11 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2025
    1. the air warms adiabatically which means that it depends on the lapse rate as you as you go to lower and lower altitudes um the temperature increases so the lapse rate is actually the drop of temperature as you get further from the surface of the Earth in dry air the adiabatic lapse rate is n about 10° CS per kilometer or about a degree celsius per uh 100 MERS okay so the as the air is coming down it's warming about 1° cels for each 100 meters of desent

      for - physics - adiabatic warming - lapse rate - Santa Ana winds - venturi effect through canyons increases wind speed - SOURCE - Youtube - climate crisis - 2025 Los Angeles fires - The Catastrophic Climate Driven Conflagaration in Los Angeles - Paul Beckwith - 2025, Jan 10 - stats - Santa Ana winds warms 1 Deg C every 100 meter of descent due to adiabatic warming lapse rate - SOURCE - Youtube - climate crisis - 2025 Los Angeles fires - The Catastrophic Climate Driven Conflagaration in Los Angeles - Paul Beckwith - 2025, Jan 10

  2. Dec 2024
    1. Dekoloniale Berlin Africa Conference

      for - decolonisation conference - Dekoloniale Berlin Africa Conference - source: human rights watch - Africans and People of African Descent Call on Europe to Reckon with Their Colonial Legacies - 2024 , Nov 18

    2. for - decolonisation - colonialism - legacy of - 140 year anniversary of the dark milestone of the Berlin Africa conference which began a new cycle of horror and institutionalised plundering and dehumanisation of Africa - source: human rights watch - Africans and People of African Descent Call on Europe to Reckon with Their Colonial Legacies - 2024 , Nov 18

      // - summary - Reading this story has reminded me of a Stop Reset Go / Deep Humanity / Tipping Point Festival project idea - cosmolocal bottom up movement that creates a community-to-community sister city coupling for development between communities of global / local North and global / local South

  3. Jul 2023
      • for: ecological civilization, degrowth, futures, deep ecology, emptiness, polycrisis, human exceptionalism, planned descent
      • source
      • Description

        • Nate hosts this discussion on what constitutes an ecological civilization with guests
          • William Rees
          • Rex Weyler
          • Nora Bateson
      • Reflections Overall,

        • an insightful discussion on the polycrisis and
        • reflections on what is in store for civilization.
      • There is consensus that
        • what we are experiencing has been decades in the making and
        • the solutions-oriented approach to solving problems has only treated the symptoms and indeed has made things worse.
      • There is a strong undercurrent of the emptiness in nature
      • Rex

        • emphasized the folly of human exceptionalism that has been socially normalized and which
        • continues to create the major separation that fuels the polycrisis.
        • Not recognizing that we are nature, not recognizing our animal nature
        • we look upon nature with an attitude of controlling nature, rather than flowing with her.
        • advocated Taoism as a more consistent way to frame nature rather than the reductionist, control methodology that separates us from nature.
      • Nora's perspective is the folly of abstraction that generates fixed preconceptions of aspects of nature that we then reify.

        • The fixed preconceptions are solidified but they are an oversimplified version of reality,
        • and that oversimplification leads to actualizing the cliche"a little knowledge is dangerous" into civilization
        • in other words, the continuous manufacture of progress traps.
      • William sees our impending crash as not only inevitable, but natural.

        • In this, he concurs with Rex's perspective.
        • Human beings are simply another species and like them,
          • we are susceptible to population explosions when negative feedbacks are removed,
          • which can lead to nature self-correcting with mass dieoff when resources are overconsumed.
    1. I think things will unfold  exactly as nature requires that they do. There   will be, unless humans actively and intelligently  implement our own process of negative feedbacks so   that we withdraw our dominance from the ecosystems  of which we are apart, then nature will do it for   01:26:57 us.
      • for: planned descent
        • negative feedbacks are nature's way of handling explosive overshoot
        • if we are a wise species, we would do it ourselves.
    2. So I think it's fairly clear that we agree there's  going to be contraction. And the question then   becomes ,what are we really talking about? And I  think as a rough way to begin thinking about this,   could the world with 8 billion people live  sustainably in the absence of fossil fuel?
      • for: planned descent
      • William Rees talks about planned descent, planning to start breeding animals of servitude again to replace all the mechanized, fossil fuel systems, plus one or two acres to sustain those draft animals.
    3. because contraction is inevitable,   the question then is how do we do that best  together? And that the wisdom in that is not   00:57:31 going to be packaged in a book. The wisdom  of that is going to be in the particular   and a sensitivity to the particular
      • for: contraction, planned descent, overshoot,
      • comment
        • Nora basically advocates for spontaneity, winging it, but with tools at your disposal to emerge solutions as appropriate.
  4. Sep 2022
  5. Jul 2022
    1. New DNA technology is shaking up the family trees of many plants and animals.

      One of Darwin's most compelling arguments in favour of evolution by means of natural selection was just how many different, apparently unrelated phenomena it explained. One of these was 'Classification' (what we now call taxonomy).

      Darwin argued that, when the taxonomists of his day arranged species into hierarchical groups, those tree-like groupings were best explained by genealogical descent.

      Now that biological evolution is accepted as a fact, genealogical descent has become the criterion taxonomists use to place species into hierarchical groups. Ironically, Darwin's explanation of taxonomy means it can no longer be used to justify his theory because modern taxonomy is, in effect, defined by his theory.

      The strongest tool we have for identifying genealogical descent in species is modern DNA analysis. This has helped identify many mistakes in former, non-DNA-based taxonomic classifications. But DNA analysis can't be used in all cases… For example, we do not have access to DNA samples of the vast majority of extinct species.

  6. Jun 2021
  7. Apr 2016
    1. Effect of step size. The gradient tells us the direction in which the function has the steepest rate of increase, but it does not tell us how far along this direction we should step.

      That's the reason why step size is an important factor in optimization algorithm. Too small step can cause the algorithm longer to converge. Too large step can cause that we change the parameters too much thus overstepped the optima.