9 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2020
  2. Sep 2016
    1. Although Piaget thought that sensorimotor be-haviors were important precursors to post"infancy development, this work on the role of gestures suggests that such behaviors may be impor-tant mechanisms of development even years later.

      How to integrate gestures into classroom pedagogy? For English, theater is an example

    2. In short, the chil-dren's level of cognitive functioning has to do with the fit between children and their environment, not the children alone.

      So when students are upset that they can't wear hoods in class or that their phone was taken away, their cognitive functioning is diminished.

    3. n a sense, emotions provide the energy be-hind cognition. For example, feelings influence the content to which structures arc applied. A child with a passion for airplanes is likely to learn a great deal about them.

      Then it's important to encourage individual student passions! How to integrate into teaching models?

    4. Moreover, the theory suggests that teachers should teach concepts in a particular sequence of developmental steps. In addition, for true understanding, children must learn the concepts underlying mathematical and scientific knowledge, rather than just memorize facts. Piaget would have been critical of"teaching to the test." He crit-icized typical educational assessments for focusing on correct answers rather than on children's thought processes for reaching the answers. In short, a teacher mainly provides guidance and resources so that chil-dren can teach themselves.

      Some applications of Piaget's findings. Reminds me of criticism of common core for not being "developmentally appropriate" for kindergartners.

    1. Neither is there evidence that of the thousands trained in the method, any more than a small percentage of teachers continue to practice it.

      Interesting - I would argue that this style of teaching is still in vogue; I was taught to teach this way.

    2. Reified ideas are not real in any material sense. Rather, they are ideas and ·abstractions about human attributes and behaviors-what social scientists call constructs.

      Reified idea/social construct: abstract ideas become common knowledge and are used as if they are true without any proof

    3. Put bluntly, Herrnstein and Mur-ray state that the average African American is less well educated and less wealthy than the average white because he or she is not born with the capacity to be as smart. Therefore, the authors also claim, social programs that attempt to close opportunity gaps-programs such as Head Start, compensatory edu-cation, and affirmative action-are costly and useless

      Having a theory like this can drastically affect practical measures; a politician believing this would not prioritize funding these programs.