- May 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
we've got a whole generation of young people who are already hybrid cyborgs they live half their life on the internet
- quote worthy
- "we already have a whole generation of young people
- who are already hybrid cyborgs
- They live half their life on the internet"
- host quoting Elise Bohan from her book
- quote worthy
when people do die it is almost like I think a colleague of mine under Sandberg 00:31:27 says that when somebody died the library Burns because all of that wisdom that they're carrying around in their minds that it took decades and decades to build up inside of them gets extinguished
- comment
- I think many of us have had this thought!
- that when we die, vast amounts of wisdom is extinguished along with that person
- As our digital tools become more sophisticated, however,
- we are uploading our libraries to the digital collective intelligence network
- the internet may well evolve to become the epitome and master repository of human cumulative cultural evolution.
- even AI could not exist if it did not mine a training set of billions of human and their shared ideas
- Perhaps it is the internet which is the vehicle for collective hybridized human-cyborg immortality?
- If knowledge is preserved this way, then this flavor of immortality is only meaningful for our species
- I think many of us have had this thought!
- comment
- Mar 2023
docs.google.com docs.google.com无标题文档1
I do think Haraway could have written it in a much more approachable way. The manifesto is using cyborg as a symbol of boundary transgression. So many binary relations are broken down, that of human and animal, men and women, organism and machine, physical and non-physical, reality and culture, the mortal and immortal, because a cyborg could be both. Overall this piece of writing causes more anxiety in me than elation. When the boundaries between human and animal, organism and machine, mortal and immortal all been broken down, what would befall humanities? What changes would it bring to literature writing/studies? It’s been normally agreed that literature is about human conditions, but what becomes literature when human beings in its original sense, which is dismantled by the cyborg myth, won’t exist? The piece is also an attack against traditional feminist position. The idea of a cyborg is supposed to dissolve differences and hierarchies based on gender, race. What about age and class? Wouldn't cyborgs become most efficient capitalist war machines, colonial instruments? Isn’t the concept of “cyborg” itself a hegemonic idea that exclude those who don’t have access to technology? In China, people without a smart phone can’t book a taxi, order takeouts, make a payment in certain business areas, or even enter any public space during the pandemic control period. What about those women, who haven’t gained equal status as a human being in the Enlightenment sense, suddenly being forced into a posthuman era? Isn’t this a violent erasing of the oppression and struggles those women have suffered and endured? Isn’t this breaking down of boundaries often the cause rather than the way out of our sense of dislocation and identity crises?
- Mar 2020
web.archive.org web.archive.org
I would rather be a cyborg than a goddess
The goddess is referring to the societal bounds that women are objectified to. That at the time, women were placed into. Men would idealize this "women", this perfect being that stays away from harsh truths, or anything against the purity of a perfected goddess image. Being a cyborg, allows for the indiivdual, the women, to be open and anything she wants. Which is why Cyborg > Goddess
- Apr 2019
scalar.usc.edu scalar.usc.edu
A pertinent video which could be annotated in multiple ways by addressing the agency of accessories as a form of empowerment for drag people in a new subjectivity.
Some guiding questions raised by your topic and your in-class presentation:
How will you convey defamiliarization by using the psychoanalytic of Freud through the point of view of the objects?
Do you think about incorporating comparative analysis of drag's objects used in performances?
In your scholarly sources, will you allude to how posthuman drags can reassert their role in society in an "embodied" way?
As you mentioned in your presentation, I would say that the idea that accessories can become a state of becoming into a cyborg figure (machine aesthetic) could be explored in relation to a vitalist materialist approach to a certain extent.
- Jan 2019
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
The machine-beings that emerge from these couplings thus demon-strate a different form of identity, o
I had to come back to this when I had a memory flash-back. My oldest daughter had Polio before we adopted her from China. For years she had to wear a full leg brace (KAFO) to keep her from hyper-extending her weak and somewhat underdeveloped leg. At first people assumed the brace was temporary, but eventually she started calling it her "bionic leg." It worked. People laughed. It opened up a conversation about her leg rather than making it an object of negative conjecture.
So, to diffuse ideas about disability, difference, and "other," she took on the identity of a cyborg, which acted rhetorically and psychologically on herself and others to diminish the "other" distinction. Calling herself a cyborg became a rhetoric of inclusion.
. In eXistenZ, however, the characters are notall cyborg-style hybrids, wherein the category of the human must first beimagined as relatively discrete in order for it to be connected to (andpotentially troubled by) its Others (human plus machine). Many of thehuman characters in this film exist simply as sites of information ex-change—material entities produced by and teeming with swarms ofothers (codes, identities, technologies, knowledges, and so forth). In
As opposed to the robots in WestWorld: they look human, they have skin and blood, but the emphasis is mostly on the code that makes them behave in certain ways.
I wouldn't say that I consider the "hosts" in WestWorld to be cyborgs--they are not part machine, part human-- they are all machine. Or is skin the definition of human? How much human material does it take to be cyborg?
- Jun 2018
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.netzine.pdf1
We have found that asking people directly, as one would in a physical interaction, is a strong practice. How might your experience of the Internet shift if people who had access to your digital body, whether in the form of photos or contact information, were to check in with you from time to time about it? What technologies would we need to build to help us manage ongoing and direct consent processes?
- Jan 2016
hackeducation.com hackeducation.com
cyborg tactic
I like this phrase.