- Mar 2022
www.cs.umd.edu www.cs.umd.edu
Of course, users are still the source of the insight that makes a complete document also a compelling document.
Nice that he takes a more humanistic viewpoint here rather than indicating that it will all be artificial intelligence in the future.
- Sep 2021
chat.indieweb.org chat.indieweb.org
# 21:30 @voxpelli ↩️ Better to name things for what they are rather than trying to make it into something else through deceptive names like "web 3.0". I mean, eg. the IndieWeb could also have called itself "web 3.0", I guess Mastodon could as well. There truly must be a better name? (twitter.com/_/status/1442601857105346560)
The conversation here makes me wonder about the idea of a more humanist web following onto the humanist movement in the 1400-1500s.
- Jul 2021
engl201.opened.ca engl201.opened.ca
ll these tools help with organizing and analyzing and thus facilitate the real work of the humanist, which, as noted, is to interpret the evidence of human lives, thoughts and actions.
This definition of the work of the humanist is interesting to me. The question it creates for me is how the tools themselves dictate or influence the humanists' 'interpretation of human lives, thoughts and actions'? There are so many digital tools and and platforms that allow for expression of ideas but inherently must limit this expression based on their design. As well the tools the humanist chooses are also an expression of their personal bias potentially affecting what they communicate to the reader/viewer.
- Apr 2017
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
The implication of this \\l"Ould be that a differ-ent understanding of rhetoric would likely lead to a quite different story about the history of rhetoric and about rhetoric's place in our world today
Or that, for example, we might not have a humanist view of rhetoric if not for the Enlightenment?
- Mar 2017
www.jstor.org.ezproxy.uleth.ca www.jstor.org.ezproxy.uleth.ca
The ideal seminar, whether traditional or electronic, is a kind of long conversation, con- vened by a single person but conducted by everyone for mutual enlightenment. Its purpose is not so much to convey facts as to further under- standing of its subject, to train the minds of its participants, and so to help create a community of scholars. It is a pedagogical structure in which every member is both teacher and student
Why a listserv makes for a good seminar: it is about opinion, not facts.
ListServ lists are sometimes called "discussion groups," and McLuhan has made the term "global village" almost unavoidable. As I have indicated, I prefer to call HUMANIST an "electronic semi- nar" (henceforth "e-seminar") and so invoke the academic metaphor of a large table around which everyone sits for the purpose of argumentation, in
McCarty uses the metaphor of the seminar
On the practical level, HUMANIST and similar groups have demonstrated that we can certainly take advantage of the new medium for traditional scholarly and academic purposes. Experience with HUMANIST suggests that the new medium, care- fully managed, may be just what is needed to foster widespread humanistic discussion and collabora- tion in a world largely indifferent to its goal
Argues that listserves have demonstrated that we can take advantage of the medium for traditional scholarly and academic purposes.
d to our immature understanding of the new me
McCarty on the nascent nature of email correspondence
Local file Local file
One of the earliest nonscience scholarly uses of this technology was the listHumanist,
Humanist claimed as one of the earliest uses of Listserv for nonscience scholarly work
McCarty saw a kind of electronic seminar, whosepurpose was ‘‘not so much to convey facts as to further understanding of its subject, to trainthe minds of its participants, and so to help create a community of scholars.’’
McCarty's goal for Humanist
In some ways, the exchange of correspondence publicly over these networksconstitutes a new form of publication. The posting on a list frequently resembles a letter to theeditor where someone conveys their opinions on a subjec
A way of understanding listservs as a new form of scholarly communication--like a letter to the editor.