7 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. https://web.archive.org/web/20240611050132/https://jentery.github.io/ts200v2/notes.html

      An interesting read turning a range of #psts issues into specific reflection questions to ask at the start of a tech project. With references to the background concepts. From 2018. #toread

      Vgl [[Techpledge 20190917062614]] as the 'political' phrasing of same.

  2. May 2024
    1. Hamish Campbell on a '4 opens framework', which seems to be opennes, transparency, collaboration and decentralisation, to enable improvements in empowerment, equity and justice, community building, sustainability. Sounds like a cross between [[Networked Agency 20160818213155]] and [[Open Definition 20201004114932]]

      Hmm, same author at https://www.reddit.com/user/openmedianetwork/comments/1aoyruz/the_4opens_framework_provides_a_set_of_principles/ names them in Feb 2024 as #opendata, #opensource, #openstandards and #openprocess.

  3. Jan 2024
    1. Bei Web2.0 und dessen Einfluss auf ‚local resilience‘ ist es logisch das lokale Themen, lokale politische Strukturen wichtig sind, so soll es auch sein

      In this comment by Heinz I mention local resilience on #2009/05/26

    1. A Denial of Future Attack is about the overwhelming influx of information that paralyzes decision-making, particularly regarding actions crucial for shaping future outcomes. Unlike a Denial of Service attack, which targets digital infrastructure, a DoFA targets the human mind’s capacity to process information and make decisions.

      A DoFA is swamping someone/a process with so much information (fake, true or whatever) so that it stalls proper decision making. DoFA targets people's agency by hobbling information processing and thus obstructing decision making. Misinfo/desinfo campaigns then are a form of DDoF. Examples given also suggest a DoFA may succeed if there is only a hint of misinfo/fakery, making all information suspect. Vgl [[Reverse Turing menszijn bewijs vaker nodig 20230505100459]]

  4. Nov 2023
    1. The extent to which we're willing to go to mitigate the impacts of our lifestyle choices is astonishing.

      This one makes sense to me. Mitigating symptoms of life style choices, rather than addressing those choices. At the lower socio-economic end because you don't have many options (smoking as only affordable relaxation e.g.), and at the higher end because the choices are what yields the higher socio-economic status, and the mitigation signals that status, and adds to it, helps define it, an aesthetic choice in Bourdieu's fashion (distinction theory / [[Goede smaak is klassebewustzijn 20220212075212]]. Still individual coping rather than facing the systemic factors causing them or organising [[Networked Agency 20160818213155]] in the face of it.

  5. Sep 2022
    1. But the library? In this country, they’re oases in a desert of social infrastructure. In many regions they’re more than functional, people rely on them. It’s part of their routine. It’s a safe haven for anyone, literally anyone, to use.

      Libraries are community centers, public infrastructure. Vgl the networked agency work with Fers regional libraries in Fryslan "Impact Through Connection" https://www.zylstra.org/blog/2017/03/more-fun-than-annual-class-trip-making-at-school-some-first-observations/

  6. Aug 2022
    1. And then the last one was network awareness. We live in a networked world, and understanding how networks work enables you to have a richer relationship with what’s going on online.

      Just mentioned in passing. To me this is a key one, especially as networks is where the human and digital fully overlap / become the same. Humans are intuitively good at networks of humans, digital networks present the same structures over which those people interact with their human networks. [[Menselijk en digitaal netwerk zijn gelijksoortig 20200810142551]] It's where the potential of distributedness is at, as well as the unit of agency, human digital networks. Should better detail this, as it is key in my [[Networked Agency 20160818213155]]

      The networked bit can strengthen the other 4 literacies, if projected onto them. E.g. my infostrats, based on social filtering, help determine signal, show what's going on in different areas, help decide what warrants attention etc.