15 Matching Annotations
- Feb 2023
Cannot make it run due to lib incompatibillities, Feb2023 :-( - related to #199: Is Project Dead? - contributions has fallen after 2021.
- Nov 2022
unchartedterritories.tomaspueyo.com unchartedterritories.tomaspueyo.com
Source: Karim Douieb via core77
Wow graphics: diagram on population density & leftwing voting.
medium.com medium.com
How to hash a MongoDB collection?
- Oct 2022
18 MLOps FOSS tools. The Q remains: how some of these combine all together?
www.oreilly.com www.oreilly.com
Explain the need for [[mlflow]] and more tools for data/model governance.
neptune.ai neptune.ai
Somewhat biased for neptune, omitting things unsupported on its side,
www.netguru.com www.netguru.com
Experiment-tracking alone tools:
- neptune.ai
- Wandb
Full-lifecycle tools:
- MLflow/Databricks ...
a Data Scientist or a Researcher,
Analyze pros & cons based on the the well-written distinction between these roles: - Data scientist/Researcher - ML Engineer - Project Lead
Neptune.io PoV.
- Mar 2022
www.netguru.com www.netguru.com
Simple 3 Qs for the candidate to develop his approach.
- Aug 2019
towardsdatascience.com towardsdatascience.com
Machine learning is an approach to making many similar decisions that involves algorithmically finding patterns in your data and using these to react correctly to brand new data
- Jun 2019
www.learndatasci.com www.learndatasci.com
Great list
- May 2019
Overview of data repositories.
- Oct 2018
towardsdatascience.com towardsdatascience.com
data science
towardsdatascience.com towardsdatascience.com
data science