3 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2023
    1. ’est une langue que j’aime mais que je parle moyennement bien. Mon grand-père Alexis parlait en créole, et mon père aussi, de temps en temps quand il se fâchait, quand il était en colère
  2. Sep 2017
    1. The emergence of text messaging abbreviations and languages is another form of creolization—in this case the literal creation of a creole (Castells etal., 2009).



    1. I like to think of Pollen markup a way of capturing not just the text, but also my ideas about the text. Some of these are low-level ideas (“this text should be italicized”). Some are high-level ideas (“this text is the topic of the page”). Some are just notes to myself. In short, everything I know about the text becomes part of the text.In so doing, Pollen markup becomes the source code of the book.

      Es similar a lo que ocurre con los %keyword en Grafoscopio, más la estructura arbórea que provee para el texto y los %embed que permiten que un nodo pueda ser llamado por otro.