20 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2023
    1. 11. (Convex set, segment)

      Unit Ball in a Normed space is convex



  2. Nov 2022
    1. "This is a job market that just won't quit. It's challenging the rules of economics," said Becky Frankiewicz,  chief commercial officer of hiring company ManpowerGroup in an email after the data was released. "The economic indicators are signaling caution, yet American employers are signaling confidence."

      This article explains the economic market. Creating 528,000 jobs is an outstanding aspect for the American people. But It also needs to explain the bad parts of creating jobs in this situation. Because challenging the rules of economics should not make a better situation, There are also high risks.

    1. That could create even more burdens for businesses because hiking interest rates tends to create higher rates on consumer and business loans, which slows the economy by forcing employers to cut back on spending.

      This article describes the disadvantages of high-interest rates. Although there are facts and parts that we need to be concerned about, high-interest rates also have advantages. There are more information about advantages about high-interest.

  3. Jul 2022
  4. Apr 2021
      • Will continue to use A, AA, and AAA to indicate 1st priority, 2nd priority, and 3rd priority
      • 2.2 Guidelines will be more technically prescriptive, but will offer multiple ways to meet guidelines so designers still have control over look and feel of content
      • New AA requirement: All functionality that uses dragging movement can be operated by a single pointer without dragging, unless dragging is essential (might have implications for creating highlights/annotations?)
      • Requirement that users can find help for completing tasks (having a "Contact us" link meets this requirement, so Hypothesis will be covered)
      • Accessible authentication: don't require users to remember an email/password or complete a CAPTCHA. Allow for social login, or provide "Email a login link" option.
  5. Oct 2019