7 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. Der Weltbiodiversitätsrat IPBES fordert in zwei unmittelbar hintereinander publizierten Berichten, dem „Nexus Report“ und dem „Transformative Change Report“, ein radikale Transformation des bestehenden Wirtschaftssystems, um Kipppunkte nicht zu überschreiten und die miteinander zusammenhängenden ökologisch-sozialen Krisen zu bekämpfen https://www.lapresse.ca/actualites/environnement/2024-12-18/crise-de-la-biodiversite/un-rapport-choc-propose-de-reformer-le-capitalisme.php

      Zum Transformative Change Report: https://www.ipbes.net/transformative-change/media-release

      Zum Nexus Report: https://www.ipbes.net/nexus/media-release

  2. Oct 2021
    1. I wrote it because I believe everyone can contribute to the radical transformations we need today.
    2. Have we been underestimating our collective capacity for social change?

      Recommended by Mark Wagnon

      A new way of ‘World Building (Manifesting through Quantum Social Science)

  3. May 2021
    1. He knew that sooner or later he would obey O'Brien's summons. Perhaps tomorrow, perhaps after a long delay--he was not certain. What was happening was only the working-out of a process that had started years ago. The first step had been a secret, involuntary thought, the second had been the opening of the diary. He had moved from thoughts to words, and now from words to actions. The last step was something that would happen in the Ministry of Love. He had accepted it. The end was contained in the beginning. But it was frightening: or, more exactly, it was like a foretaste of death, like being a little less alive. Even while he was speaking to O'Brien, when the meaning of the words had sunk in, a chilly shuddering feeling had taken possession of his body. He had the sensation of stepping into the dampness of a grave, and it was not much better because he had always known that the grave was there and waiting for him.

      premonition of the end, metafictive, accepting death

    2. It was O'Brien.
    3. He told her of the strange intimacy that existed, or seemed to exist, between himself and O'Brien, and of the impulse he sometimes felt, simply to walk into O'Brien's presence, announce that he was the enemy of the Party, and demand his help.


  4. Oct 2020
    1. James Bronterre O’Brien, told the people:‘Knaves will tell you that it is because you have no property, you are unrepresented. I tell you on the contrary, it is because you are unrepresented that you have no property …’16

      great quote