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louisville.edu louisville.edu
for - progress trap - AI superintelligence - interview - AI safety researcher and director of the Cyber Security Laboratory at the University of Louisville - Roman Yampolskiy - progress trap - over 99% chance AI superintelligence arriving as early as 2027 will destroy humanity - article UofL - Q&A: UofL AI safety expert says artificial superintelligence could harm humanity - 2024, July 15
- article UofL - Q&A: UofL AI safety expert says artificial superintelligence could harm humanity - 2024, July 15
- progress trap - over 99% chance AI superintelligence arriving as early as 2027 will destroy humanity
- progress trap - AI superintelligence - interview - AI safety researcher and director of the Cyber Security Laboratory at the University of Louisville - Roman Yampolskiy
- Mar 2024
www.repubblica.it www.repubblica.it
Der italienische Energiekonzern Eni will bis 2027 27 Mrd. Euro investieren. Priorität habe dabei die Erhöhung der Rendite. In erneuerbare Energien werde investiert, wenn sie profitable Geschäfte versprächen. Die Originalquelle zeigt: Es wird massiv in die Exploration von Öl-und Gasfeldern und eine Ausweitung der fossilen Produktion investiert, die 2030 ihren Höchststend erreichen soll. https://www.repubblica.it/economia/finanza/2024/03/14/news/eni_il_dividendo_sale_a_1_euro_per_azione_nel_piano_al_2027_investimenti_per_27_miliardi-422310817/
Eni-Strategie 2024-2027: https://www.eni.com/it-IT/investitori/strategia/piano-strategico.html