4 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2024
  2. Feb 2024
    1. attribute a quality label to credentials outsidethe formal system

      Model for HE to value high quality external (non-accredited) credentials

    2. Assigning credits to learning outcomes allows for the accumulationof units of learning and provides for transferability from one setting to another forvalidation and recognition. Interviewees representing countries in which VETsystems are modularised indicated that modules are designed to indicate a set oflearning outcomes that are expressed in terms of credits. The interviewees fromnational authorities and VET providers commonly agreed that the introduction ofmodular structures in VET and the application of a learning outcomes-basedapproach was set to provide more individualised training paths, enabling accessand progression for learners.

      Align Learning Outcomes to Credits (key for meaningful unbundling/bundling)

  3. Feb 2023
    1. Expand the state’s credit for prior learning toolbox, with a particularfocus on industry credential-to-course credit

      Credential-to-Course Credit