- Nov 2024
In my brag document, I like to do this by making a section for areas that I’ve been focused on (like “security”) and listing all the work I’ve done in that area there. This is especially good if you’re working on something fuzzy like “building a stronger culture of code review” where all the individual actions you do towards that might be relatively small and there isn’t a big shiny ship.
This is such a clever way to create a container that otherwise might not have existed for that work. I wonder if this would be a good way to highlight glue work?
- Nov 2021
docdrop.org docdrop.org
long-suffering great Odysseus
this epithet appears 19 times by my search/count
It's use here underlines his situation as he contemplates his potential death in simply going to sleep after war and travels to return home.
Was there a Greek idea for "complaining"? The bard here is impinging on complaining on behalf of Odysseus with the description of how hard he's got it, but seems to be glorifying it and Odysseus' grit at the same time. Feels almost akin to the modern idea of the "humble brag", but with "complaining" as the root, thus suggesting "humble complaint".
- Sep 2013
caseyboyle.net caseyboyle.net
Moreover, you will find that these men are able to carry on a profitable business in alone; if they were to sail to any other place they would starve to death; while my resources, which this fellow has exaggerated, have all come to me from abroad.
A bit of bragging. A good jab at the "other" Sophists.