6 Matching Annotations
- Oct 2024
cds.cern.ch cds.cern.ch
the component-level test results throughdata analysis or simulations [1]. The precision of such analysismight be compromised because of the simplification of theutilized circuitry, component variability, an
Here is a comment.
- Dec 2022
carnegieendowment.org carnegieendowment.org
Information Environment
Information Environment
- May 2022
geothermal-energy-journal.springeropen.com geothermal-energy-journal.springeropen.com
therefore the gases should be removed from the condenser. This can be achieved byinstalling vacuum pumps, compressors, or steam ejectors. The condenser heat removalis done either by using a cooling tower or through cold air circulation in the condenser.The condensate forms a small fraction of the cooling water circuit, a large portion ofwhich is then evaporated and dispersed into the atmosphere by the cooling tower. Thecooling water surplus (blow down) is disposed of in shallow injection wells. In singleflash condensation system, the condensate does have direct contact with the coolingwater.
Single flash power plants are classified according to their steam turbines types, i.e., theturbine exit conditions. Two such basic types are the single flash with a condensationsystem and the single flash back pressure system. In the first type, a condenser oper-ating at very low pressure is used to condensate the steam leaving the steam turbine.The condenser should operate at low vacuum pressure to maintain a large enthalpy dif-ference across the expansion process of the steam turbine, hence resulting in a higherpower output. The geothermal fluid usually contains non-condensable gases which arecollected at the condenser. Such a collection of gases may raise the condenser pressure,
- May 2020
CERN. (2020 April 08). Initiatives from the CERN community in global fight against COVID-19. home.cern. https://home.cern/news/news/cern/initiatives-cern-community-global-fight-against-covid-19
- May 2015
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net