10 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
  2. Oct 2024
  3. Jun 2024
    1. Land a better job

      JobLeads claims to offer free services, but they are all paywalled so much that they are useless. The only way to stop their emails is to delete your account. Their free services are a scam.

  4. Apr 2024
  5. Nov 2021
    1. Now after a long debugging session, our developer has found the timing issue. They now realize that there is a wait_until method in the API, and immediately think that, "hey, this sounds like what I need!"
    2. Its existence confuses people into thinking that it is necessary, when in fact it isn’t.
  6. Feb 2017
    1. KaveriSubrah-manyam,aprofessorofpsychologyatCaliforniaStateUniversity,LosAnge-les.

      Follow leads: Try locating scholars in google scholar:

      Kaveri Subrahmanyan Skim the titles. Notice any areas that you might hone in on:

      • internet use impact on relationships
      • sexual identity and social media
      • teen well being and gaming
      • young women's attraction to video games
    2. LarryRosen,aprofessorofpsychologyatCalifor-niaStateUniversity,DominguezHills
    3. “TheNo.1problemisthattheUnit-edStatesdoesn’thavedata-protection”requirements,saysAliceMarwick,anassistantprofessorincommunicationandmediastudiesatFordhamUni-versityinNewYorkCity

      Follow leads: Why did the authors cite this 'expert'? Does she have other related works on the topic?



    4. nearly164millionAmer-icanswereusingsocialmedia,accordingtotheNewYorkCity-basedmedia-researchcompa-nyNielsen,andbyJuly2012thenumberhadrisen5per-cent,toabout172million.

      Follow leads: What is Nielsen? Might they supply more recent data?
