliest Record ofDepopulation from Disease for 11 Populations Used in this Stu
s could have resulted from smallpox movingfaster across space compared to other diseases
able 1 . List of the Earliest Accounts of Disease-Related Depopulation among a Native American Population Used in thisStudy. Those with Reliable Information on the Type of Disease Are Listed