- Dec 2024
wiki.p2pfoundation.net wiki.p2pfoundation.net
This lack of recognition is what I think ails the contemporary doctrinaire left. It does that because it has over time adopted the prejudices of capitalist liberalism, which sees only abstract individuals, not people rooted in histories and territories. By failing to protect the working majorities, the somewheres, it drives them to the populist right, and it does this because they are 'nowheres', unrooted. It is precisely this un-rootedness, this up-rootedness, that makes them blind to the issues of the somewheres, and it is also what drives identity politics.
for - interrogate - bit of confusion here between somewheres and nowheres - need clarification - from - P2P Foundation Wiki - Somewheres, Nowheres and Everywheres - Michel Bauwens, 2022
interrogate - bit of confusion here between somewheres and nowheres - need clarification - Is the article saying that the somewheres have effectively become nowheres? - Take the example of Trump's MAGA followers. Are they nowheres because they feel the threat of immigrants taking over their country? - somewheres are the legacy of cultural evolution in isolated pockets dues to natural geological barriers (See The Economist article in link below) - Question - How will the everywhere's help the nowheres when climate migration will become a huge stressor? - The postiive feedback loop of extreme right beliefs that are essentially climate denialist helps to create a lock condition of worsening migration and further alienation
to - The Economist - Of all the geological periods, the Triassic was the most fabulous - 2024, Dec. 19 - https://hyp.is/SITIZL-REe-cHMN0eOD2xQ/www.economist.com/christmas-specials/2024/12/19/of-all-the-geological-periods-the-triassic-was-the-most-fabulous
wokism as a return to group collectivism that suppresses individual differentiation
for - definition - wokism - a return to group collectivism that suppresses individual differentiation - from - P2P Foundation Wiki - Somewheres, Nowheres and Everywheres - Michel Bauwens, 2022
interrogate - Do more research on this definition of Wokism - from - P2P Foundation Wiki - Somewheres, Nowheres and Everywheres - Michel Bauwens, 2022
I reject both pure Rousseau-ism, i.e. humans would be good and equal if not for unequal structures, and Hobbesian-ism, i.e. people are bad and are only kept good by forceful institutions. What matters most I believe, is the right balance between cooperation and competition, both are real, at the individual and collective level, and we as humans are a mixed and complex bag.
for - Deep Humanity - individual / collective gestalt - adjacency - Deep Humanity individual / collective gestalt - Somewheres, Nowheres and Everywheres - from P2P Foudation Wiki - Somewheres, Nowheres and Everywheres - Michel Bauwens, 2022
adjacency - between - somewheres, nowheres and everywheres - Deep Humanity individual / collective gestalt - new relationship - Michel begins the essay by doing away with simple, absolute assumptions about society. - We are each and collectively a mixture of - cooperative and - competitive tendencies - This echoes the evolutionary description of an individual as a distinct living system that is demarcated from its environment so is - in competition with other individuals for resources in order to survive as an individual organism - at the same time that it cooperates with other types of individuals that can enhance its individual and collective (species) survival - In other words - competition and collaboration are often intertwingled phenotypes necessary for evolutionary fitness - The irony of the individual (human being) is that (s)he is - a multi-cellular organism - so is biologically simultaneously both an individual AND a collective. - furthermore, since the individual - eats a diverse variety and number of once living organisms and - inputs and integrates a very large number of ideas from other individuals - is the biological and psychological assimilation of artefacts from a large number of other living and once living organisms.
- interrogate - Do more research on this definition of Wokism - from - P2P Foundation Wiki - Somewheres, Nowheres and Everywheres - Michel Bauwens, 2022
- compete and collaborate
- intertwingled phenotypes
- definition - wokism - a return to group collectivism that suppresses individual differentiation - from - P2P Foundation Wiki - Somewheres, Nowheres and Everywheres - Michel Bauwens, 2022
- to - The Economist - Of all the geological periods, the Triassic was the most fabulous - 2024, Dec. 19
- interrogate - bit of confusion here between somewheres and nowheres - need clarification - from - P2P Foundation Wiki - Somewheres, Nowheres and Everywheres - Michel Bauwens, 2022
- adjacency - Deep Humanity individual / collective gestalt - Somewheres, Nowheres and Everywheres - from P2P Foudation Wiki - Somewheres, Nowheres and Everywheres - Michel Bauwens, 2022
- Deep Humanity - individual / collective gestalt
- evolutionary fitness
- Sep 2024
onepiece.fandom.com onepiece.fandom.com
One Piece wiki hosted on Fandom
www.fandom.com www.fandom.comFandom1
- Jul 2024
hyperphor.com hyperphor.com
Mike Travers site is a wiki more than a blog but not quite a wiki either. It's Logseq based and tied to a self-rolled publishing tool. Also uses Zotero in their stack. Seems he transformed his blog into this garden in Oct 2021.
- Jun 2024
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
"Reply all" redirects here. For the podcast, see Reply All (podcast).
- Apr 2024
start.digitalefitheid.nl start.digitalefitheid.nl
49:00 Voys heeft een company wiki. Hierbij hanteren ze het volgende: weet je iets niet, kijk dan in het "orakel". Zit het er niet in? Voeg het dan toe. ... Je kan ook een logboek bijhouden voor beslissingen.
- Mar 2024
betula.mycorrhiza.wiki betula.mycorrhiza.wikiBetula1
Betula is a free federated self-hosted single-user bookmarking software for the independent web. Use it to organize references or maintain a linklog.
- Jan 2024
lionsberg.wiki lionsberg.wiki
lionsberg.wiki lionsberg.wiki
Jordan Nicholas Sukut's Lionsberg Wiki has approximately 1.3M words which could be turned into a NeoBook. He calls it a "wiki book".
viralwiki.federated.wiki viralwiki.federated.wikiStack1
gitlab.com gitlab.com
Using an issue tracker without them is, in my opinion, a little like using an outlining program that only supports two levels of nesting, or like using Wiki software that doesn't have the concept of reverse links. Makes me sad!
ontologydesignpatterns.org ontologydesignpatterns.org
opencommons.org opencommons.org
- Nov 2023
chiselapp.com chiselapp.com
Observamos el subfolder como queda
andreijiroh.eu.org andreijiroh.eu.org
It might be not obvious for most of you, but behind the scenes I'm neurodivegent, specifically #ActuallyAutistic2 3, so I'm mostly in limited availability, not only for my mental health.
- Sep 2023
developer.massive.wiki developer.massive.wiki
Peter Kaminski suggested to me for export from MediaWiki to Massive Wiki
- Aug 2023
luhmann.surge.sh luhmann.surge.sh
The slip box needs a number of years in order to reach critical mass. Until then, it functions as a mere container from which we can retrieve what we put in. This changes with its growth in size and complexity.
Niklas Luhmann indicates that it may take a number of years to reach critical mass. This may be different for everyone based on the number of ideas they place into it and the amount of work they do in creating connections.
Ward Cunningham, the creator of the wiki, has indicated that he thinks it takes roughly 500 pages in a wiki for the value to begin emerging.†
How many notes and what level of links/complexity is a good minimal threshold for one to be able to see interesting and useful results?
† Quote in FedWiki session on 2021-12-29
- Jun 2023
github.com github.com
Page Builder
Just learned about https://github.com/scidsg/page-builder from @glennsorrentino at @scidsg. Very cool lightweight way to create portable, standalone HTML documents for use online and off!
github.com github.com
The Pretty Wiki
Skinned, augmented MediaWiki by https://scidsg.org/
learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com
he Wikipedia is just one experiment that stillhas room to change and grow.
I feel like Wikipedia and AI is similar because they are both so controversial and are both growing in participants and users. I found an article on wikipedia about AI and it says that even Wikipedia uses AI
- May 2023
www.xwiki.org www.xwiki.org
www.columbia.edu www.columbia.edu
Finally found someone blogging about MediaWiki dev in a medium I can actually consume effectively hehe.
es.wikipedia.org es.wikipedia.org
Rayuela, de Julio Cortázar, 1963.
Me quedo con esta obra entre todas.
- Apr 2023
code.google.com code.google.com
developers.googleblog.com developers.googleblog.com
microformats.org microformats.org
Al fin pude ingresar a un documento wiki, espero poder aprender mucho de esta herramienta
certificates.creativecommons.org certificates.creativecommons.org
Recommended Resource
I recommend adding the webpage "Open Access in Australia" on Wikiwand that documents Australia's history for accepting and promoting open access and open publication in its country.
The site contains a timeline that documents key years in which the open movement, open access, open government, and open data concepts were introduced. The year that CC Australia was established is included in the timeline.
- Jan 2023
www.gwern.net www.gwern.net
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>Henrik Karlsson </span> in Conversational Canyons - Escaping Flatland (<time class='dt-published'>01/06/2023 10:40:49</time>)</cite></small>
escapingflatland.substack.com escapingflatland.substack.com
Gwern’s suggestion for how to design internet communities to allow for conversation on different time scales:
While done in the framing of Reddit, this general pattern is the one that is generally seen in the IndieWeb community with their online chat and wiki.
Chat rooms + wiki = conversational ratchet for community goals
microformats.org microformats.org
Reminder to revisit this to write a related essay
Wiki is better than email http://microformats.org/wiki/wiki-better-than-email
See also: https://www.gwern.net/Backstop#internet-community-design
- Dec 2022
jamesg.blog jamesg.blog
malleable.systems malleable.systems
It’s fairly clear now that the current catalog process is too heavyweight. I hope we can move to a lighter workflow in the future that feels more like editing a wiki.
More people are (finally!) coming to the realization that GitHub repos full of Markdown and the edit-via-pull-request anti-pattern is not a substitute for a real wiki.
catvalente.substack.com catvalente.substack.com
- Nov 2022
two-way links
oer.pressbooks.pub oer.pressbooks.pub
partnerships, networking, and revenue generation such as donations, memberships, pay what you want, and crowdfunding
I have thought long about the same issue and beyond. The triple (wiki, Hypothesis, donations) could be a working way to search for OER, form a social group processing them, and optionally support the creators.
I imagine that as follows: a person wants to learn about X. They can head to the wiki site about X and look into its Hypothesis annotations, where relevant OER with their preferred donation method can be linked. Also, study groups interested in the respective resource or topic can list virtual or live meetups there. The date of the meetups could be listed in a format that Hypothesis could search and display on a calendar.
Wiki is integral as it categorizes knowledge, is comprehensive, and strives to address biases. Hypothesis stitches websites together for the benefit of the site owners and the collective wisdom that emerges from the discussions. Donations support the creators so they can dedicate their time to creating high-quality resources.
Main inspirations:
Deschooling Society - Learning Webs
- collaborative
- Learning Webs
- calendar
- hypothe
- social
- web monetization
- schoolhouse
- portfolio
- learning
- donations
- schoolhouse.world
- support
- meetup
- prompt
- discussion
- Ivan Illych
- local
- roam
- processing
- annotations
- monetization
- virtual
- global
- wiki
- authors
- creators
- Deschooling
- crowdfunding
- pay what you want
- Oct 2022
www.behavioraleconomics.com www.behavioraleconomics.com
www.bwl-lexikon.de www.bwl-lexikon.de
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Several templates and tools are available to assist in formatting, such as Reflinks (documentation), reFill (documentation) and Citation bot (documentation)
I clicked the link for reFill and thought it looked interesting. Would like to look into this further.
- Sep 2022
alexanderobenauer.com alexanderobenauer.com
The concept involves having an item just like every other in your itemized system: it has a type, attributes, and references to other items.
I wonder if there's a good way to evolve wiki systems into the OS of the future by adding more sophisticated views and adding the abilities for computation. Seems like a good way to get multiplayer built in from the start. Maybe add the ability to have content addressed items as well.
- Aug 2022
mycorrhiza.wiki mycorrhiza.wiki
- Jul 2022
youneedawiki.com youneedawiki.com
Looks like a service that takes a Google Docs folder and turns it into a wiki. Clever!
- Jun 2022
blog.curiosity.ai blog.curiosity.ai
We recommend six company wikis (in no particular order): Guru, Slab, Confluence, Slite, Notion, and Nuclino.
Confluence - Does FWPS subscribe to this?
blog.curiosity.ai blog.curiosity.ai
What kind of new templates to they have? I remember there was a blog or site where many of these templates were posted, but don't remember where that was.
zettelkasten.de zettelkasten.de
Simply stated, Luhmann’s Zettelkasten structure was not dynamic or fluid in nature. Yet, it was not rigid, either. Examples of a rigid structure are classification systems like the Dewey Decimal Classification System or Paul Otlet’s massive notecard world museum known as, The Mundaneum. These types of systems are helpful for interpersonal knowledge systems; however, they’re not illustrative of what Niklas Luhmann’s system was: an intrapersonal communication system. Luhmann’s notebox system was not logically and neatly organized to allow for the convenience of the public to access. Nor was it meant to be. It seemed chaotic to those who perused its contents other than its creator, Niklas Luhmann. One researcher who studied Luhmann’s system in person says, “at first glance, Luhmann’s organization of his collection appears to lack any clear order; it even seems chaotic. However, this was a deliberate choice.” (11)11 Luhmann’s Zettelkasten was not a structure that could be characterized as one of order. Indeed, it seems closer to that of chaos than order.
This seems illustrative of the idea that some of the most interesting things in life or living systems exist at the chaotic borders.
There seem to be differences between more rigid structures like the Dewey Decimal Classification system or Paul Otlet's Mundaneum and less rigid branching systems like Luhmann's version of his zettelkasten. Is this really a difference or only a seeming difference given the standardization some of the systems. There should be a way to do both. Maybe it's by the emergence of public standards, or perhaps it's simply through the use of subject headings and the cross linking of emerging folksonomies.
What does the use of platforms like the Federated Wiki or the early blogosphere and linking and discovery methods enabled by Technorati indicate?
Luhmann's system may seem intrapersonal, perhaps as a result of the numbering system, but it becomes highly penetrable by the subject index and the links from one idea (card) to the next. Use over time makes it even easier.
- May 2022
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Scott, I'll spend some more in-depth time with it shortly, but in a quick skim of topics I pleasantly notice a few citations of my own work. Perhaps I've done a poor job communicating about wikis, but from what I've seen from your work thus far I take much the same view of zettelkasten as you do. Somehow though I find that you're quoting me in opposition to your views? While you're broadly distinguishing against the well-known Wikipedia, and rightly so, I also broadly consider (unpublished) and include examples of small personal wikis and those within Ward Cunningham's FedWiki space, though I don't focus on them in that particular piece. In broad generalities most of these smaller wikis are closer to the commonplace and zettelkasten traditions, though as you point out they have some structural functional differences. You also quote me as someone in "information theory" in a way that that indicates context collapse. Note that my distinctions and work in information theory relate primarily to theoretical areas in electrical engineering, physics, complexity theory, and mathematics as it relates to Claude Shannon's work. It very specifically does not relate to my more humanities focused work within intellectual history, note taking, commonplaces, rhetoric, orality, or memory. In these areas, I'm better read than most, but have no professional title(s). Can't wait to read the entire piece more thoroughly...
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
African Affairs
Me parece que este elemento es muy importante, la referencia visual, sumada al resumen de la información, lo hacen muy útil y accesible para explicar lo que es la revista.
es.wikipedia.org es.wikipedia.org
Alejandro solo hizo algunas ediciones menores y Daniela
Es necesario indicar quién es Alejandro y quién es Daniela.
Daniela hace clic en «Editar» en una página
Esta es una anotación de Prueba de Arón Sánchez
conflicto de edición
Buscar un artículo con conflictos.
- Apr 2022
www.mixesdb.com www.mixesdb.com
- Mar 2022
wiki.elte-dh.hu wiki.elte-dh.hu
Pl.: Budapesti Szépművészeti Múzeum Könyvtár
wiki.elte-dh.hu wiki.elte-dh.hu
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Egyesült Nemzetek Nevelésügyi, Tudományos és Kulturális Szervezete
wiki.elte-dh.hu wiki.elte-dh.hu
Turing-teszt: "tudnak-e a gépek gondolkodni?"
app.element.io app.element.ioElement1
- Jan 2022
webmention.io webmention.io
Link for mentions of the IndieWeb wiki. Ought to dump this into into Fluffy's webmention.js (https://github.com/PlaidWeb/webmention.js/) to provide a better experience.
- Dec 2021
commonplace.doubleloop.net commonplace.doubleloop.net
fed.wiki.org fed.wiki.org
When sending links to a page by email consider following links from the beginning to the page of interest and sending the whole sequence to provide context.
Interesting to see this same sort of contextual background here as in TiddlyWiki which calls the space a "river". TiddlyWiki does this in a vertical scrolling space where as Federated Wiki does it horizontally.
massive.wiki massive.wiki
Massive Wiki is a movement to create a wiki ecosystem (rather than just one engine) that provides classic wiki utility, with a plurality of tools and processes that enable decentralization and federation of the pages.
This looks like a fascinating tool. Similar in function to what @Flancian is attempting to do?
Perhaps I'll tinker with it soon...
- Nov 2021
wiki.elte-dh.hu wiki.elte-dh.hu
wiki.elte-dh.hu wiki.elte-dh.hu
John Searle
www.sebokwiki.org www.sebokwiki.org
www.sebokwiki.org www.sebokwiki.orgSEBoK1
www.sebokwiki.org www.sebokwiki.org
- Sep 2021
cyber.harvard.edu cyber.harvard.edu
"Human nature is not a machine to be built after a model, and set to do exactly the work prescribed for it, but a tree which requires to grow and develop itself on all sides, according to the tendency of the inward forces which make it a living thing. Such are the differences among human beings in their sources of pleasure, their susceptibilities of pain, and the operation on them of different physical and moral agencies, that unless there is a corresponding diversity in their modes of life, they neither obtain their fair share of happiness, nor grow up to the mental, moral, and aesthetic stature of which their nature is capable." John Stuart Mill, On Liberty (1859)
- Aug 2021
commonplace.knowledgefutures.org commonplace.knowledgefutures.org
wiki.opensourceecology.org wiki.opensourceecology.org
Open Source Ecology
opensym.org opensym.org
Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) FLOSS development communities, including both software engineering aspects and human factors FLOSS development processes, such as code reviews, joining process, etc. Best practices and case studies of open collaboration with FLOSS FLOSS collaboration beyond software (e.g. FLOSS collaboration for open data/content, open standards, open hardware, etc.) Wikipedia and Wikimedia Research Participation in Wikimedia communities Group Dynamics and Organization in Wikipedia and related projects Readership/Engagement on Wikipedia and related projects Technical Infrastructure and Design in Wikimedia projects Evaluating Content of Wikimedia projects Knowledge Diffusion, Outreach, and Generalization Open Collaboration Research, esp. Wikis and Social Media Novel open collaboration technologies ranging from entirely new socio-technical systems to MediaWiki extensions Wikis in corporations, academia, non-profits, and other organizations Online collaboration using social media technologies (e.g., Wikis, Blogs, Twitter)Theoretical work on open collaboration Digital divides and open collaboration technologies Open Data and Open Science Open data quality, standards, measures and metrics Open data and open science methods, applications and prototypes Best practices and case studies for Open Data and Open Science Repositories, networks and working platforms for open scientific communication, collaboration, exchange and access to open knowledge Open Education Tools and methods for managing, storing and sharing of Open Educational Resources (OER) Open online learning environments such as MOOCs Enabling individual learning paths Connecting formal and informal learning Supporting self-paced learning and co-construction of knowledge Development of new knowledge or products (e.g. Maker Spaces), collecting data (e.g. Citizen Science) or discussing political topics (e.g. e-participation). Open Innovation Architecture and design of open innovation systems The role of IT-artefacts in open and collaborative innovation activities Implementation of open innovation platforms in corporate IT landscapes IT security, intellectual property and personal anonymity in open innovationç Best practices and case studies of open data, open standards, open source for open innovation Open innovation and GLAM Open Policy/Open Government Open policy formulation and design Implications of open policies for governments Implementation of open policies Measuring the success and impact of open policies Best practices and cases studies of open policy/government Openness in various public initiatives (e.g. Smart Cities, Internet of Things) Open Standards Communities for development, maintenance, use, and implementation of open standards Implications of open standards for governments and other organizations Open standards development processes Open standards and licensing aspects
berjon.com berjon.com
The incident described in this post provides a good case study for why the GitHub pull request process is not a good substitute for wikis.
- Jul 2021
principles-wiki.net principles-wiki.net
devopedia.org devopedia.orgHome1
fedwiki.frankmcpherson.net fedwiki.frankmcpherson.net
Commonplace Book
Just ran into someone using FedWiki as a commonplace book via a random search.
- Jun 2021
forum.obsidian.md forum.obsidian.md
Ward Cunningham may have been using a similar UI prior to it for other projects, but he unveiled the Smallest Federated Wiki at IndieWeb Camp 2011 in late June: https://indieweb.org/2011/Smallest_Federated_Wiki. I don't have a receipt to prove it, but I have to suspect that Andy's version was certainly influenced by Cunningham's work.
Mike Caulfield, subsequent author of the influential The Garden and the Stream: a Technopastoral, Iterated on the Smallest Federated Wiki and created a WordPress-based plugin shortly thereafter called Wikity that used some of the card-based UI that Obsidian comes with out of the box.
Both had some early influence on the UI-based research that the IndieWeb space has done since. For those interested, there's also a sub-group within it focusing on digital gardens, commonplace books, Zettelkasten, etc. that can be found here: https://indieweb.org/commonplace_book
- Apr 2021
docdrop.org docdrop.org
- Mar 2021
www.eyebrowhairs.com www.eyebrowhairs.com
Be sure to make notes while reading and write a little summary at the end. This will help greatly when you need to look back at the text.
twitter.com twitter.com
AdiosCoronaFR. (2021, February 2). Un petit livret sur les vaccins, très bien écrit par l’équipe @SciBeh, est téléchargeable ici: Https://t.co/pyKNU8Xvq8 https://t.co/QDGihJU2od [Tweet]. @AdiosCoronaFR. https://twitter.com/AdiosCoronaFR/status/1356668914932080640
twitter.com twitter.com
Stephan Lewandowsky on Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved 20 February 2021, from https://twitter.com/STWorg/status/1358740606630191104
www.itwissen.info www.itwissen.info
- Feb 2021
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
a picture of Holger Meins' autopsy photo
The article is missing the photo of the corpse.
www.efsyn.gr www.efsyn.gr
φωτογραφία της νεκροτομής του 33χρονου Χόγκερ Μάινς, μέλους της δυτικογερμανικής ένοπλης ακροαριστερής οργάνωσης «Φράξια Κόκκινος Στρατός» (RAF), μετά το θάνατό του στις φυλακές Βίτλιχ (9/11/1974) ύστερα από απεργία πείνας 58 ημερών.
Εχουν κι οι Γερμανοί νεκρούς από απεργία πείνας. Η φωτό δεν υπαρχει στην wikipedia.
offene-naturfuehrer.de offene-naturfuehrer.de
www.greencommons.de www.greencommons.de
www.hortipendium.de www.hortipendium.de
- Jan 2021
- Dec 2020
hellotimking.com hellotimking.com
The only piece of note taking software on the market that currently supports this feature (that I’m aware of) is Microsoft OneNote.
OneNote supported on-the-fly interlinking with Double Square Bracket Linking
Cunningham first developed the ability to automatically create internal links (read: new notes) when typing text in CamelCase. This meant you could easily be typing a sentence while describing a piece of information and simply type a word (or series of words) in CamelCase which would create a link to another piece of information (even if its page hadn’t already been created).This was quickly superseded by the double square bracket links most wiki’s use today to achieve the same results, and its the staple creation method in both wiki’s and other premier information systems today.
History of the Wiki-style linking or [[Double Square Bracket Linking]]
Evernote had long been the gold standard of note taking, flexible, functional and best of all affordable. While its user interface was a little odd at times, the features were excellent, but they made the simple mistake of not enabling wiki style internal links. Instead, they required a user to copy a note link from one note and paste it into another.
Evernote made the mistake of not allowing on-the-fly wiki-style internal linking.
It needs wiki-like superpowersIf there is one feature that excels above all others in information software of the past two decades that deserves its place in the note taking pantheon, its the humble double bracketed internal link.We all recognise power to store and retrieve information at will, but when you combine this power with the ability to successfully create new knowledge trees from existing documents, to follow thoughts in a ‘stream of consciousness’ non-linear fashion then individual notes transform from multiple static word-silos into a living information system system.Sadly, this is the one major feature that is always neglected, or is piecemeal at best… and one time note taking king Evernote is to blame.
Tim Kling posits that one of the most important features for a note taking app to have (which most lack at the time of writing) is the ability to link to other notes with the wiki-standard double bracket command.
The only piece of note taking software on the market that currently supports this feature (that I’m aware of) is Microsoft OneNote.
OneNote supported on-the-fly interlinking with Double Square Bracket Linking
hacks.mozilla.org hacks.mozilla.org
Better community building: At the moment, MDN content edits are published instantly, and then reverted if they are not suitable. This is really bad for community relations. With a PR model, we can review edits and provide feedback, actually having conversations with contributors, building relationships with them, and helping them learn.
Better contribution workflow: We will be using GitHub’s contribution tools and features, essentially moving MDN from a Wiki model to a pull request (PR) model. This is so much better for contribution, allowing for intelligent linting, mass edits, and inclusion of MDN docs in whatever workflows you want to add it to (you can edit MDN source files directly in your favorite code editor).
- helping others to learn
- reverting a previous decision/change/commit
- wiki model
- receiving feedback
- software preferences are personal
- open source community
- community relations
- community (for a project or product)
- opportunity
- opportunity to improve/fix something
- pull request workflow
- relationship (people)
- contribution workflow
- flexibility to use the tool that you prefer
- reverting: creates negative experience
- online community
- community building
- efficiency (human efficiency)
- advantages/merits/pros
- helping others
- encouraging feedback
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Hypothes.is is a 501(c) open-source software project that aims to collect comments about statements made in any web-accessible content, and filter and rank those comments to assess each statement's credibility.
So what we think would be interesting here is to integrate this web annotation standard with [[wiki]].
- Nov 2020
wiki.elte-dh.hu wiki.elte-dh.hu
- Oct 2020
writingcooperative.com writingcooperative.com
The Zettelkasten principles
All of these also apply to writing in federated wiki.
www.ruhrbarone.de www.ruhrbarone.de
nosubject.com nosubject.com
an encylopedia of Lacanian psychoanalysis
janziegfeld.com janziegfeld.com
twitter.com twitter.com
studybreaks.com studybreaks.com
Not always a reliable source
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
the name of something and when you press the button to go to the link if it wasn't there it made the card
This is a phenomenally important UX insight and affordance that has become a foundation of how all modern wiki-linking knowledge graph tools work today. Kudos to Ward for this!
ajet.org.au ajet.org.au
Using wikis for collaborative learning: Assessing collaboration through contribution
Through a study of freshman students, the author aimed to determine the success of the Wiki for collaboration. Results revealed variances in learner responses and use of the tool. Lack of use was explained by individual barriers (family, social, work) and system barriers (wiki design). The authors conclude that for the Wiki to be an effective, collaborative tool, additional resources must be provided to the learner, and the Wiki must be meaningful in its design to foster that participation. 7/10
Wiki Use that Increases Communication and Collaboration Motivation
(Click on download full text to read.) Through a cooperative learning assignment, University students responded to a case study that implemented use of a Wiki. Results demonstrate that Wiki is an effective communication and collaboration tool (access, structure, versioning) for all individuals (introvert, extrovert). Recommendations and considerations for use in the learning environment were provided. 6/10
anth1300.commons.gc.cuny.edu anth1300.commons.gc.cuny.edu
However, I do feel that the way that he speaks is particu-larly African American. Th is refers more to his rhetoric, intona-tion, and style. However, his speech or the extent to which he plays up his Black manner of speaking varies depending on his setting.
what is a "black manner" of speaking? is the same as the statement above it that he speaks African American? does this imply the language or just a form of speaking like he can communicate and he knows what African Americans want?
The website below explains that speaking African American is a unique vocabulary with different accents and grammar
- Sep 2020
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
United States presidential election
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
1932 United States Senate elections 1932 United States House of Representatives elections History of the United States (1918–1945) Timeline of the Great Depression Causes of the Great Depression Great Contraction First inauguration of Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt
1932 United States Senate elections 1932 United States House of Representatives elections History of the United States (1918–1945) Timeline of the Great Depression Causes of the Great Depression Great Contraction First inauguration of Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt
www.biblegateway.com www.biblegateway.com
19 Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals(AA) and all the birds in the sky.(AB) He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called(AC) each living creature,(AD) that was its name. 20 So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals.
God had given Adam the responsibility to name all living creatures on Earth after the first days of creation. In Ursula K. Le Guin’s “She Unnames Them”, the idea of how labels or given names could take away from “personal choice” and “freedom” was explored throughout the text. Instead of believing that humans are above animals and living creatures, Buddhists view animals as very sacred beings and are to be shown with respect and to never be harmed. They also believe that humans can be reborn as animals, all interconnected within one another, supporting their beliefs of showing extreme care towards animals and allowing them to live freely.
4 “You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman.(AR) 5 “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God,(AS) knowing good and evil.”
This verse is referenced heavily throughout contemporary literature. The idea of being tricked or pressured into something you are told is wrong.
the intertextual connection is to the classic tale of, "Little Red Riding Hood." The girl is strictly instructed by her Grandmother to stay on the path to her house. Instead, naive Little Red is tricked by the Wolf to telling her where she is going. The Wolf goes to the Grandmother's house and eats her.
eclass.srv.ualberta.ca eclass.srv.ualberta.ca
Turtle Island
Turtle Island is based on the belief that the land was created on the shell of a turtle. Hinduism also has the similar belief that the world is built on a turtle
covid2019app.live covid2019app.live
bigd.big.ac.cn bigd.big.ac.cn
www.ecured.cu www.ecured.cuEcuRed1
- Aug 2020
philomag.de philomag.de
www.youtube.com www.youtube.comYouTube1
Optimizing Research Collaboration. (n.d.). Retrieved 10 August 2020, from https://youtu.be/TFNqf7sKwKw
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Triángulo rojo señalando hacia arribaArtículo cientifico #COVIDー19
Triángulo rojo señalando hacia arribaEstilo APA
Triángulo rojo señalando hacia arribaLi, R., Pei, S., Chen, B., Song, Y., Zhang, T., Yang, W., & Shaman, J. (2020). Substantial undocumented infection facilitates the rapid dissemination of novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV2). Science, eabb3221.
- Jul 2020
www.gnu.org www.gnu.org
Metalink file
ncatlab.org ncatlab.orgnLab1
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
note d'essai
- Jun 2020
- May 2020
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
The Journal was a primitive hypertext-based groupware program, which can be seen as a predecessor (if not the direct ancestor) of all contemporary server software that supports collaborative document creation (like wikis). It was used by ARC members to discuss, debate, and refine concepts in the same way that wikis are being used today.
techwiser.com techwiser.com
Notion is more about creating a hub of knowledge or a knowledgebase
medium.com medium.com
www.wikidata.org www.wikidata.org
Proyecto metaciencia
- Apr 2020
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twitter.com twitter.com
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www.zflprojekte.de www.zflprojekte.de
survstat.rki.de survstat.rki.de
npgeo-corona-npgeo-de.hub.arcgis.com npgeo-corona-npgeo-de.hub.arcgis.com
npgeo-de.maps.arcgis.com npgeo-de.maps.arcgis.com
- Mar 2020
link-springer-com.ezproxy.javeriana.edu.co link-springer-com.ezproxy.javeriana.edu.co
https://doi.org/10.1097/CCM.0000000000004363 DOI:10.1007/s00134‑020‑06022‑5
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
twitter.com twitter.com
twitter.com twitter.com
twitter.com twitter.com
twitter.com twitter.com
146 expertos en coronavirus
ncov2019.live ncov2019.live
www.who.int www.who.int
unidad_COVID2019 Infografías sobre educación y manejo de los niños en casa. OMS
PMID: 31978945
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2001017
www.nejm.org www.nejm.org
www.spiegel.de www.spiegel.de
ein frühlingshaftes Freiheits-Paradox der Unbelehrbarkeit ab: Je sozialer sich in der aktuellen Lage ein Individuum im öffentlichen Raum präsentiert, desto weniger ist es das.
twitter.com twitter.com
www.onepagericu.com www.onepagericu.com
de.wikipedia.org de.wikipedia.org
www.worldometers.info www.worldometers.info
interaktiv.morgenpost.de interaktiv.morgenpost.de
www.worldometers.info www.worldometers.info
www.ecdc.europa.eu www.ecdc.europa.eu
www.who.int www.who.int
www.who.int www.who.int
ourworldindata.org ourworldindata.org
experience.arcgis.com experience.arcgis.com
systems.jhu.edu systems.jhu.edu
foldingathome.org foldingathome.org
www.arcgis.com www.arcgis.com
www-ncbi-nlm-nih-gov.pbidi.unam.mx:2443 www-ncbi-nlm-nih-gov.pbidi.unam.mx:2443
www.worldsepsisday.org www.worldsepsisday.org
stm-sciencemag-org.pbidi.unam.mx:2443 stm-sciencemag-org.pbidi.unam.mx:2443
www-nature-com.pbidi.unam.mx:2443 www-nature-com.pbidi.unam.mx:2443
watermark.silverchair.com watermark.silverchair.com
www-ncbi-nlm-nih-gov.pbidi.unam.mx:2443 www-ncbi-nlm-nih-gov.pbidi.unam.mx:2443
onlinelibrary-wiley-com.pbidi.unam.mx:2443 onlinelibrary-wiley-com.pbidi.unam.mx:2443
www-ncbi-nlm-nih-gov.pbidi.unam.mx:2443 www-ncbi-nlm-nih-gov.pbidi.unam.mx:2443
www-nejm-org.pbidi.unam.mx:2443 www-nejm-org.pbidi.unam.mx:2443
www.endcoronavirus.org www.endcoronavirus.org
twitter.com twitter.com
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